Friday, December 1, 2023

Excommunicated For Attending The Traditional Latin Mass?! That's Synodality!

 You faithful Catholics out there, did you get that??

This has been in the works ever since the diabolical Traditionis custodes  was issued by Francis, or his henchmen...

The modernists who have taken over the Vatican -- and the Chair of St. Peter -- are exhaling their last breath before they go to their Particular Judgment and are pulling out all the stops to stomp out the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages that goes back, arguably, to at least the Fourth Century! 

While at the same time, the powers that be tolerate and say nothing about clown "masses," or a "mass" being celebrated by a shirtless "priest" performing a "consecration" on an inflated children's raft in the water with scantily clad females sitting on the sand waiting to receive the "eucharist"!  

I'm not exaggerating, I saw this sacrilegious blasphemy with my own eyes! 

Think about it... Some rogue prelate has stated that anyone who attends the TLM will be excommunicated and declared a heretic!

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black??

It is amazing that the bad guys always -- and I mean always! -- accuse the good guys of what they do???   

But rest assured that any "excommunication" will be null and void the instant that it is issued, and anyone who is declared a "heretic," should wear that epithet as a badge of honor!  

The time is quickly approaching when the white martyrdom now being experienced by some faithful Catholics, can very easily -- and soon? -- become red...

Remember the Cristeros of Mexico??  Eventually sold out and betrayed by their bishops for "peace" and "unity" with the Freemasons and Commies??

Sorry, but there cannot be "unity" with evil! 

Please watch and listen closely to the following video from by Dr. Stine...

It should send chills up and down the spine of any faithful Catholic!!

(5196) Excommunicated For Attending The Traditional Latin Mass?! That's Synodality! - YouTube.

These developments are all the rotten fruits that our dear Lord warned us about in the Scriptures!  I think He knew what He was talking about, don't you??

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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