Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Slaughter Of Nigerian Christians Continues Unabated! Close To 200 (Two Hundred!!) Massacred, Possibly More Will Be Found...

  And I complain about an ongoing "white martyrdom" because of the machinations emanating from apostate Rome attacking traditionalists?!

The well-coordinated killing spree started on Christmas Eve and continued on Christmas Day, as many were attending church/Mass, and were attacked in their churches and homes...

It has been reported that entire families were killed in the most heinous of ways.  Of course, much of this horrible story has been almost completely ignored by the major Marxist media and globalist NGOs who despise Christians of any stripe.

They, the leftist/Marxist, know that Christianity is the last "stumbling block" to their demonic agenda, and anyone who believes in our good God must be eliminated!  It seems that they are leaving that satanic task to the radical arm of the Muslim jihadists (holy war) to carry out such death, mayhem and destruction.

The following two articles should give pause to any right-thinking Catholic/Christian and open the eyes of those sitting on the fence failing to acknowledge just who are God's enemies -- and ours!

The first comes from and written by Frances Martel: 

Nigeria: Christmas Massacre Death Toll Hits 195, 1,000 Homes Burned (

The second, from the and written by Warner Houston...

Christmas Massacre: 160 Nigerians Killed by Jihadists in Strong Christian Community (

As we Americans complain about high gas prices and the cost of food, please, let us keep in mind -- and our prayers -- these folks who risk their lives, on the continent of Africa, to follow Christ!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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