Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The "Sick" Veteran's Administration" (VA) Needs A Doctor -- And Recognition Of The Natural Law!

  The powers that be who are running and ruining our beloved country will stop at nothing in order to implement a twisted version of "equality," and "rights," to the point of cruelly mutilating the magnificent creation of the human body.

As each day goes by, the politics of lunacy and downright stupidity continue unabated, as is witnessed by this disgusting revelation in the following article from and written by Calvin Freiburger:  Seattle VA hospital requested over $600K to expand gender ‘transition’ services: report - LifeSite (

All I can say at this point, is that if I didn't need medical treatment for ailments and diseases I suffered, caused from the time I was in Vietnam (due to the deadly Agent Orange), I would have absolutely nothing to do with these fools!

In a sense, though, the blame for these shenanigans should not be laid at the feet of the good docs and nurses at the VA facilities, but at the upper echelon all the way up to the alleged "president" and his warped cronies holding the White House hostage for over three years now...

The sick, incoherent, apostate Biden, as well as most of his cabinet appointments are -- believe it or not! -- "Catholic"!  

Sadly, they haven't got the guts to stand up for their precious faith and have succumbed to the evil that is so prevalent in this "administration"...  

Remember what our Lord told us in the Bible: if you deny Me before men, I will deny you before My Father... Have those "Catholics" forgotten that?  Apparently so...

God help them!

Here are the first two paragraphs of the article: SEATTLE (LifeSiteNews) — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Puget Sound medical facility in Washington state sought more than half a million dollars last year to expand gender “transition” surgeries, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

VA Puget Sound’s Fiscal Year 2023 funding proposal to the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Surgery Office (NSO) put the projected cost of a proposed Comprehensive Gender Affirming Surgical Center (CGASC) at $642,562 in 2023 and more than $1.5 million by 2027, according to the report."

End of excerpts.

Personally, I would not advise any young man (or woman) to enter today's military!  The above story is bad enough, but there are many other reasons not to join, that a simple search will, unfortunately, show... 

By the way, there are many other ways to serve your country as a good and moral citizen, for one: willing to help -- and show charity -- toward his neighbor and fulfill the second great Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor

Pray for the defeat of these lunatics and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The WEF Davos 2024 Circus: Their One Objective Is “Massively To Reduce World Population”...

 The following article is from and written by Peter Koenig Global Research...

I will post several excerpts, but please read the entire article...

"The WEF circus has been going on for too long – 54 years. The WEF’s naval-glancing organizers and participants are distancing themselves ever-more from reality, while they have one objective and one objective only – massively reducing world population, so that Mother Earth’s remaining natural resources will serve a small elite “forever”, instead of being swallowed by “useless eaters”, who can rapidly be replaced by robots, transhumans (chipped human survivors), and Artificial Intelligence (AI)."

And this: “The WEF is the brainchild of German executive Klaus Schwab, who, with immense skill, devised a relatively small cohort of corporate and political elitists, who were and are becoming immensely wealthy along the way."

Also: “In addition, the demonstrations of frivolity and intellectual mediocrity that the famous forum emits are increasingly scandalous. For example, the impression that the prostitute traffickers make during these meetings – why not some orgies while we save the world with 2100 euro-a-night ladies?

“Perhaps this is not the best example as it is the oldest profession in the world.

“But the pitiful spectacle of a supposed witch, sorceress, or God knows what, emitting sounds and spitting on the faces of some panelists, is decidedly pathetic [PK note: a cult ritual]."

My emphasis...

Now I ask, why would the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio (Francis) endorse these monsters???

See my article here: Why??

And, yes, he did endorse these anti-Christs...

(The original source of this article is Global Research.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Truly Sick, Truly Evil, But Who Cares??

 Does any right thinking, authentic Catholic need any more proof of the apostacy that has infected the novus ordo church over the last 60 years??

Well, I'm sad to say, here it is...

The following two articles/videos will conclusively show what previous -- faithful -- popes have always condemned, but what is now considered "normal" inside the gangrenous Vatican regime holding the Chair of St. Peter hostage...

