Monday, January 15, 2024

Stunning! Bergoglio (Francis): "...Said That Although 'It's Not Dogma,' He Likes To Think Hell Is 'Empty.'

 I hate to say it, but with each passing day, we Catholics -- and non-Catholics for that matter -- must be discouraged and despaired at seeing and hearing the scandals, confusion and heresies emanating from the Vatican in the person of Francis.

Now, it seems, that hell is empty, or at least that's what Bergoglio thinks, even though that errant opinion contradicts Biblical teaching, and the very words of our Lord and the Apostles! 

Why does he say such things, whether in a TV interview or flying on jet airliners -- when he once quipped: who am I to judge?  

I cannot believe that he is ignorant of such things, but can only presume -- objectively speaking, of course -- that he knows exactly what he is saying and doing, as is evidenced by the recent blasphemous document on the "blessing" of same-sex "couples"... 

It seems that the Zeitgeist has completely overtaken the novus ordo church being built upon the cries of the French Revolution of "liberty, equality and fraternity", or, said in another way, Marxism (Liberation Theology is part of that monster) and a godless "religion" of man...  

And excluding Christ!

Please read the following article from and listen to the short eight-minute video... 

Pope Francis: 'I like to think of an empty hell' - LifeSite (

Archbishop Fulton Sheen once predicted that there will be a "parallel church," calling itself Catholic, but would be devoid of the Blessed Trinity and Sanctifying grace! 

That prediction, has, in my opinion, come to fruition -- in spades!

Pray for the conversion of Francis and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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