Monday, December 11, 2023

Simple Questions: What Can Apostacy Lead To? Is It Just A Question Of The Denial Of Faith?

 I bring up this topic to show the result of apostacy and how it affects the intellect and the use of free will granted to us by our good God.

The following examples reflect the apostacy of the two individuals that I will cite...

First, is the apostate governor of California, G. Newsom... 

Aside from the fact that he is a leftist, radical supporter of the murder of the pre-born, he is also a maniac who supports the sodomite agenda to the nth degree -- especially directed to impressionable children!  

As proof of this, here is an article posted on and written by Calvin FreiburgerCalifornia will fine retailers up to $500 for not adding 'gender-neutral' sections for kids - LifeSite (

Here are two paragraphs of this short article: SACRAMENTO, California (LifeSiteNews) – 'California retailers are slated to face $500 fines unless they establish designated “gender-neutral” sections for children’s goods under a state law set to take effect next year.

Yet for years, LGBT activists have worked to promote “gender fluidity,” the idea that sexual identity is separate from biology and discernible only by personal perception, across public educationlibrarieshealth care, and cultural traditions such as beauty contests, school homecomings, and athletic competitions."

End of excerpts...


Now, who in their right mind would push this un-natural nonsense?

That's the point: the apostate is not in their right mind!  They, have, for all practical purposes denied the natural law which tells us what is good and what is evil and to choose good over evil...

So, we know that Newsom is awash in grievous mortal sin, objectively speaking, darkening his ability to use his intellect correctly and make right judgments with his free will.  We know too, that the demon cannot control our free will, but he can infect the intellect, and that is obvious when the governor signed this despicable, filthy legislation.

Second, is another well-known apostate: "Dr." Fauci... This maniac was responsible for co-creating a deadly "virus" -- with proven gain-of-function monies -- that wreaked death, havoc despair and madness upon millions of U.S. citizens, not to mention the global population in general.

Here is an article from, written by OLIVIA RONDEAU...

Dr. Fauci Says Practicing Catholicism Is a 'Thing That I Don't Really Need to Do' (

Here's two paragraphs that says it all: "During a recent appearance on the channel’s Influential with Katty Kay, President Joe Biden’s former medical adviser said he identifies as Catholic but doesn’t go to church because his “personal ethics” are “enough.”'

And this: ...“A number of complicated reasons. First of all, I think my own personal ethics on life are I think enough to keep me going on the right path,” Fauci answered. “And I think there are enough negative aspects about the organizational Church,” he continued..."

End of excerpts...

Let me see if I understand this... The "Catholic" Fauci thinks that his "personal ethics" are "enough" to keep him on the "right path"?

What path is that??  

I think the answer is quite obvious...

I guess it was his "personal ethics" that lying and pushing a deadly "vaccine" was the right thing to do?

This is another example of a corrupt intellect influencing the use of his free will that helped to create a massive crime against humanity!

His "personal ethics" are "enough"?

Enough for what, exactly?  

To keep him out of hell?

To get him into Heaven?

Let me understand this...

He no longer sees the need for confession, repentance, to receive the Holy Eucharist (without which there is no spiritual life in him!)?

This is what happens when a Catholic apostatizes from his precious -- free gift of faith, leading, in many cases, to the door of the demonic and the enemies of Christ, our Lord...

The agendas of these apostates must be defeated, but we must pray for our enemies as Christ demanded of us!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  




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