One is from and written by Michael HaynesPope Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury lead ecumenical Vespers in papal basilica - LifeSite (

If you can stomach that, then here is another video that completely smashes the false ecumenism and idolatry of the novus ordo church from  Francis Allows Fake Eucharist To Defile Basilica During "Ecumenical" Week (

As I wrote earlier, previous faithful popes have condemned such blasphemous nonsense, leading, no doubt, to confusion and scandal among those Catholics still attending novus ordo masses and "RCIA" programs...

As always, judge for yourself...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Pope Francis Is The Pope He Was Waiting For!

 Come again??

Let's see if we can unravel this...

In an article from Crisis Magazine, comes this take on the papacy of Francis, written by Pope Francis Is the Pope He Was Waiting For - Crisis Magazine.

Under the heading of the article: "The Church under Pope Francis has become infiltrated by the strange ideological connotations found among communist-sympathizing Liberation Theologians."

Instead of posting excerpts, I thought it important to post the entire article...

"In my book Status Envy: The Politics of Catholic Higher Education, there is a chapter titled “A Pope Away from a Perfect Life for the Jesuits.” The chapter documents in depressing detail the ways in which the Jesuits began to wage war with the pope following Vatican II. It describes how the 28 Jesuit campuses became the battlefields for a protracted war between the Jesuits and Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. From heretical theologians to social justice warriors lobbying for LGBTQ+ clubs and activities and student access to contraception and insurance coverage for abortion, Jesuit campuses had become contested terrain for Catholic teachings. 

Beyond these campuses, the Jesuit war on the papacy is well documented in a number of books and articles—including Passionate Uncertainty, which pointed out that most within the Jesuit Order “denigrated and deceived” each of the popes, disobeying them as they waited for each pope to die in the hope that the next pope would leave the Order with a free hand to accomplish their new, more worldly mission of social justice. Believing themselves to be just a pope away from a perfect life of freedom from doctrinal constraints, Rev. Paul Shaughnessy, S.J., observed in an article titled “Are the Jesuits Catholic?” published in The Weekly Standard in 2002 that “the Jesuits became papists who hate the Pope and evangelists who have lost the faith.”  

This animosity toward the pope disappeared with the election in 2013 of one of their own Jesuit priests, Rev. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. As a Jesuit priest from Latin America, Pope Francis was at the epicenter of the earliest days of Jesuit resistance to the pope following Vatican II when a small number of Jesuit priests became involved in the propagation of a new, more liberating and empowering theology that coupled theology with sociology and a dominant concern for the “here and now” rather than eternal salvation. A longtime Jesuit commitment to missionary work in Latin America became redefined when the Jesuits began to view their mission in more worldly terms.   

Specifically, the Jesuits began to see their work as helping Nicaragua defeat the regime led by the Somoza family. Allying with Daniel Ortega and the Marxist Sandinistas, the Jesuits became leaders in what emerged as a violent Sandinista attack on the Somoza regime. The Jesuit alliance also involved alliances with Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba as well as the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Soviet Union. 

The Sandinista leaders openly proclaimed their ultimate aim: to create a Marxist society in Nicaragua to serve as the beginning of a Marxist revolution throughout Central America. The Jesuits were integral to this goal. With more than 90 percent of the Nicaraguan population belonging to the Catholic Church, the Sandinistas knew that they needed to enlist the Jesuits and the Church to legitimate their activities. Liberation Theology provided the Sandinista revolutionaries with support because this theology “of the people” combined Christianity with the very aim of Marxism-Leninism.  

Pope Francis came of age during these early days of Liberation Theology. He appears to have been shaped by the new theology promoted by Gustavo Gutierrez, a Peruvian priest known as the “Father of Liberation Theology.” Author of A Theology of Liberation, Gutierrez viewed theology as “situational,” defining a “process not an outcome.”

