Monday, January 9, 2023

I Could Cry, But I Won't Despair!

 As the new year begins, I see a continuation of the mess of a year that we just left behind: wars and rumors of wars, depravity, immorality and corruption in civil and ecclesiastical society, stolen elections and a treasonous, apostate "Catholic" holding the White House -- and the American public -- hostage!  I could list dozens of other sins afflicting our fallen human nature, but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I would like to switch my train of thought somewhat and say that there may be some hope for the new year of 2023, albeit I proclaim a good deal of caution in doing so...

Unfortunately, far too large a segment of the American populace is still easily led down the primrose lane of unquestioned compliance with governmental dictates that directly contradict our God-given rights -- and responsibilities to resist, to the face -- and literally force a surrender to the Marxist elites attempting to impose their satanic wills on a once-free peoples of the U.S. of A.

One way to change a perception of imminent doom -- if you don't get a particular jab, or wear a face diaper -- is to stop watching the 6 o'clock "news"!  

Does that sound a wee bit too simplistic?  Perhaps, but why are people still scared to death that if they don't comply with the tyrannical "authorities" and their un-natural mandates and keep themselves jabbed and faces covered -- and what's worse -- deprive their kiddie's ability to breathe normally or see their classmate's faces as they should see them? 

Let's face it -- no pun intended! -- the average Joe has been so brainwashed, that they have lost, for all practical purposes, the ability to think for themselves.  I'm sad to say, I don't think that is a too pessimistic analysis of the current state of affairs in our beloved country.

Ben Franklin once quipped (paraphrasing): those who sacrifice their rights for "security," deserve neither... Couple this with a wide open, southern border and an invasion of not only illegal aliens, but also a massive influx of the deadly drug, fentanyl, and you have a recipe of a moral and physical disaster in the making.  In fact, as of this writing, and looking back on 2022, there have been well over 100,000 drug overdoses in the U.S.  Sadly, that is a very low estimate...

On the ecclesiastical -- and spiritual side -- the traditional Latin Mass communities are growing leaps and bounds, with many new conservative seminarians longing to enter the priesthood, this, despite the attacks from the Christ-haters emanating from the novus ordo hierarchy, especially from the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, restricting and threatening those TLM institutes and cancelling those good priests who attempt to preach -- from the housetops -- the real good news of the perennial teachings of the authentic Catholic Church: the primary function of the Church in the first place -- the salvation of souls -- and not the phony "dialogue" and "accompaniment" of the one-world religion being fostered by the traitors wearing the Roman collar...

But hope does spring eternal!  And we know that our Lord is in command, though at the present time, it can be discouraging even to the most ardent of believers -- a dark night of the soul, if you will, but this is where perseverance comes in, and, as St. Paul relates, it is those who stay in and finish the race that the crown of eternal life will be won!  

In the meantime, what are we to do, and how should we fight the forces of evil so prevalent, so ubiquitous threatening the life of grace in our souls?  

First, and foremost, is to achieve personal sanctification!  It isn't easy, but then again, nothing worthwhile is, right?  

Second, attend the Traditional Latin Mass and stay away from -- abhor! -- the novus ordo concoction created by a Freemason infiltrator, the supposed "archbishop" Bugnini and his Protestant friends...

Third, protect -- at all costs -- the spiritual well-being of our family and friends.  In the long run, nothing else matters than to secure our mansion in the Heavenly Beatitude!

And of course, worthily receive the Holy Eucharist, without which there is no life in us!  (See St. John, Chapter Six, King James or Douay Rheims version of the Bible.) 

Will 2023 be any different than 2022?  I think so, but we may have to fight, figuratively -- and physically...  So be it...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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