Thursday, January 4, 2024

Can You Believe The Spiritual Rot Of These Infiltrators??? Cardinal Fernández: Bishops Banned From ‘Total Or Definitive Denial’ Of Fiducia Supplicans.

 I really don't know where to begin...

I think it best to let the article/video speak, and you make up your own mind...

But I must warn anyone reading this missive, to buckle-up and get ready to recognize the fact of rogue clerics -- at the highest levels of the Vatican -- are attempting to enforce the latest filth to emanate from apostate Rome.

It cannot be any clearer just who the enemies of the true Catholic Church are, and, along with that, who the enemies of Christ are!

Please read and listen very carefully to the following from and written by Michael HaynesCardinal Fernández: Bishops banned from ‘total or definitive denial’ of Fiducia Supplicans - LifeSite (

This entire fiasco is showing the world the evil forces that have installed Francis in the Chair of St. Peter, the wicked agenda of the Freemasons and Marxist to destroy Church teaching -- and the sacrament of Holy Matrimony -- and the family!  

Here is just one of the many "gems" from Fernandez: "Fernández, while noting the differing laws prohibiting homosexuality, warned against any opposition to Fiducia Supplicans even in principle. “It remains vital that these Episcopal Conferences do not support a doctrine different from that of the Declaration signed by the Pope, given that it is perennial doctrine, but rather that they recommend the need for study and discernment so as to act with pastoral prudence in such a context,” he wrote. 


There are more, so please read/hear and see where the new-world-order "religion" is attempting to lead the flock -- or what's left of it -- over the cliff to certain spiritual death!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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