Thursday, June 27, 2024

Is This Another Example Of The DEATH Of Due Process???

  The following -- short video (10 minutes) -- should make any American citizen that values their constitutional rights, gasp!

Is that too strong a take?  

Not really...

Just look at those Americans locked away -- some have died while in custody! -- in the D.C. gulag for over three years, still awaiting their unjustified trials in some kangaroo court presided over by a biased "judge" and "jury"...

Also keep in mind, that those political prisoners have consistently been denied bail!  Another violation of their Constitutional rights!

In addition, they are suffering -- yes, they are suffering at the hands of their jailers, with some being beaten, and or denied needed medical attention, not to mention sub-standard food and cleanliness in their tiny cells.

And, while all this is going on, the corrupt powers that be in the highest offices of the land, continue their lawlessness and mock the very system that is supposed to demand rightful justice for crimes committed.

A prime example of this are the heads of the "justice department," namely, the contempt exhibited by M. Garland and the head of the FBI, C. Wray, both deserve to be held in contempt of Congress, all the while protecting the treasonous, outlaw, Biden, and his crime family, from facing justice for their -- documented -- illegal actions...

In essence, we are witnessing a two-tiered system of justice, one for the elites, and one for you and me!

As the November elections quickly approach, it behooves all voters to kick the despot Biden out and re-elect President Trump!  If this does not happen, we can kiss what is left of our Republic goodbye...

Before I post the video, it should be noted that what you will see and hear is all part of the government thugs trying to shut down private dairies who sell quality foods, such as raw milk and their associated products -- to private members of their own "club," not to the public!

Yet they are still subject to Gestapo tactics with some storm troopers arriving at family farms as full swat teams ready to do -- what, exactly??

Intimidate?  Terrorize?

Yes, both!


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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