Likewise, there was Franciscan Liberation Theologian Leonardo Boff, the chief promoter of the dream of a Marxist utopia in which the “people of God” became the new Church and made the rules of the Church. In Boff’s book—which was strongly denounced by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1985—Boff dismissed the hierarchical authority of the Church, mandating that “the sacred power must be put back into the hands of the people.” As Malachi Martin explained in The Jesuits,

No teaching or directing authority would be allowed “from above,” from the alien, hierarchic Church. In fact, the very symbols of that Church had to be firmly rejected. Symbols and all else must come “from below.” From the people.

Concerned about this new theology of the “Church of the People,” Cardinal Ratzinger pronounced that Boff revealed “a profound misunderstanding of the Catholic faith as regards the Church of God in the world.” Likewise, Pope John Paul II wrote a letter to the Nicaraguan bishops denouncing the “People’s Church” in especially harsh terms: 

This church born of the people was a new invention that was both absurd and of perilous character…Only with difficulty could it avoid being infiltrated by strangely ideological connotations along the line of a certain political radicalization, for accomplishing determined aims. 

Today, the Church under Pope Francis has become infiltrated by the same strange ideological connotations. Pope Francis has resurrected both Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez and Leonardo Boff and given Boff papal advisor status. The National Catholic Register has suggested that Boff has become a “spokesman” for Pope Francis “with some of his most audacious proposals.” Boff was a major contributor to the encyclical Laudato Si’ and most recently lauded Fratelli Tutti on his website. Of Laudato Si’Boff claimed that “Great names in world ecology affirmed: with this contribution, Pope Francis puts himself at the forefront of the contemporary ecological discussion.”

In fact, Boff has been the strongest supporter of Pope Francis and his elevation of the melding of the political ideology and liberation theology of Latin America. On his website Boff was dismissive of what he called the “European Church as an ally of colonization.” For Boff, the Church has been:  

…an accomplice of indigenous genocide and a participant in slavery. A colonial Church was implanted here, a mirror of the European Church. But for more than 500 years, despite the persistence of the mirror Church, there has been an ecclesio-genesis, the genesis of another way of being church, a church no longer mirror but source.  

For Boff, this “new church” was 

incarnated in the local indigenous black-mestizo and immigrant culture of peoples from 60 different countries…It projected a theology appropriate to its liberating and popular practice. It has its prophets, confessors, theologians, saints, and many martyrs, among them the Archbishop of San Salvador.  

 In an essay published nearly 20 years ago entitled “Liberal Catholicism Re-examined,” Peter Steinfels, a one-time religion correspondent for The New York Times wrote, “one definition of liberal Catholicism is simply papal teaching a hundred years too soon.” Published in Believing Scholars: Ten Catholic Intellectuals, Steinfels, a retired professor at Fordham University, reflected the sentiments of most progressive theologians on Catholic college campuses who believed that their dissenting views on the Divinity of Christ, the path to salvation, women’s ordination, reproductive rights, and sexual morality are the views of the future of the Catholic Church.

The current reign of Pope Francis and his promise to remake the Church appears to validate Steinfels’ prophetic statement. In fact, even Steinfels must be a bit surprised at how quickly papal teachings have changed. Most of us became complacent, believing that Church teachings on life, marriage, sin, and forgiveness were safe under the papacies of St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Besides, even Cardinal Francis George, the late episcopal leader of the Chicago Archdiocese, gave an important homily in 2004 which dismissed liberal Catholicism as “an exhausted project, now parasitical on a substance that no longer exists.”

Most of us believed Cardinal George when he said that progressive Catholicism was “exhausted…unable to pass on the faith in its integrity.” Few could have predicted how successful Pope Francis would be at reviving it. But we all underestimated the power of the Francis papacy to bring to life something that most of us thought was dead. Chronicles contributor John Zmirak captured this best when he declared that Pope Francis has “wrenched from the mortician’s table the suppurating corpse of progressive Catholicism, electrified it back to the semblance of life, and turned it loose on the faithful.”

And now we are faced with a Church that is divided between those of us who still believe in the unchanging truths of natural law on life and sexuality and those like Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J.—another Jesuit spokesperson for Pope Francis—who has described those Catholics and Protestants who support natural law in their work in the pro-life movement or on LGBTQ+ issues as participating in an “ecumenism of hate.”

