Wednesday, December 20, 2023

It Takes A Brave PROTESTANT To Put In Perspective The Lunacy Of The Emanations From The Chair Of St. Peter Regarding The "Blessings" Of Homosexuals!

 And, yes, this is the same brave Protestant soul who would not close the doors of his church during the "covid" "pandemic," and was fined $300,000 (Canadian) -- about $250,000 American dollars -- by the tyrants in Ontario, Canada! 

This fellow must become a Catholic!  If the church had more of such pastors, dedicated to Christ, the world could be conquered for our dear Lord in short order!


In recent days, the bizarre and absolutely crazy, anti-Christ document issued by those sodomite-friendly clerics surrounding Pope Francis, has caused a massive chain reaction of support from those infiltrator, modernist, monsters, and condemnation from those who remain loyal to the Just Judge, Christ, our Lord...

In the following short, 12-minute video, you will see and hear the hard-core Left echoing support for the heresies and blasphemies of this newest development designed to bring down -- change -- official church teaching -- and attempted destruction of the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and, consequently, the family unit -- as the building block of the human society.

You will also hear a Protestant pastor explain to Catholics, concerning the Chair of St. Peter, and the need for the authority of the papacy!

So, from and John-Henry Weston:  Homosexual Blessings: Austrian bishop says priests CAN’T refuse & Malawi bishops say NO WAY (

In conclusion, we must all pray for the intervention of the Holy Ghost to get us out of this stunning dilemma currently infecting the (novus ordo) church and that Pope Francis returns to orthodoxy -- and the Catholic faith.

Pray, too, for strength and honor and to resist -- to the face -- any and all clerics who demand obedience to evil! 

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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