Saturday, January 6, 2024

Data Show Childless Women Stocked Up On Abortion Pills After Dobbs Leak, Overturn Of Roe v. Wade! Question: How Many Were Catholic?

 The question is a valid one, considering that 52 percent of "Catholics" voted for the baby-killer-in-charge, Obama, to win his second term!

The next question: is the revolt against authentic Church teaching still in progress since the promulgation of Humanae Vitae issued in 1968?

We know that Humanae Vitae condemned the use of artificial contraception, but to no surprise, the overwhelming majority of Canadian bishops rejected the pope's (said to be infallible) pronouncement...

This horrific development echoes the Protestant Lambert Conference of 1930, which declared that contraception was no longer a sin!  

After so many years of obfuscating their precious Catholic faith by willingly embracing the mortal sin of contraception, preventing new life from coming into the world, I would not be at all surprised if a large percentage of women stocking up on the chemicals that tragically ends that new life, are, in fact "Catholic".

Please read the following article from and written by Jean MondoroData show childless women stocked up on abortion pills after Dobbs leak, overturn of Roe v. Wade - LifeSite (

Here are the first three paragraphs of the article:  (LifeSiteNews) – A new research article reveals that non-pregnant women stocked up on abortion pills prior to the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade.  

On January 2, an academic letter was published in the peer-reviewed medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, titled, “Advance Provision of Mifepristone and Misoprostol via Online Telemedicine in the US.” 

The paper analyzed data from Aid Access, an online organization that sells abortion pills and distributes them via United States mail in spite of an 1873 federal law banning the mailing of abortion pills. The paper found purchases of abortion pills by non-pregnant women saw a significant spike following the leaked draft opinion of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case."

End of excerpts...

Comment: modern science makes the eradicating of new life developing in the womb so easy, cheapening God's gift of life to His created creatures!   

Further, we know that since the diabolical Roe v Wade, Supreme Court decision, nearly 63,000,000 -- that's MILLION! -- preborn American babies have been slaughtered in the womb

And now, abortion pills over the counter!?

God have mercy on our country!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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