It is clear which side the pope is on. In the latest Vatican declaration on blessings for same sex couples, Pope Francis has warned priests that they may not cast moral judgment on same-sex couples who ask for a blessing from them, preferring a “pastoral approach” that refrains from teaching about the immorality of same-sex acts or extra-marital sexual relationships. In September 2023, Pope Francis appointed Fr. Spadaro, S.J., to be the undersecretary for the Dicastery for Culture and Education at the Vatican.  

It is difficult to predict how much deeper the divisions within the Church can become. Pope Francis appears to provide no middle ground—no room for compromise on issues like the same-sex blessings or the suspension of the Latin Mass. Fr. Spadaro claims to believe that “Pope Francis wants to break the organic link between culture, politics, institution and Church,” but that could not be further from the truth. Pope Francis has brought politics into every aspect of the Church—denigrating political candidates for office like Donald Trump by claiming that “Donald Trump is not Christian” because “a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”   

In the lead-up to the most recent presidential elections in Argentina, Pope Francis appeared to promote the pro-labor candidate and warn about the conservative candidate as one who offers “messianic solutions to a crisis, saying that the way out is never individual…if workers have no rights, they are being enslaved.”

Despite his attempt to intervene in the presidential election in Argentina, Pope Francis had little influence on the outcome as the anti-socialist candidate Javier Milei won the Presidency.  President Milei has called Pope Francis a communist on several occasions. Most recently, President Milei gave a speech last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos alerting those gathered about the same kind of socialism that so many of the advisors to Pope Francis appear to embrace. President Milei warned

I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.  

The current divisions within the Church are unsustainable. But Pope Francis does not seem to recognize the danger as he continues to denigrate the most faithful Catholics in the Church. Just last week, in a meeting with the clergy and deacons in Rome, he mocked what he called (again) the “indietrism of the young clergy”—those he claimed were trying to “lock themselves into formalities, to disguise themselves. You see these young people going to Euroclero, Barbiconi, looking for bonnets.” As long as Pope Francis continues to use the word “indietrism” to denigrate those of us who embrace tradition and natural law, it is unlikely that we will ever find a middle ground during this papacy.   

Pope Francis is the pope that the Jesuits have been waiting for. He is the pope who sees Church teachings as a dynamic process always open to change. He is the pope who envisions a utopian world without borders. And as Fratelli Tutti has made clear, he is the pope who envisions a world without capitalism. 

We may never know why Pope Francis chose to channel Robespierre and the slogan of the French Revolution, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, in Fratelli Tutti—the encyclical praised so effusively by Leonardo Boff—but there is no denying that the chilling Revolutionary phrase headlines section 103 of the papal document and inspires most of its content. And although the Marxist musings were subtle in the encyclical, Daniel Mahoney points out in a recent essay in American Mind that there is nothing subtle in Pope Francis’ latest foray into Communist collaboration:

Just when one hopes against hope it couldn’t get any worse, the politically inept and immoderate pontiff has now called for greater dialogue and cooperation between Christians, on the one hand, and Marxists and Communists on the other. In recent remarks to DIALOP, a group dedicated to dialogue and political cooperation between Christians and Marxists, Francis lauded such cooperation to fight war and injustice and to “imagine a better world.”   

This utopian Marxist dream of a “better world” is exactly what the Jesuits have been waiting for since those early days of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. All of this does little to dispel the concerns of faithful Catholics throughout the United States that their Church is now being led by a pope who is hostile to their faith, their traditions, and their practices, and the true meaning of liberty and freedom as envisioned by the founders of their own country."

Anne Hendershott

Anne Hendershott is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH. She is the author of The Politics of Envy (Crisis Publications, 2020).


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Planned Destruction Of The Traditional Latin Mass -- For "Church Unity"??

 How many times have we heard or read the -- modernist -- prelates of the novus ordo church claim that for the sake of "church unity," the TLM must be eradicated, or else a great schism will spit the church in two!  

