Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Unity Of The Novus Ordo "Catholic" Church With The Filthy Sin Of Sodom And Gomorrah Is Now A Fact!

  Well, the unthinkable has finally -- officially -- happened...

The noble idea of "church unity" has been turned inside-out, upside-down, head-over-heels, say it any way you want, but recent -- official -- declarations concerning the filthy, anti-Natural, Moral Law, anti-Biblical (church) teaching, regarding the sodomite agenda, has now emanated from apostate Rome!

The sodomites are jumping for joy!  

There are now numerous, secular articles praising the actions of Bergoglio and his henchmen, declaring that the "Catholic" church -- that's the novus ordo "Catholic" church! -- has "changed" and is now more "inclusive," "compassionate," and all are God's children, no matter what lifestyle choices are made, no matter what the state of one's soul, whether in a state of grace, or steeped in unrepentant, grievous mortal sin, just don't worry, be happy...

Sorry, it doesn't work that way... 

Any Catholic who knows at least one iota of the teachings of his precious faith realizes that a soul in a state of (unrepentant) grievous mortal sin, places his or her soul in dire, eternal jeopardy (damnation) if not confessed and a firm purpose of amendment is made not to commit that sin again, period.

Now the sins that caused fire and brimstone to be rained down from Heaven on the sodomites of Sodom and Gomorrah, has now been recognized -- with "compassion" and "inclusion," and has led to the "blessings" of homosexual couples -- living in a state of filth and corruption, not to mention the poor children exposed to this diabolical way of living (dying?)!   

This, by the way, has been going on in the German "Catholic" church for some time now!

Would any right-thinking Catholic expect anything other than what is now happening, scandalizing the entire Catholic -- and non-Catholic -- world, when the Bishop of Rome appoints his fellow cardinal sodomites to the highest offices in the novus ordo church?

Remember, when the world praises, watch out!  

A simple search will quickly reveal the details and travesty of this new "rule" that allows the filth of the sodomites to continue and fester, and corrupt more souls... 

Heaven help those responsible for this unbelievable turn of events!

The following is an excerpt from the Editor of lifesitenews.comSteve Jalsevac Co-founder...

...This has proven to be a big and also strange news day in LifeSite history. I am sorry that the number of positive reports is minimal compared to Friday.

Number one is the report on Pope Francis and his head of the Congregation (now Dicastery) of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, issuing an official Church text on norms for clergy to “bless” homosexual couples. That is a shattering development in Church history.

We knew from the moment that Francis replaced the faithful Cardinal Gerhard Muller and earlier this year appointed the totally unsuitable Fernández that something like this was certain to eventually happen – with more surely yet to come. Numerous readers have commented their consternation over this serious undermining of constant, natural law Church teaching on homosexuality.

Of course, "Fr." James Martin is delighted, but all the world knows that the Catholic Church has always condemned homosexual acts as being a grave violation of God’s laws on sexual morality. Now what? That is the question.

[My brackets.]

Perhaps it is a good thing. There are still very many Catholics and too many bishops and cardinals who have continued to give Francis the benefit of the doubt and strongly discourage any public and even private criticism of Francis, no matter how charitably stated, as supposedly being harmful for Church unity and the reputation of the papacy.

What excuse do they have now for remaining silent? Perhaps more bishops will finally speak out, disregard Francis’ threats to remove them and their status, apartments and finances and strongly urge Francis to repent and become the Holy Father that the Catholic Church needs rather than the radical reformer that he told us in the beginning that he would be.

After all, the future seems bleak for being a bishop in the Church that is rapidly crumbling because of the actions of a Freemasonic, UN agenda 2030, depopulation and radical LGBT supportive pope and the many very liberal clerics he has placed in other key positions. That is, in the long run, speaking out has no downside from the view of eternity.

Bishop Joseph Strickland has begun the responding – with holiness, love and charity – as he always does.

End of excerpt...

Friends, we must resist and decry these horrible events infecting the (novus ordo) church from the anti-Christ infiltrators intent on destroying, not only the church, but also the sacrament of Holy Matrimony!  That, I'm sure, is the end game here: the destruction of the family and officially implementing the reign of the Ape of the church, Satan! 

We also know that the gates of hell will never prevail against the true church of our dear Lord!

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters and for their conversion, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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