Sunday, December 17, 2023

FBI Targeting Of Devout Catholics Went Way Beyond What Chris Wray Claimed During Testimony To Congress!!!

  On Friday, December 15, 2023, I wrote: 

Need More Proof Of Treason Perpetrated Against America By The FBI? Here It Is...

Here is an excerpt from my article: "Not only that, but it has also come to light that several field offices have been involved in attempting to recruit spies from various traditional Catholic parishes across the country, beginning in Virginia, and reporting any "suspicious" activities of Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass!"

At the end of my article I said to "stay tuned" as more evidence/proof will be coming! 

Here it is! 

And get ready to get righteously angry! 

From the and written by 

FBI Targeting of Devout Catholics Went Way Beyond What Chris Wray Claimed During Testimony to Congress.

Here are some excerpts: "The Weaponization Committee released more information on this troubling development earlier this month.  The committee found that Chris Wray’s FBI targeted devout Catholics because they are pro-Life, pro-family and support biological basis for gender."


“FBI Director Christopher Wray had told congressmen that the memo was ‘a single product by a single field office,’ but the records uncovered by Judicial Watch show that it was “Reviewed by: OGC/CDC [Office of General Counsel/Chief Deputy Counsel],'” Judicial Watch posted in a press release Friday."


“The records also indicate coordination with officials from Portland and Milwaukee,” the press release said.

The FBI Richmond internal memo, titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” was leaked in January and drew instant criticism from Republicans."

End of excerpts, but not the end of the story!


More to come, I'm sure!

Friends, it should be very clear by now that the "iconic" FBI is one of many enemies, not only enemies of traditional Latin Mass Catholics, but also of the American people, under a Marxist regime currently holding the Oval Office hostage since the stolen election of 2020...

And if anyone pretends that that election was not stolen, you are part of the sinking of America into what the leftist want: the U.S. to become a red communist satellite!

As a veteran who just acknowledged my 56th-year of my Vietnam service, it hurts me beyond words to see what my beloved country has devolved into: a corrupt entity run by traitors and baby killers.  

How can we possibly ask our good God and Savior to bless our nation???

If things don't change, and change quickly, I see no hope of cleaning house...

The social reign of Christ the King -- of individual souls and our country must be acknowledged if the soul of America is to be saved!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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