Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Is The Institute Of Christ The King Sovereign Priest Safe From The Latin Mass -- Continuing -- Crackdown And Ban??

  I hope so...

The following article was just posted over at lifesitenews.com and written by Louis KnuffkePope Francis affirms charism of Latin Mass order Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Here is the sub-headline of the article: "The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, which exclusively celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass, said Pope Francis ‘insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our own, proper charism’ after a private audience with the order’s superiors on June 24."

Here is the full article: VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has confirmed to the superiors of the traditional Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) that they are to continue their work according to their own proper charism, which includes the exclusive celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.

ICKSP announced that, “On the 24th June 2024, the 45th anniversary of his Priestly Ordination by Saint John Paul II, Monsignor Gilles Wach, Prior General of our Institute, was received in private audience by His Holiness Pope Francis, accompanied by Monsignor Rudolf Michael Schmitz, vicar general of the Institute, and by Canon Louis Valadier, provincial of France.”

This audience was an occasion to thank the Holy Father for his inspiring Apostolic Letter, Totum amoris est, dedicated to Saint Francis de Sales, our Patron Saint. Monseigneur Wach was also able to present all the pastoral work carried out by the priests of the Institute throughout the world in the service of souls.

On two occasions, the Pope insisted that we continue to serve the Church according to our own, proper charism, in the spirit of unity and communion which the harmony and balance of the Salesian spirituality allow. The Holy Father also expressed his gratitude for the prayers and for the apostolic and missionary work of the Sister Adorers, as well as for the generous dedication of the oblates.

At the end of the meeting, the Holy Father invited our Prior General to visit him again with all the members of the Institute, as well as the Sister Adorers, whom he would be very happy to receive in audience.

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest superiors meet with Pope Francis, June 24, 2024

The ICKSP states on its website that part of the order’s charism is to promote the beauty of the Church’s sacred traditions in the liturgy by exclusively offering the Traditional Latin Mass.

“The Institute of Christ the King celebrates the classical Roman Liturgy, the ‘Latin Mass,’ in its traditional form according to the liturgical books promulgated in 1962 by Pope Saint John XXIII,” the website states. “During his pontificate, Pope Saint John Paul II exhorted bishops to be generous in allowing its use. It was with his blessing that the Institute began to celebrate the Traditional Mass.”

Pope Francis’ confirmation of the charism of the Institute of Christ the King comes as reports have circulated that Rome is considering an imminent suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass “in a manner ‘as wide, final, and irreversible as possible.’”

READ: Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16

Rome has also blocked the ordinations of five seminarians in the French religious community of the Missionaries of Divine Mercy. The seminarians, who have already been ordained subdeacons, have been waiting as long as two years for their ordination to the diaconate on their path to the priesthood. The reason for the holdup in Rome has now become clear: an attachment to the Traditional Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.

On the other hand, Pope Francis has more than once confirmed the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) in its exclusive use of the traditional “Tridentine” Mass. The superior of the Institute of the Good Pastor also received a personal encouragement from Pope Francis during a public audience in November 2022 after the publication of Traditionis custodes, which severely limits the use of the ancient rite. And only recently, on May 25, the Priory of San Benedetto of the Benedictines of Norcia in Italy, who celebrate the traditional liturgy, was elevated to the status of an abbey.

READ: Heterodox theologian allegedly behind Latin Mass restrictions calls traditional Catholics a ‘sect’

Commenting on the universal attractiveness of the Traditional Latin Mass, especially among the young, ICKSP says on its website, “More and more young people, who have never before experienced the profundity and beauty of the traditional liturgy, are deeply moved by their first encounter with it and are everywhere requesting its wider use. It is very gratifying to see how the apostolates of the Institute, as well as those of other communities where the Traditional Mass is celebrated, are frequented by young families and young people attracted by the force of tradition itself.”

ICKSP insists that its aim is give these young Catholic families “the opportunity to know the classical Roman Liturgy because, for so many, they find it strengthens their faith, helps them in their struggle to lead a Christian life in the world of today, and intensifies their attachment to the Church and to the Holy Father.”

Explaining the love for and attentiveness to the beauty and dignity of the liturgy that their founder has instilled in the priestly institute, ICKSP states, “The founder of the Institute of Christ the King, Monsignor Gilles Wach, STD, frequently underlines that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is like a diamond that needs a dignified, beautiful setting to show even more its value and brilliance.”

“For this reason, the Institute strives to surround the Holy Sacrifice with perfectly traditional Catholic teaching and the utmost beauty and solemnity of the rite. Truth, liturgy, and charity should form an ever-greater harmony to render evident the sacramental power and riches of grace present in the Holy Mass.”


Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass restrictions have had ‘exactly the opposite effect’

Archbishop Cordileone to offer Traditional Latin Mass during National Eucharistic Congress

FSSP ordains 11 new priests to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass

End of article...

We all know that the Traditional Latin Mass is the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!

It would be a horrible shame if the Mass of the ages is somehow taken away from us!

That wonderful Mass has already been banned or severely restricted in many parts of the world, including France, England and the U.S.

Unfortunately, there are far too many bishops that despise the TLM and are more than happy to stop it -- or try to eradicate it from their diocese... This is like cutting one's nose off to spite one's face!!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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