Saturday, January 28, 2023

Germany: And The (New) Fourth Reich...

  If you want to see what's upside down in the world, look no further than Germany!

Both in the secular and in the ecclesiastical realm, there is a schism, an apostasy in those "leaders" who, it seems, have lost the ability to use God-given common sense and reason, and have replaced it with rebellion of the Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor; to seek war not peace and myriad other actions that reflect complete lunacy of the ruling class...

What is happening is eerily similar during the era of the monster-lunatic, Hitler, back in the 1930s and forward.  We all know what happened after the populace were disarmed and the "brown shirts" were tasked with spying on their neighbors -- and even on their own family members, reporting any "suspicious activities" to their Nazi overlords...

If we look at the events of 2020 and beyond -- I'm talking about the so-called "covid pandemic" -- and the draconian lockdowns, forced face diaper wearing, and threats against those who refused to be injected with a filthy, mostly untested, experimental chemical that, as of this date, has killed over 1,000,000 people worldwide (this is a very low estimate), and debilitated tens of millions more.   We see that the German population succumbed to the drum-beating propaganda drilled into their heads every day of the week, whether in the newspapers, the 6 o'clock "news," Internet or other social media venues to the point that folks were scared to death to venture outside without a face diaper for "fear" of breathing fresh, unrestricted air, or sending their kids to school unmasked, fearing retribution from the medical or governmental "authorities."   

Now, let's take a look at what is happening with those who control the military in the German republic, regarding the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine...

It seems that the powers that be are hell-bent on ramping up the very real possibility of at least a limited nuclear exchange with Russia by their recent decision to send more sophisticated battle tanks to counter the Russian advances of the last several weeks...

How many realize that Germany and many of the northern European nations get their energy supplies from Russia, to heat their homes and cook their food?  It seems that the German hierarchy are willing to sacrifice the comfort and even the health and welfare of the German people!  Is this a matter of stubbornness, pride, hate, or what?

This is crazy!

There are several reasons for this, the least of which is that Putin may think that a "limited nuclear exchange" would be necessary to counter the introduction of such weaponry but that can very easily expand into a complete conflagration engulfing both countries to the point of complete annihilation! 

The acronym, MAD (mutual assured destruction), is apropos, because this whole scenario is, quite frankly, mad, insane, pure lunacy, risking all for what and to what end???

Part of the answer for the actions of the German elites, is that Putin is a threat to the new-world-order concocted by the West (the U.S. and NATO)... 

The question then begs: is an alliance between Russia and Red China any better?  What are their eventual goals?  Is it to take out the Western Empire and replace it with what, exactly??

There is a connection between the actions and motives of the secular government and the powerful church in Germany.  I'm referring to the German Catholic Church.  Let me repeat what I wrote above: there is a schism, an apostasy in those "leaders" who, it seems, have lost the ability to use God-given common sense and reason, and have replaced it with rebellion of the Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor...

There is almost a complete rebellion against perennial Church teachings to the point of the German Synod of Bishops espousing error, heresy, apostasy, sodomy, female "ordination," declaring what has always been a sin, is no longer!   This too is MAD!

If these are positions taken by these imposter bishops, why would anyone think that the secular authorities would be any wiser, or fear any actions taken against them by those very same bishops to bring them back to reality?   As the church goes, so goes society... The obvious weakness and outright rejection of dogma and doctrine gives fodder to Christ's enemies.  Where is the outright condemnation from Rome?  There isn't any.  Instead, we get confusing double-talk and the wishy-washy nonsense that we must "dialogue" -- with evil?  

I think not...

In conclusion... If anyone thinks I'm "picking" on Germany, you would be right, but only to show that everything I wrote applies in spades to -- the United States, including the incoherent, demented, apostate, Biden, sending our Abrams battle tanks to Ukraine...

All this is happening because of the rejection of the Kingship of Christ, as head of all nations and of all souls... It's as "simple" as that...

Pray for the defeat of these monsters and for their conversion...

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




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