Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Radical Pro-Abortion Groups Got $2 Billion Of Our Tax Dollars, Getting More Under Biden!

  Even under the Trump administration, the baby killers got tons of taxpayer monies to fund the slaughter of the pre-born, but under the radical maniac, apostate Biden, the haters of life -- and of Christ, are getting even more monies from the American taxpayer!

Here is the horrific proof of this tragedy -- this crime against humanity, from and written by Jake Smith: Radical Pro-Abortion Groups Got $2 Billion of Our Tax Dollars, Getting More Under Biden -

Here is just one excerpt from the article: "The Biden administration increased funding obligations to Planned Parenthood from approximately $5.7 million to $27 million between 2021 to 2022, a total 373% increase, according to the GAO report. The Biden administration also revoked a Trump administration rule in January 2021 that prevented funding from being used by foreign organizations to provide abortion services."

(My emphasis.)

I have said and written many times that the worst enemies of Christ are apostate Catholics.  But keep in mind, as the novus ordo church goes, so goes society.  And when the supposed pope of the (novus ordo) Catholic Church tells Biden and Pelosi that they are "good Catholics" and should keep receiving the Holy Eucharist, then it should be very clear where the source of the evil and wickedness emanates!  

As President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here at my desk -- at my desk!   

I ask this simple question: how can we ask God to bless our nation when we systematically destroy His gift of life to us, His created creatures???

Such blessing would be a spiritual impossibility as God cannot bless evil and sin, period.

So, what is left to do to correct this abomination?

The first step is personal sanctification of ourselves and our families.  We can't give what we don't have!

Second, to hold our elected officials accountable and explain that they will have to answer to Christ at their Particular Judgment for their failure to stop the premeditated murder of the most defenseless of our species.  

Pray for the conversion of our enemies and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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