Friday, May 31, 2024

Are These Similarities Coincidence, Or Providence? Pray For The Conversion Of President Trump To The True Faith!

  I guess by now you have all heard of the conviction of President Trump on all 34 felony counts resulting from the sham trial in the kangaroo court of corrupt "judge" Merchan in Manhattan, (New York City).

I just came across this article from and written by REBECCA MANSOUR and JOHN BINDER...

Now before you jump on my case for comparing the similarities of St. Joan of Arc and the sufferings endured by the great Saint, and the conviction of President Trump, please note that Mr. Trump has been persecuted for at least six years -- nonstop!  Some can even make the case that that persecution has been going on for over eight years!

There are real similarities -- notwithstanding that Mr. Trump is not a Catholic -- though I hope President Trump will be able to have his "conviction" overturned and with good reason... 

If there is to be any supernatural merit showered on Mr. Trump, as well as on his family, he will have to convert to the Catholic Faith -- this is something that my wife (Kathy) and I pray for every day when we recite the Rosary -- and for our many other special intentions.

Overall, I think you'll find the article fairly well written, and the subtle comparisons made... I hope you agree.

Trump Found Guilty on Feast Day of Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of Prisoners and Hero of Patriots (

"Former President Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts in New York City on May 30, the feast day of St. Joan of Arc, the patron saint of prisoners who is revered by Catholics and admired by patriots everywhere as a pillar of strength in the face of political persecution.

On Thursday evening, a Manhattan jury found Trump guilty of all 34 felony counts brought against him by District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), linked to billionaire George Soros. The guilty verdict states that Trump falsified business records.

Trump’s sentencing is set for July 11. Each of the 34 felony counts carries a maximum $5,000 fine and a four-year prison sentence.

Joan of Arc, revered as a martyr in the Catholic Church and canonized as a saint in 1920, was a teenager when she saw visions of St. Catherine, St. Michael, and St. Margaret who told her that it was her destiny to save war-torn and enemy-occupied France, lead her countrymen to victory against the English, and crown the French Dauphin (or crown prince) king.

In April 1429, at the age of seventeen, Joan fulfilled the first part of this mission when she led an army of Frenchmen to victory against the English who were besieging the French city of Orleans, a feat for which she became known as “the Maid of Orleans.”

Joan of Arc’s triumphant entry into the city of Orleans. (Oil on canvas by Jean-Jacques Scherrer, 1887)

Victory soon followed victory for Joan, as her army recaptured whole sections of France that had fallen to the forces of the English king during the Hundred Years’ War. Joan’s army freed the path to Reims, the city where the French kings were historically crowned. There, in July 1429, Joan lead the Dauphin to Reims Cathedral where he was crowned King Charles VII.

Her political fortunes, however, quickly changed. Though Joan insisted on completely freeing her country from the English forces, the powers at the French court demurred. She was captured by her enemies in 1430 as she was fighting to free the city of Compiegne. She was then ransomed and sold to the English, who assembled a corrupt jury of churchmen who were loyal to the English king. They put Joan on trial in January 1431 for witchcraft and heresy.

She endured terrible persecutions in prison by her enemies, who kept her shackled by the hands and feet and deprived her of sleep because she lived in constant fear of being raped by her guards.

Despite this treatment, Joan’s answers during her trial were remarkable for their intelligence, courage, and piety. Joan, an illiterate peasant teenager, consistently outsmarted her learned judges.

The fix was in though. Joan’s enemies ensured her guilt. On May 30, 1431, she was burned at the stake as a heretic. To the very end, Joan affirmed her innocence and her faith in Jesus whose name was the last word she spoke. Before her death, she predicted that her country would be freed of all the English and that the corrupt judges who condemned her would meet justice. This happened as she predicted.

