Saturday, December 23, 2023

Worldwide Episcopal "Revolt" Against Francis' Devastating, Anti-Christ, Anti-Natural Law Document “Fiducia Supplicans”...

  Finally, and officially, many of the churches' Catholic bishops are "revolting" against a document, so ambiguous, so wicked and so in-line with the anti-Christ, anti-Catholic maniacs of the globalist agenda, that corrupt Rome will either capitulate, or, in short order, take some drastic measures to corral and punish said bishops, up to and including "ex-communication"! 

Know this, if such ex-communication does occur, it will be null and void on its face the second that it is issued!

Remember, Saint Athanasius was "ex-communicated" several times by the Arien heretics, yet he is a Saint, and they?  Well, if they didn't repent of their heresy, dare I say, are in a very warm place, objectively speaking, of course...

It seems that those in positions of power and influence in the Vatican have left their sanity behind and overplayed their wicked hand in allowing the "blessing" of same-sex couples -- without repentance and without making a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that sin again. 

Such craziness directly contradicts Biblical and Church teaching -- not to mention God-given common sense -- and literally attempts to destroy the sacrament of Holy Matrimony and the family as the foremost building block of human society!

Such diabolical words and actions emanating from Rome, are in line with the demonic modernist, globalist agenda to usher in a one-world religion as well as to bring the world's population to under one billion people!  Translation: kill off over SIX BILLION HUMANS in any way that they can achieve that satanic goal!  

This is not hyperbole on my part but has been stated many times -- especially by those appointed by Bergoglio to various "advisory" boards, tasked with fighting "climate change," "global warming," -- and, yes, in a roundabout way, even population reduction through abortion and contraception!

Can it be that Bergoglio is ignorant of the intentions of the U.N., Gates, Clinton and the numerous NGOs that have planned this lunacy from day one?  

I think not...

Let me get back to a sobering article from and written by Archdiocese Condemns "Evil" Vatican Document and Prohibits Same-sex Blessings - OnePeterFive.

This is just a sampling of the many articles and videos condemning the crazy machinations from the -- extreme left-leaning -- novus ordo hierarchy intent on transforming the holy Roman Catholic Church into just one of many religions that can get -- even un-converted atheists, to Heaven, as well as those who actively live as sodomites!!


We must pray for the conversion of Francis and for strength and honor -- we will need it now more than ever in the very near future!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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