Monday, December 4, 2023

Is It A Sin To Report On The Scandals Affecting Souls?

  I just watched a YouTube video by a fairly well-known Catholic blogger/podcaster, knowledgeable in the faith and someone I admire for his take on things Catholic, whether in the church or in society.

He was making a point about reporting/writing on the horrendous scandals that are currently plaguing the church and the various organizations that call themselves Catholic, who investigate and call out those scandals and how they affect the faith...

One of the major points of that video was to ask if such reporting is sinful as some lives can, and have been, affected and or destroyed by that reporting.

For the most part, I can see his point: we must be careful to at least make sure that the facts made public by putting pen to paper as well as making videos for all the internet to see and hear are accurate.

But he also opines that even if such reporting of the facts is true and accurate, should such scandals be pointed out in the first place? 

Personally, I would be aghast to think that my blog articles are, themselves, scandalous and negatively affect some weak-willed soul -- for the worst!

On the other hand, if such reporting/writing can help to point out the dangers of not acknowledging the true facts of a scandal, then, it seems to me that I am doing my job of effectively evangelizing my fellow Christians to recognize the wolves in sheep's clothing...

Those very same wolves are -- and have been -- leading many of the flock to perdition, or, at the very least, causing them to leave the Church for "greener pastures."  And that is one major way of choosing hell over Heaven!   In other words, there are no other "greener pastures," only false and heretical "religions"...

 One of the apparent effects of the scandals in the church can be seen in society as well, and, as the novus ordo church goes, so goes society...

Simply take a look at the current occupant holding the Oval Office hostage: Biden and his corrupt cabinet -- mostly "Catholics"! -- are dyed-in-the-wool part and parcel of the culture of death! 

Why is that?  And is it a scandal for me to report on such?

To answer the first question: the lack of the proper teaching and upholding of the Deposit of Faith, and to answer the second question: am I not supposed to point out the errors, or at least admonish the sinner?  

I also realize that it is not enough to point out the sin, but to fulfill the command of Christ to love the sinner and to pray for that Prodigal Son to return to the bosom of his Father.

This, my wife and I do every time we say the Rosary and additional prayers/novenas, for the conversion of sinners -- by name!

But I will not close my eyes to the heresies of modernism -- the synthesis of all heresies, according to Pope Saint Pius X...

We are currently being bombarded by crazy and bizarre emanations from the supposed bastion of orthodoxy, Rome, and the hierarchy of the Vatican, but in reality, has become the witches brew of heterodoxy, error and scandal.

So, forgive me if my articles seem to be scandalous, but I can only hope that I might be doing some good and I also hope, that in the long run, there will be divine intervention -- by the Holy Ghost! -- to right the wrongs and errors that are leaving eternal scars on the souls of so many...

In humility, please let me know if my attempts at bringing the truth to light is, in fact, a scandal...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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