In 1453, the English were defeated in France. The French King Charles VII — following the request of Joan’s mother and the merchant middle class of Orleans who never forgot Joan’s courage in freeing their besieged city — petitioned the Vatican to investigate the corrupt trial that condemned Joan. A full investigation was ordered by the pope. Hundreds of people were interviewed to determine the truth of Joan’s character. After an exhaustive inquiry that spanned years and covered all of France and included noblemen, churchmen, and peasants, Pope Callixtus III overturned Joan’s heresy conviction in 1456 and condemned the perfidy of her corrupt judges.

Joan is regarded as the patron saint of prisoners, as well as the patron saint of France and of soldiers. Throughout the ages, she has been regarded as a hero to true patriots who love their country.

“With Joan of Arc love of country was more than a sentiment—it was a passion. She was the Genius of Patriotism—she was Patriotism embodied, concreted, made flesh, and palpable to the touch and visible to the eye,” the great American novelist and humorist Mark Twain wrote in his book Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc.

Perhaps with the story of St. Joan of Arc’s political persecution and ultimate vindication in mind, Bishop Robert Barron posted a tweet imploring St. Joan of Arc to “pray for us” right as the Trump trial verdict came in."

Rebecca Mansour is Senior Editor-at-Large for Breitbart News. Follow her on Twitter at @RAMansour

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

End of article...
Pray for President Trump and for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
St. Joseph pray for us!
Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Staggering Amount Of Money Will Be Funneled -- Given -- To Baby Killing Organizations -- By A "Catholic"!!!

  Apostate, mass murderer, Melinda Gates, to give one billion dollars -- $1,000,000,000 -- to organizations that kill and maim the pre-born, here in the U.S. and overseas, all for "a woman's right to choose"! 

The former wife of her mass murderer husband, B. Gates, and a billionaire in her own right, will be spreading her wealth around, but not for good, but for the evil of killing conceived babies in the womb!

Here is an article from and written by KATHERINE HAMILTON 

Melinda French Gates to Dump $1 Billion into Abortion, Women’s Orgs (

"Melinda French Gates announced this week that she is dumping one billion dollars into women’s organizations around the world, including groups that promote killing unborn babies via abortion in the United States.

“While I have long focused on improving contraceptive access overseas, in the post-Dobbs era, I now feel compelled to support reproductive rights here at home,” French Gates wrote in a New York Times op-ed. “For too long, a lack of money has forced organizations fighting for women’s rights into a defensive posture while the enemies of progress play offense. I want to help even the match.”

French Gates said the new spending will come from her organization Pivotal — not from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a far-left organization she founded with her now-ex husband, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, that focuses on globalist initiatives like climate change, gender issues, and vaccination. French Gates is officially leaving her role at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation next week after almost 25 years of involvement, she wrote.

The $1 billion in spending will be distributed over the next two years to “people and organizations working on behalf of women and families around the world, including reproductive rights in the United States,” she wrote. 

“Despite the pressing need, only about 2 percent of charitable giving in the United States goes to organizations focused on women and girls, and only about half a percentage point goes to organizations focused on women of color specifically,” she continued. “When we allow this cause to go so chronically underfunded, we all pay the cost. As shocking as it is to contemplate, my 1-year-old granddaughter may grow up with fewer rights than I had.”

More specifically, French Gates said she has begun directing grants throught her organization to groups like National Women’s Law Center, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and the Center for Reproductive Rights, a global legal organization headquartered in New York City that focuses on dismantling pro-life laws and promoting the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

French Gates said she is “also experimenting with novel tactics to bring a wider range of perspective into philanthropy,” most recently by offering 12 people she “admire[s]” with their own $20 million grant-making funds to distribute how she or he sees fit. The list of individuals includes former authoritarian New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, who has since gone on to accept an unpaid role combating “online extremism” after stepping down in January of 2023.

This fall, French Gates said she would also introduce a $250 million initiative “focused on improving the mental and physical health of women and girls globally.” 

