Tuesday, January 2, 2024

What Is Detraction, And Is It Detraction To Point Out The Scandals, Confusion And (At Least Material) Heresies Of Pope Francis?

  Yes, it would be if there was a rumor, or gossip about something that the Bishop of Rome uttered or wrote privately, then it leaked to someone outside, breaking a confidence to maintain that privacy, thus causing a harm to Bergoglio's reputation.

But!  If a scandal, confusion and potential heresies are public, then how can it be detraction?

On the contrary, when faced with attacks on the perennial teachings of the Church of the last 2,000 years, absolute resistance and non-compliance must be -- must be! -- the proper course of action.  If this is not done, then there is the very real possibility of the loss of souls to the father of lies, Satan and his rotten minions -- i.e., those working for the Ape of the Church instead of for Christ! 

The present state of the novus ordo church is enough for good-willed folks to despair and give up the fight, cave-in and become fence-sitters or worse.  This would be a complete disaster that could lead to a total loss of the Faith of our Fathers, or leaving the true Church for "greener pastures" of false "religions," and a formal apostacy -- separation from the Catholic faith -- and eventual damnation...

The following is the definition of detraction: 

Detraction is a term used in the Catholic Church to describe the act of revealing something about another person that is true but harmful to that person’s reputation 1It is one of a number of related sins that the Catechism of the Catholic Church classifies as “offenses against the truth” 1Detraction is considered a serious offense because it can cause unjust injury to a person’s reputation 1The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes that respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury

It would be a revelation if Francis would take this definition to heart and realize the terrible harm he has inflicted upon traditional orders of nuns, priests and brothers and those who adhere to the traditional Latin Mass of the ages, characterizing us as "rigid" -- and, in fact, using much worse terms to belittle and defame! 

So where is the real detraction coming from, aimed at those who want to adhere to the real Catholic faith for themselves -- and their families, or from an errant hierarchy hell-bent on transforming the church into something unrecognizable, un-Catholic that embraces a new-world-order and the "traditions" of the globalist elites??

For the past ten years, I think the answer is obvious...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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