I say that the church is already spilt in two by those infiltrators who have ascended to the highest offices in the Vatican, mimicking the tenets of Marxist communism and aligning themselves with the new-world-order, anti-life, anti-Christ maniacs.

The constant attacks on those faithful Catholics, priests and laity, is almost beyond belief!

It's as though we (trads) did something inexcusable or monstrously sinful, and now we have to endure our justified punishment at the hands of what many believe -- including me -- are absolute apostates who have abandoned the precious faith given to us by Christ and His magnificent Apostles...

I keep reading that the reason or justification of the restrictions placed on TLM communities and their dedicated priests, is for "church unity," but, in reality, just the opposite takes place when such communities are deprived of the Mass of the ages.

The hurt and damage inflicted upon faithful Catholics who attend the TLM is incalculable!  But that doesn't seem to matter to the powers that be in the novus ordo church.  The only thing that does matter is "obedience"!

I ask, obedience to what?  


The blessing of the sins that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?

To those who are leading the flock of Christ over the cliff to certain spiritual death?

I think not...

To obey such diabolical and heretical dictates is a vice, not a virtue!

It seems that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, is doubling down in his quest to squelch, not only the TLM, but also traditional order of priests, nuns, brothers and others to the point of disbanding them and confiscating their properties!

How's that for the oft-quoted "mercy," "inclusion," and "accompaniment" of the current regime holding the Vatican hostage! 

From and written by Michael Haynes

EXCLUSIVE: Pope Francis defends restrictions on Latin Mass – ‘Read the motu proprio’ - LifeSite (

Here is an excerpt from the article: "Through Traditionis Custodes celebrations of the traditional Mass were forbidden from taking place in parish churches, and only priests who were granted express permission to do so were able to offer the Mass. Bishops were to ensure strict control over the offering and spread of the traditional Mass, and the Novus ordo Mass was declared the “unique expression” of the Roman Rite."

As always, judge for yourself as to the validity of these uncanonical, diabolical mandates...

Remember, we are told the current persecution of faithful Catholics is all for "unity," but I ask, unity with what?  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr, Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Purple Heart Revisited...

  Here is a brief summary of the Purple Heart from

 Purple Heart, the first U.S. military decoration, instituted by General George Washington in 1782 and awarded for bravery in action. The records show that only three men received it during the American Revolution, all of them noncommissioned officers. Two of these coveted badges still exist. The original medal, sewn onto the coat, was simply a purple heart-shaped piece of cloth edged with silver braid. Although this was the medal of honour of the Revolution, it seems to have been forgotten for about 150 years. The 200th anniversary of Washington’s birth marked the revival of the award (February 22, 1932)...

I was in the Vietnam War, with my dates of service, December 1967 through December 1968.

I was not -- physically -- wounded in any of the skirmishes I experienced, but for many years later -- over 10 years, I, along with many of my brothers, suffered from what is now labeled: PTSD.  

Those who served in World War I, as well as World War II -- I can include the Korean War -- were labeled as having experienced "shell shock".  However, and sadly, some (who suffered with "shell shock" -- PTSD) were looked upon and treated as cowards, if you can believe that! 

As for myself, protecting the perimeter, during the wee hours of the morning, and waiting and watching for any enemy activity: mortar, rocket or ground attack, the idea of dying didn't enter my mind, that is, not until after any military operation took place!  That's usually when the idea that I could have been taken out of this world would finally hit me...

When my tour of duty ended, the majority and I of those who served in Vietnam, flew home on commercial or military jets.  So, some of my brothers might have been in the jungles or rice paddies and fighting for their lives, were pulled out of the field, put on those jets and landed back "in the world," (the U.S.) in about 10-15 hours

That's hours, not days or weeks as previous war veterans were transported on troop or hospital ships.  Those brothers had a chance to unwind, talk, eat some halfway decent food, get some counseling, sleep, get medical attention, etc., but not us... 

In addition, many Vietnam vets suffered with the future effects of deadly herbicides such as Agent Orange.  In fact, many have passed away over the years because of those chemical agents...