“As a young woman, I could never have imagined that one day I would be part of an effort like this. Because I have been given this extraordinary opportunity, I am determined to do everything I can to seize it and to set an agenda that helps other women and girls set theirs, too,” she said."

Katherine Hamilton is a political reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on X @thekat_hamilton.

End of article...

I have a question: why hasn't this creature been publicly ex-communicated by the bishop of the diocese where she resides??

We must pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these baby killing monsters!

And for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sodomite And Heretic "Father" James Martin Says He Knows ‘Hundreds’ Of Homosexual "Priests": ‘They’ve Been My Mentors’

 The cat is out of the bag!

Pun intended...

The sodomite and heretic, Martin, has revealed a truth that we were wondering about for years... From and written by Michael Haynes, Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’ - LifeSite (

Keep in mind, that Bergoglio regularly invites the pervert, Martin, to his private chambers for "encouragement" and "praise" in his heterodox -- homosexual -- "ministry"!

You have to face the facts of this terrible and diabolical infiltration of the sodomites in the novus ordo church, and with Bergoglio at the helm, these queers are emboldened to spread their lies and filth throughout what is left of the church -- and the world!

"ROME (LifeSiteNews) — The prolific pro-LGBT Jesuit Father James Martin has attested he has known “hundreds” of homosexual priests, as the fallout continues from Pope Francis’ reported statement that there is too much “f–ggotry” in seminaries.

The heterodox Jesuit wrote that in his “25 years as a priest and almost 40 as a Jesuit,” he has “known hundreds” of “celibate” homosexual clerics.

Screenshot of Fr. James Martin’s X post 

Such priests have “been my superiors, my teachers, my confessors, my mentors, my spiritual directors and my friends,” he added.

Martin has criticized Church teaching that homosexuality is “disordered,” suggested that Catholic doctrine on homosexuality is not “authoritative,” cast doubt on the biblical condemnation of sodomy, and promoted LGBT activists like Sister Jeannine Gramick.

READ: Father James Martin blesses homosexual ‘couple’ at Jesuit residence in New York City

Martin’s comments come by way of a response to the reports that Pope Francis used the term “f–ggotry” in reference to seminarians.

The widely-read Italian daily gossip paper Dagospia reported late on Monday that Francis said that “in the Church, there is too much of an atmosphere of faggotry.” Dagospia claimed that he also said that bishops must, therefore, “get all the queers [checche] out of the seminaries, even those only semi-oriented.”

Francis’ comments were made during the closed-door meeting held recently with the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI).

Amidst an instant outrage amongst secular outlets and certain self-described Catholic sites, the Holy See Press Office eventually issued a statement on Tuesday afternoon. “Pope Francis is aware of the articles that came out recently about a conversation, behind closed doors, with the bishops of CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference),” press office director Matteo Bruni wrote.

READ: Vatican issues statement apologizing for Pope Francis using ‘homophobic’ term

“As he said on several occasions, ‘In the Church there is room for everyone, for everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’”

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, reported by others,” closed Bruni, notably using the LGBT activist term “homophobic,” which is commonly used to smear critics of homosexuality.

Martin, notorious throughout much of the Catholic Church for his promotion of anti-Catholic LGBT ideology with the support of Pope Francis, has previously urged priests to “come out.”

“I would estimate about 30 to 40 percent of priests are celibate, gay priests, a ballpark figure, and if they did come out, their parishioners would see how normal it is to be LGBT,” Martin told the Bay Area Reporter some years ago. 

READ: Disgraced homosexual priest attends Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag ‘ordination’ in Germany

The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual activity is mortally sinful and that homosexual tendencies are objectively disordered. The Church also rejects gender ideology and affirms the reality of the two sexes.

For priests to “come out,” or reveal themselves as homosexual, “would also be an encouragement for lay LGBT Catholics themselves,” said Martin.

Martin has repeated this call on other occasions, notably in light of the cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy in the Vatican breaking in 2017.

