Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stunning Admission! American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Has Iron-Fisted INFLUENCE (Control?) Of Our Federal Elected Representatives In D.C.!

 Have you ever heard of the term, "Christian Zionist"?

These folks are mostly composed of the various Protestant sects that misinterpret the Bible and incorrectly think that the (illicit) current state of Israel is the Israel mentioned in the Bible and is still the home of the "chosen people" of God! 

And because of that, they have an unwavering belief that they have to support Israel at all costs -- even the potential cost of American lives and treasure, without exception!

What I just wrote is not hyperbole...

In fact, if you look closely at the suit jackets of some of the male reps in the Congress and the Senate, you will see an Israeli star of David pinned to their lapels, or some other trinket indicating their bought- and-paid-for support (allegiance?) to Israel and to the "Israel first" mentality!

Sadly, there are also some (novus ordo) Catholics who have fallen for this ruse and also think that Israel fits right in to the modernist version of salvation history.  

I should also mention that anyone who opposes any monetary or political aid to Israel is immediately labeled or attacked as "anti-Semitic," "racist" or "bigot," take your pick!

I'll post an entire article from lifesitennews.com and written by Stephen Kokx

"(LifeSiteNews) — GOP Congressman Thomas Massie informed Tucker Carlson that the influential American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has “babysitters” that monitor U.S. politicians to keep them in line.

AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobby groups in Washington, D.C. With roots dating to the 1950s, AIPAC spends millions of dollars every year to pressure elected officials from both parties to vote for policies that promote Zionist interests.

“Last month, we voted like 15 or 16 times on issues related to Israel,” Massie said. AIPAC has “the ear” of Speaker Mike Johnson. “We haven’t had 16 votes in April on the United States in Congress!”

Politico op-ed published this past weekend described the group as a “fundraising juggernaut,” noting that in recent years it has raised “more money for candidates than any similar organization this (election) cycle.”

Less than two dozen lawmakers, mostly Democrats, routinely oppose AIPAC’s aims. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and pro-abortion members of “the Squad,” including Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are among them.

A website called Track AIPAC keeps tabs on GOP and Democrat lawmakers who take the group’s money.

A self-described libertarian Republican, Massie has consistently supported America-first policies since winning Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District seat in 2012. His efforts have put him in hot water with AIPAC in recent years, especially his no vote on the recently passed “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act,” a bill that the left-leaning Washington Post has said was simply meant to “silence criticism of Israel.”

“I vote my conscience, which they won’t tolerate,” Massie said. “I’m against sending our money overseas. I’m against starting another proxy war. I’m against sanctions because it’s going to weaken the dollar. I’m for free speech.”

Massie won his primary race with over 70% of the vote earlier this year. He told Carlson he was initially “neutral” toward AIPAC and that he would even meet with them to discuss foreign affairs, but now he does “not like” them due their spending $400,000 to oppose him in his last campaign.

Massie revealed to a stunned Carlson that the group, which says it is nothing more than American citizens lobbying on behalf of Israel’s interests, should register as a foreign entity with the U.S. government. Doing so would force them to reveal details about how they operate.

“Let’s look and see if you’re getting any money from that foreign country. Are you a dual citizen with that foreign country? … Is Netanyahu speaking to your group, advising you on your next move? Are you getting money from the military industrial complex?”

Massie further explained that AIPAC pays for lawmakers to take vacations to Israel and that it has “co-opted Evangelicals” by funding a grassroots organization called Christians United for Israel that encourages voters to oppose lawmakers who don’t comply with their demands.

“It’s actually a top-down movement from AIPAC so that people who aren’t even Jewish will feel like they’ve got to support Israel … even if it’s a secular state that funds abortions,” he said.

Massie also stated that the group sends lawmakers an “AIPAC person.”

“It’s like your babysitter. Your AIPAC babysitter who is always talking to you for AIPAC. They’re probably a constituent in your district, but they are, you know, firmly embedded in AIPAC … that’s how it works on the Republican side.”

He added that when the person visits Washington, congressmen have lunch with them and regularly ask them for political favors.

“Why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who’s representing a foreign country? It doesn’t benefit the congressman for people to know that. So they’re not going to tell you that,” he said.  “Nobody” on Capitol Hill, he said has a “Britain guy … an Australian guy … a Germany dude.”

Massie argued that despite the group’s influence, AIPAC is “exposing their weakness” because a growing number of GOP lawmakers are telling him they agree with his opposition to them even if they don’t stand with him publicly.

“If one person starts speaking the truth, (AIPAC is) afraid it could be contagious,” he said."'

End of article...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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