(I had a massive cancerous tumor (due to Agent Orange), removed in 2020, followed by 30 radiation treatments, which led to chronic kidney disease and other ailments.))

I have often wondered if they -- myself included -- should be acknowledged for those unseen wounds of the heart, mind and soul, especially those who suffered and died from the family of lethal chemicals used to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam?

Would such suffering and death merit a Purple Heart?  

I don't know, but what I do know is that many families of those vets also suffered seeing their loved ones, slowly, in some cases, painfully slip away from them after answering the call to fight the brutal communists in Southeast Asia...

For now, the Purple Heart is, again, reserved for those who suffered wounds from combat...

Please pray for me and my brothers -- and for all veterans of all wars -- and for peace on earth!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, January 18, 2024


  Why what, exactly?

As each day passes, it becomes increasingly more difficult not to come to the conclusion that the man sitting in the Chair of St. Peter is working -- not for the Holy Ghost, nor for the Holy Catholic Church, but for the anti-Christ, Zeitgeist!  

Sorry to say, but I also think that Bergoglio (Francis) may have severe and worsening mental issues...

Why do I say that?  One in-your-face reason is that Bergoglio praises the WEF and other globalist organizations -- who radically support abortion, contraception and population reduction!   The barbarism of such entities is astonishing, and this is "overlooked" by Francis??

His despicable attacks on anyone and anything that stands fast to Tradition, is but one measurement of his wicked, twisted agenda!

But, if you need any more proof of this, please read the following article from and written by Michael Haynes:  Pope Francis praises Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum in message sent to 2024 Davos summit - LifeSite (

Here is the sentence just below the headline: "Pope Francis did not mention Christ, Catholicism, or the role of the Church in his message, but instead highlighted the role of the World Economic Forum in the world's future and 'the process of globalization.'"

(My emphasis.) 

The call for a one-world-order is pure Marxism, and, for some incredible reason, Francis supports and encourages such lunacy being pushed by many entities, including the WEF and the demon, Klaus Schwab.


We practicing Catholics instinctively know that the reason for the Church in the first place is to lead souls to salvation and the eternal Beatific Vision of the Blessed Trinity -- and our Lord's most Blessed Mother!

Any stated goal that does not mention or preach this from the housetops, is working for Satan, and designed to lead souls to perdition, period!

But this is nothing new...

The infiltration of the church, the novus ordo church, that is, has been in the works for decades, if not centuries.  And, over time, it has had its leaders of various stripes occupying, not only the Chair, but also modernist bishops and priests who have come out of the woodwork after the Sainted Pope, Pius X, went to his eternal reward...

We now see "cardinals" and "bishops" being appointed by Francis to the highest and most influential offices in apostate Rome, some are, without a doubt, sodomites, or at least push and encourage such filth.  

The most recent example of this is the known pervert, "cardinal" Fernandez... 

I am at a loss for words...

Pray for the conversion of Bergoglio (Francis) back to orthodoxy and the Catholic faith, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Stunning! Bergoglio (Francis): "...Said That Although 'It's Not Dogma,' He Likes To Think Hell Is 'Empty.'

 I hate to say it, but with each passing day, we Catholics -- and non-Catholics for that matter -- must be discouraged and despaired at seeing and hearing the scandals, confusion and heresies emanating from the Vatican in the person of Francis.

Now, it seems, that hell is empty, or at least that's what Bergoglio thinks, even though that errant opinion contradicts Biblical teaching, and the very words of our Lord and the Apostles! 

Why does he say such things, whether in a TV interview or flying on jet airliners -- when he once quipped: who am I to judge?  

I cannot believe that he is ignorant of such things, but can only presume -- objectively speaking, of course -- that he knows exactly what he is saying and doing, as is evidenced by the recent blasphemous document on the "blessing" of same-sex "couples"... 

It seems that the Zeitgeist has completely overtaken the novus ordo church being built upon the cries of the French Revolution of "liberty, equality and fraternity", or, said in another way, Marxism (Liberation Theology is part of that monster) and a godless "religion" of man...  

And excluding Christ!

Please read the following article from and listen to the short eight-minute video... 

