Saturday, December 30, 2023

Coincidence, Or Divine Comment??

 Have you heard, or seen??

With all the bizarre, scandalous, heretical and outright craziness emanating from Rome these days, one wonders when things will change for the better and the job of the salvation of souls will get back on track.

If there was any doubt about the un-Catholic words, actions and proclamations penned by Pope Francis -- or his henchmen -- that doubt should have been cleared up with the latest insult to God, the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the family -- and the Natural Law, with the release of still another monstrosity concerning the "blessing" of the heinous sin of sodomy of un-repentant "couples"...

Well, with the schism of the novus ordo churchmen nearly complete -- it is in Germany -- all practicing Catholics, both clergy and laity alike, might be despairing of any Divine intervention taking place to right these egregious wrongs.

But we can't despair, if we do, then that, itself, would be one of the two horrible sins against the virtue of Hope, the other being presumption...

I also know that we are an impatient lot, wanting things now rather than later, but we have to keep in mind that events will unfold in God's time, not ours.

Still, it is hard to swallow the lunacy being perpetrated by the infiltrators (Freemasons and Marxist Christ haters) looking for someone or something to bring the novus ordo church back to some sense of normalcy and sanity embracing the life-saving Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Sacred Tradition -- and rejecting the poison of novelty.

But it seems that something has occurred in the former diocese of Archbishop Bergoglio...

If you are wondering what, then here are two reports/videos of a "strange" (miracle?) involving a statue of Saint Peter...

Was this just a "coincidence," or a Divine comment!

The first is from Dr. Taylor Marshall: Shocking Twist on Pope Francis's Birthday: Lightning Strikes and Halo Disappears! (

And the second is from Dr. Stine at returntotradition.orgGod Sent A Clear Message About Francis' Satanic Blessing Decree (

Comment: a great Saint once warned us about apparitions and reported miracles, but to stay the course of the Catholic faith and to fulfill the two great Commandments to Love God and Neighbor, an almost sure road to the Heavenly Beatitude!

But what you have seen in those videos are very hard to ignore!

I'll let you be the judge...

If you want to leave a comment, feel free...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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