Polish priest and professor Father Dariusz Oko, author of With the Pope Against Homoheresy, has estimated that “about 30-40% of priests and 40-50% of bishops in the USA have homosexual inclinations” and told LifeSiteNews that half or more of them, “at least periodically, may commit serious abuses.”

In contrast to Martin’s encouragement for priests to reveal themselves as homosexual, the Catholic Church does not simply discourage but firmly prohibits men from entering the seminary if they present with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies.”

The Vatican’s 2005 document on the admission of people with “homosexual tendencies” to seminaries stated that “the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, presented deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called ‘gay culture.’”

It added that those who had only “a transitory problem” of suffering “homosexual tendencies” could be admitted, but that such  tendencies must be “clearly overcome at least three years before ordination to the diaconate.”

READ: California priest who called for removal of Archbishop Cordileone declares he’s homosexual

“It would be gravely dishonest for a candidate to hide his own homosexuality in order to proceed, despite everything, towards ordination,” stipulated the 2005 text. “Such a deceitful attitude does not correspond to the spirit of truth, loyalty and openness that must characterize the personality of him who believes he is called to serve Christ and his Church in the ministerial priesthood.”

However, accumulative media reports and real-world evidence suggested that this document was largely ignored in practice. 

The Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy subsequently issued another document in December 2016, called “The Gift of the Priestly Vocation,” which reaffirmed and heavily quoted from the teachings of the 2005 text, prohibiting those with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” from entering the seminary."


Fr. James Martin promotes Protestant pastor who falsely claims Bible doesn’t condemn sodomy

Polish priest fined by German court for criticizing homosexual predators in the Church

End of article, but not the end of the story!  

And these creatures wear the Roman collar???

Remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

I Have A Very Disturbing Article For You To Consider... Warning! This Story Concerns The Sodomite Infiltration Into The Novus Ordo "Church" And The Potential Corruption Of Innocent Children...

  Let me be clear, I take no joy or "I told you so" attitude regarding the filthy infiltration of the homosexuals and Marxists that have major control over what is left of the dying novus ordo church. 

This story concerns the following: Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day.

Now, before I get into the guts of this demonic behavior, it must be painfully obvious to anyone that has eyes to see and ears to hear that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, must have been aware that this scandalous spectacle was going to take place -- in front of children!

Further, all I have to say to the parents of these kiddies, is that you should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing your impressionable youngsters to witness the un-natural filth being performed right before their innocent eyes! 

So here from and written by Michael Haynes,

Snr. Vatican Correspondent

Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day - LifeSite (

"ROME (LifeSiteNews) — Catholics have expressed horror after a male performance artist danced in drag for young children during Pope Francis’ first World Children’s Day this weekend.

On May 25, Salerno native Carmine De Rosa performed as one of the official artists for the inaugural World Children’s Day. In his capacity as a quick-change artist or a living cartoon, De Rosa appeared as a woman, wearing multiple outfits in drag. He also used suggestive cardboard costumes."

Children sat in a circle around De Rosa as he performed. His demonstration took place at Rome’s Olympic Stadium – where, later in the day, Pope Francis met with thousands of young children from across the world.

Wearing a pink dress with a plunging neck-line, De Rosa commented on the excitement he felt at being invited to take part in the World Children’s Day.

Highlighting De Rosa’s performance, former U.S. Papal Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó attested that De Rosa’s inclusion in the international event demonstrated Vatican support for LGBT ideology. “It is now clear that Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda,” the prelate wrote.

Continuing, Viganó quoted the Gospel, noting Christ’s warning about causing scandal:

There are no more words to express the scandal and disgust, in the complicit and cowardly silence of the Episcopate.

“Whoever scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone turned into a donkey’s wheel were hung around his neck, and he were cast into the depths of the sea” (Mt 18:6).

De Rosa has since defended his show. Writing on social media platform TikTok he stated that “bringing smiles to children and beyond was my task and I succeeded.”