Pope Francis: 'I like to think of an empty hell' - LifeSite (

Archbishop Fulton Sheen once predicted that there will be a "parallel church," calling itself Catholic, but would be devoid of the Blessed Trinity and Sanctifying grace! 

That prediction, has, in my opinion, come to fruition -- in spades!

Pray for the conversion of Francis and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, January 12, 2024

Devastating! But At Least It Is Finally Out In The Open! Bergoglio (Francis) Tells Communists: Don't Back Down, Don't Give Up!!

  Communism, condemned by previous (faithful!) popes -- and God-given common sense -- is now, under Francis, lauded and encouraged!

Can you believe it???

A Catholic pope encouraging Communism??

This is devastating, not only to the dying-on-the-vine novus ordo church, but to the rest of the world as well, sending a demonic message that the authentic Catholic Church is dead, and the state is the new god on the block...

Please watch/listen and read, the following articles/videos and make up your own mind concerning the wicked agenda of the papacy of Bergoglio (Francis)...

From lifesitenews.comPope Francis tells Communists: ‘Don’t back down, don’t give up’ (

And the actual words of Bergoglio to the Marxists, here: Pope Francis tells Communists: ‘Don’t back down, don’t give up’ - LifeSite (

I really don't know what else to say, except that we must pray for the conversion of Francis back to orthodoxy and the Catholic faith...

It may be a difficult thing to do, but our Lord commanded us to pray for our enemies...

We do, in our daily prayers and Rosaries, do you?

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly And The Fence Sitters...

 Well, Bergoglio (Pope Francis), has sure opened a Pandora's Box of absolute lunacy and blasphemy concerning the "blessings" of same-sex "couples," leading to a "revolt" of those bishops (and priests) that know that our good God cannot, and never will, bless the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance!

Note: notice that I put the word revolt in air quotes to point out that the resistance of those bishops is really not a revolt, but that they are only doing what they are supposed to do when it comes to upholding the Natural Law, Divinely revealed Law and resisting the enemies of Christ and His one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church...

The following article from and written by Michael

Monday, January 8, 2024

Former FBI -- Catholic -- Agent Reveals The Dark Side Of FBI Agenda Against Traditional Catholics!

 The weaponization of the once-iconic FBI against traditional Catholics is nothing short of stunning and reveals a very dark side of the treasonous hierarchy of that governmental organization dead set on crushing the First Amendment's freedom of religion of its citizens!

The following article should give pause to just what is happening in these United States of America -- that is, if it hasn't already given pause with the incarcerated J6 political prisoners stuck in the D.C. gulag for nearly three years for exercising their First Amendment rights to assemble and demand a redress of grievances from the behemoth, intrusive, multi-tentacled, out-of-control, federal bureaucracy...

So, from The Messenger and written by Jeff Cortese, comes this: FBI Intel Report on Catholics Reveals New Weakness in Law Enforcement (

"In February 2023, an FBI whistleblower made public the existence of an intelligence product written by members of the FBI’s Richmond Field Office that categorized certain Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. The redacted intel product bore the title, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.” This had a chilling effect on all who care about the U.S. Constitution’s protections for religious liberty, including those of us, especially Catholics, who swore an oath to protect the Constitution when we entered federal law enforcement. 

A House subcommittee released a report on Dec. 4 summarizing its investigation into the intel report, stating that the FBI, “Under the guise of tackling the threat of domestic terrorism … painted certain ‘radical-traditionalist Catholics’ (RTCs) as violent extremists and proposed opportunities for the FBI to infiltrate Catholic churches as a form of ‘threat mitigation.’”

After public outrage, the FBI pulled the intel report from its databases, conceding what any Catholic or culturally literate person already knew, stating in part that, “the intelligence product prepared by one field office did not meet the exacting standards of the FBI.” A subsequent internal review by the FBI’s Inspection Division and external review by Congress revealed numerous failures, deficiencies, omissions, and substandard practices behind its development and publication. 

