Tuesday, December 5, 2023

There Is Only One Savior, And It's Not President Trump Or The GOP! Read The Predictable Results Of This Poll On Abortion!

 From breitbart.com and written by KATHERINE HAMILTON...

Poll: Independent Voters Reject GOP, Democrat Approaches to Abortion (breitbart.com)

Here is an excerpt from the article.  It should send chills down your spine!

"Out of overall respondents, 52.94 percent said Republicans are “doing too much to restrict abortion,” 25.3 percent said they are taking the right approach on abortion, 7.15 percent said they are doing too little, and 14.61 percent said they are “not sure.”

That's nearly 53 percent of those polled said Republicans are doing "too much" to restrict abortion!!

But are those 53 percent made up of some Republicans in addition to the Democrats and Independents? 

Remember, not all Republicans are pro-life, not by a long shot! 

We also know that the current regime in control of the Democratic party are adherents to the culture of death, pushing the horrific crimes against humanity: abortion and the sodomite agenda.

Of course, the culture of death also includes euthanasia, infanticide, the mutilation of the human body by confused youth sucked into the "trans" movement, contraception and many other forms of the demonic...

The sickness of the horrendous culture of death infecting society has taken the lives of so many millions of pre-born American girls and boys, that it rivals or even surpasses what the Conquistadors found among the Mexican and Central American natives and their lust for the blood of human sacrifice...

Sure, the Supreme Court destroyed Roe v Wade and turned the "issue" of abortion back to the states.  But how has that worked out so far??  

When you come right down to it, there is no one politician, nor political party that will "save" us, nor stop the killing of the most defenseless of our species.  

I believe it will take divine intervention -- of the Holy Ghost or Saint Michael the Archangel to right this horrific wrong, if that happens, then we'll see many on-the-spot conversions -- and many, literally, scared to death

Keep your soul in a state of sanctifying grace and pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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