LifeSite contacted the press office of the World Children’s Day to inquire about De Rosa’s official status at the event, but has yet to receive an answer.

However, De Rosa himself stated that he was officially invited: “I would like to point out, reading the comments, that I was WANTED at this event FOR THE TYPE OF SHOW I CARRY ON STAGE and for professionalism…But I simply defend MY ART.”

De Rosa regularly performs for Italian network RAI. However he also appears at a variety of events including First Communion parties, where he dances suggestively and performs his trademark quick outfit change – nearly always wearing female costumes and red lipstick.

The World Children’s Day event saw young children from around 100 countries gather in Rome. The two-day meeting with Pope Francis was held on Saturday, where Francis met with children in the Olympic Stadium, and then Sunday when he presided over Trinity Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square.

Announced by Francis during the Angelus on December 8 last year, the special day continues a predominant, current theme set by the pontiff – namely, to be visibly involved in events involving children. Prior to the weekend’s events, Francis has been making a series of unannounced visits to parishes around Rome, where he meets with local children and conducts catechetical-style encounters.

Though papal attention to children at events – whether at weekly audiences, international trips, or in St. Peter’s Square after Mass – is not uncommon by any means, Francis’ pontificate in the last seven months has seen a particular focus on events aimed at children.

World Children’s Day is now anticipated to be a regular event, according to the will of Pope Francis, with the next occasion being in September 2026. It is intended to form a corresponding forum to the World Youth Day which is held every few years for those aged between 16 and 35."

End of horrific article...

Does anyone need any more proof of the near-total corruption emanating from apostate Rome?

There is a moral and spiritual sickness that has its foundation in the father of lies and death, Satan...

Pray for justice and for the defeat of these sodomite monsters!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Just In Time For Memorial Day: Superintendent Of Denali National Park Brooke Merrell Tells Construction Workers To Remove US Flag From Equipment – It “Detracts” From Park Experience

 Marxist thug, Brook Merrell, superintendent of Denali National Park tells construction workers to remove U.S. Flag from equipment positing "it detracts from park experience"!

Well, wouldn't you know it, another Marxist lunatic insults construction workers -- some of whom just might be veterans! -- by forcing them to remove Old Glory from their equipment!

I wonder if those workers obeyed this punk, or did they ignore this communist thug and tell her to shove it?

By the way, Denali Park used to be Mount McKinley national park as the highest mountain in the U.S., was subject to a name change for -- what reason, exactly???  

More woke b.s.??

If you haven't already noticed, I'm getting sick and tired of these anti-American commies whether in the national park system or those so-called clerics who take great joy in slamming our founding document, the Constitution, and those Fathers who sacrificed their all to establish a new nation -- under God almighty! -- and fight for their rights systematically being destroyed by the tyrant, King George III.

All I can say, is that if upholding the Constitution and waving the American flag causes these bums heartburn, then get the hell out of the U.S. and move to North Korea or Red China, criticize those monsters by pen or speech, and see how long it takes for them to be thrown into labor camps for the rest of their natural lives!

The following story should make you want to vomit, if not, then YOU are part of the part of the problem that enables these gutless punks to deride our country -- and the veterans that fought and died for our inalienable, God-given rights that we have and enjoy today.  But be forewarned: those rights are being eroded by the communists running and ruining our beloved nation, that's why they must be voted out of office this coming November, if not, then you can kiss your freedoms goodbye!  That is not an exaggeration!

If they are not voted out, then we must -- must! -- invoke the Declaration of Independence and start over again!

From and written by Senator Demands Answers After Superintendent of Denali National Park Brooke Merrell Tells Construction Workers to Remove US Flag from Equipment - It "Detracts" from Park Experience | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

 "A construction crew working on a bridge in Alaska’s Denali National Park was ordered to remove their American flag from their equipment. The park official said it “detracted” from the park experience.