As a former FBI agent and lifelong Catholic, I was outraged by the FBI’s attempt to draw a connection between domestic terrorists and Catholics who have an affinity for the Latin Mass and who adhere to the Church’s unchanged, long-standing teachings on marriage, family, and human sexuality. 

The House investigation identified several problem areas in the embarrassing FBI report, including the use of ideologically extreme sources, little investigative source information, and poor oversight, to name just a few. But there were deeper, perhaps more troubling, issues in the report that are known to many in the FBI. 

First, the domestic terrorism program, in my experience, does not field the quantity or quality of agents that other investigative programs field, such as white-collar crime or public corruption, which have been and continue to be the “bread and butter” of FBI investigative work. Domestic terrorism was a comparatively inactive program at the FBI for many years and only recently received increased attention and funding. (A well-documented consequence of domestic terrorism’s heightened attention and struggle with competency is the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping case in Michigan). 

Historically, domestic terrorism work focused on cultivating sources as a way to keep the agency’s finger on the pulse of domestic extremist groups, most of which have been heavily infiltrated by law enforcement for decades. When an FBI supervisor in the South informed me early in my career that “The KKK would be dead down here if we didn’t have so many FBI sources keeping it alive,” I was shocked. In recent years, however, domestic terrorism has moved up the threat priority list, which means more money and resources — and more pressure for results. This means ongoing intel collection to justify those resources, which can also result in overzealous intel collection and dissemination habits. 

Second, unlike intel analysts in foreign policy (e.g., the CIA), from what I’ve seen and heard, FBI analysts are less valued by the consumers of those intel products: other FBI agents.

It seems this has created an unspoken tension, even hostility, that has fueled resentment among some FBI intel analysts. Domestic intel analysts — neither lawyers nor law enforcement — might also be tempted to allow their own biases to seep into analysis, as seems to have happened in the Catholic report, or, in an effort to be relevant, search for subject matter outside of the evidence collection process, which can lead to misguided or incorrect conclusions. 

Third, the FBI, like much of the public sector, has shifted very much to the political left in its hiring practices, part of the larger elite consensus about normative values and politics, which do not reflect those of America. This has been noted by many, including retired FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker and retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent James Gagliano. Many young public servants these days, like their peers, regard Judeo-Christian culture and tradition as a punchline. 

One of the most troubling examples of religious-values targeting by the FBI was the indictment of Mark Houck, a pro-life Catholic and father of seven, who was charged with allegedly violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act after an altercation with an abortion clinic escort. Houck’s arrest remains highly problematic given that his case was well-known by local law enforcement, the fact that local prosecutors declined to pursue charges, Houck’s credible claim that he was acting in defense of his 12-year-old son, and the context: The Supreme Court had recently overturned Roe v. Wade. The jury quickly acquitted Houck, but all known information suggested the case should never have been brought. 

We should not view the unprecedented antisemitism across America, especially on college campuses, the growing ideological biases of public servants, and the FBI’s targeting of Catholics in isolation. As public officials and private citizens alike continue to show disregard for constitutionally protected rights, including religious freedom, ordinary Americans will have to be vigilant, as will whistleblowers who observe violations of laws and regulations. 

There remain many honorable public servants at the FBI who take seriously their oath to the Constitution. However, the FBI must find more service-minded employees, who, to paraphrase Thomas More in a A Man for All Seasons, will heed seriously the taking of an oath. If FBI agents/analysts continue to target American citizens for their political, cultural, and religious convictions, this should have consequences for the agents/analysts and those who supervise them."

End of article...

(Jeff Cortese, author of the book “Public Corruption in the United States: Analysis of a Destructive Phenomenon,” is the former acting chief of the FBI’s Public Corruption Unit. Before his 11-year career with the bureau, he worked as a dignitary protection agent with the U.S. Capitol Police and served on the security detail for the Speaker of the House. Follow him on Twitter @jeffreycortese or find him at his website

Stay alert and pray for the conversion -- and defeat! -- of these monsters!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Restoring Altar Rails (For Kneeling) In The Archdiocese Of New York? Hell NO, Say The Modernists!!

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