Alaska Watchman reported:

The crew working on a 475-foot-long bridge in Alaska’s Denali National Park was recently told that they could no longer fly the American flag from their trucks or heavy equipment, which are being used in the $207 million Federal Highway Administration project.

The bridge is being built by Granite Construction, after a 2021 rockslide took out a portion of the popular Denali Park Road that is used by visitors and tour buses to access more remote areas of the national park.

Since 2023, construction has been underway to repair the road at mile 45. This spring two mobile trucks and one piece of heavy equipment had been flying standard-sized U.S. flags."

 One of the contractors working on the bridge reached out to the Alaska Watchman regarding the recent order that the flags be removed. He asked that his name not be used, given that he is actively working on the project.

According to the contractor, Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the man overseeing the federal highways project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and notifying him that bridge workers must stop flying the stars and strips from their vehicles because it detracts from the “park experience.”

“The trucks are flying these American flags, about a foot atop the trucks, about three-foot by four-foot flags, and they said they don’t want this,” the contractor explained. “They’re saying it isn’t conducive and it doesn’t fit the park experience.”

How does someone this ridiculous make it to superintendent at a US National Park?

This woman should be fired immediately.

Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) wrote a strongly worded letter to the National Park Service demanding answers."

Via Libs of TikTok and Lara Logan.

End of article...

I apologize for showing the face of this punk, but we should know who and what we are dealing with under the current illicit, installed "administration" of the apostate, communist Biden and his crony's intent on destroying our nation.

Pray for strength and honor, we will need it more than ever in the coming days...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day (Weekend), 2024...

  Love her or hate her, America is the only home we have...

I even know a priest that despises the U.S. Constitution, commenting on how "un-Christian" it is, and that our whole system of governance is based on the ideas of the Founding Fathers -- freemasons and deists.  But I say, that's what we have to work with, and until the implementation of the Social Reign of Christ the King, it'll have to do.

The question then begs: will we ever see that Heavenly reign upon earth??

Perhaps not in our lifetimes, but in the Father's "time" it will happen!

I also wonder out loud, if that priest actually realizes that he can get on his soapbox and criticize the faults and injustices all wants without being sent to Siberia?

Yet, if he were living and writing in, let's say, North Korea, Red China, Iran, etc., you get the idea, he wouldn't last a day at his typewriter or computer keyboard without being arrested.

So even though he has the right to believe what he wants to about our country and the Constitution, he should also realize that Memorial Day recognizes those VETERANS who made the ultimate sacrifice that allows that priest those guaranteed rights in the first place!

Don't get me wrong, I am not so naive to think that it is the government that grants our natural rights to us, nay!  It is God almighty Who has made us in the image and likeness of the Blessed Trinity and because of that we are endowed with those inalienable rights.   

Getting back to Memorial Day... It seems that some Americans look upon this Day as just another day off from work, a time for cookouts, barbecues and travels and the unofficial start of the summer driving season, etc.

It means a lot more than that to me, being a Vietnam veteran and the brother of a Navy veteran who participated in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis while stationed on the U.S.S. Constellation aircraft carrier...

I remember my dear mother on pins and needles while all that craziness was going on!  I'm sure she said many prayers for his safety -- and for peace in the world, as we came very close to a nuclear war with the old Soviet Union.

A mere five years later, when I got my orders to Vietnam, my mother's heart, once again, sunk down to the pit of her stomach, worrying -- again -- if one of her son's would become a casualty of war.

I finally arrived in-country on December 16, 1967, and returned home back on December 16, 1968, not physically wounded, but nonetheless changed forever.

And, as it turned out, I did become "wounded" many years later from the effects of the chemical Agent Orange which was used to defoliate the forests and jungles to reveal the hiding places of the Viet Cong (VC) and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) enemy forces...

I have received much needed and frequent treatment at the VA hospital for my service-connected ailments. But I'm far from the only one as I observe many Vietnam vets seeking treatment for their afflictions due to their service while deployed to Vietnam.  Again, due to the effects of Agent Orange as well as PTSD and the ongoing effects of old bullet and shrapnel wounds.

Each year the number of Vietnam vets still living are decreasing at an alarming speed, succumbing to their diseases, drugs -- and, yes, even suicide...

God have mercy on them!

You can imagine that there are fewer and fewer Korean war vets, and virtually no World War II vets still alive, I hope, though, that I'm wrong on that score...

On that sad score, I'll close this missive for now, but I'll ask all of you to say a prayer for all Vietnam vets and for peace in a world on the brink of destruction.

Here is a line from a poem I wrote concerning my brother veterans (taken from one of my books!): I may not have liked you, but I loved you...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

I almost forgot...Please check out this (emotional) movie: Decoration Day...(8478) Decoration Day (1990) - YouTube

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, May 24, 2024

I'm Going To Put On My "Tin Foil Hat" And Sit In A Closet With My Flashlight!

  Go ahead and call me a conspiracy nut job... That's okay with me, but I have a theory about the nasty, destructive weather that has hit the central part of the country over the last several days -- and weeks!

Day after day, almost non-stop!

There have been almost unbelievable stories of massively destructive, severe thunderstorms, and worse -- tornados that have hit the following states.  

Note the states I name and where they are located, further, see if I'm wrong by classifying the following states as mostly "red" -- or very "red"!  Here we go: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, parts of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama...

I'm sure you have seen some of the news reports from boots-on-the- ground reporters, first responders, relief agencies as well as drone and aircraft showing the destruction of homes, businesses and, in some cases, entire towns.  Sadly, there was loss of life, but that loss could have been much worse if it were not for weather alerts and warnings that are usually broadcast in the breadbasket of the U.S. during this time of year.

Of course I'm talking about "tornado alley"!

As you know, we now live in Missouri -- right smack in the middle of "the alley," sometimes I wonder why we packed-up lock, stock and barrel and left New Hampshire for the "show me state"...

But that's another story for another time...

Now, let's talk about weather manipulation...

Is it real?

Yes, it is, and this is not a conspiracy theory as weather manipulation has been going on for decades, e.g., the seeding of clouds to increase the chance of rainfall, or more rainfall in certain areas of the country.

Also, there are certain days when you can plainly see chemtrails crisscrossing the sky; not contrails, but chemtrails!  

I realize that the "theory" of the chemtrail phenomenon can be quite controversial, but they are real; I have seen them and I'm sure you have seen them over time, concentrated more so in certain parts of the country than other locations...

Before I put on my "tin foil hat," I have to mention the massive and destructive wildfires that scorched the some of the western states a year or so ago.  

Some of the states affected were also pretty "red": Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and parts of California, Oregon, Utah, Nevada and Colorado, etc...

Okay, it's time for me to don the "hat," get my flashlight and head into my favorite closet...

What if -- what if! -- the states mentioned were targeted with weather manipulation to punish or demoralize, if you will, the more conservative, Bible-believing, America-first populations?

Who would be causing this to happen?     

Traitors?  Marxist communists?  Anti-Christs?

All three?

At least all three, perhaps many more categories of America-haters...

How about a connection between corrupt political entities and the military-industrial-complex?

Add to this "tin-foil-hat" "conspiracy theory," the millions -- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens that have been allowed to flood into the country -- for what purpose, exactly???  (As many are military-aged men!)

What will all this lead to in the not-too-distant future?  

An internal "Red Dawn," perhaps?

An end to the Republic?

A permanent, openly totalitarian regime ushering in an end to our God-given rights and responsibilities, total slavery and control by the elites?

Your guess is as good as mine...

I'm exiting the closet now and taking off my tin-foil-hat and getting back to reality, so pray for our country -- and vote out the current crop of traitors and Christ-haters and send them packing...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...