Friday, June 7, 2024

(St. Junípero Serra Ferrer Must Be Shedding Holy Tears In Heaven!) Homosexual California Democrat Senator Says Gender-Confused Children Are ‘Our Kids’...

 On Saturday, April 13, 2024, I wrote: 

If The Devil Can Get The Children, He's Won The Battle For Souls! Joe Biden Outraged Sexually Explicit Books And Pornographic Literature Banned From Elementary Schools!

Here is still another angle of this diabolical story happening as I write this missive: Homosexual California Democrat senator says gender-confused children are ‘our kids’ - LifeSite (

From and written by LifeSiteNews staff

There is only one sure way to combat these sodomites: pull your precious kids out of the demonic public school system!

Here is the entire article...


"SACRAMENTO, California (LifeSiteNews) — Homosexual California Democratic state Senator Scott Wiener stated unequivocally that children in foster care who are suffering from homosexual and transgender thoughts and urges don’t belong to their parents: “These are our children,” he said, referring to members of the so-called “LGBT community.” 

It quickly became apparent that his designs are not limited solely to foster care children.  

 Speaking at a “Pride Month” kickoff in San Francisco, Wiener also said that parents who want to maintain their parental rights are “nasty people.”  

“We know that so much of the hate directed at our community is happening in other states. Unfortunately it’s here in California too,” claimed Wiener, attacking school boards “in very conservative areas” and suggesting that upholding the two sexes and parents’ rights is “hate.”

READ: California legislator Scott Wiener fighting to help statutory rapists avoid sex offender registry

Wiener referred to a recently proposed law in the state legislature known as Assembly Bill (AB) 1955 that threatens to exclude parents from critical aspects of their children’s lives and development, as California Family Council (CFC) has warned.

The measure would prohibit schools from implementing policies requiring parental notification regarding their child’s gender issues without the student’s consent.   

As written, the bill “marginalizes parents, preventing them from receiving critical information about their children,” said CFC. “Parents need to be informed partners in addressing issues of gender identity, ensuring their children receive the support and guidance they need within the family unit.”  

Wiener flatly condemned the idea that parents’ rights should trump the interests of pro-LGBT teachers and other school staff members. School employees, according to Wiener, should not be required to inform parents when their children “come out” and attempt to live a transgender or homosexual “identity” at school.   

Wiener’s troubling statements express a once mostly-whispered Marxist scheme to untether kids from their parent’s loving protection, a dangerous notion that is now shamelessly demanded in Democrat-led school systems, legislatures, courts, governmental agencies, and activist groups.   

Wiener’s words echo the enormously controversial song popularly known as “We’ll convert your children, we’re coming for them,” performed by the Gay Men’s Chorus of San Francisco in 2021.   

Here are some of the lyrics from the song:   

We have a message for you:   

You think that we’ll corrupt your kids

if our agenda’s unchecked

Funny, just this once, you’re correct

We’ll convert your children

‘happens bit by bit

quietly and subtly

and you will barely notice it

We’re coming for your children

The gay agenda is coming home, the gay agenda is here!

We’ll convert your children

calling one and all

There’s really no escaping it.

Wiener boasted that “10 percent of the California legislature is now LGBTQ. Twelve out of 120,” and that they are united behind AB 1955.    

“We said ‘not on our watch,’” Wiener proudly recounted. “We introduced legislation to ban these forced outing policies [that] some school boards are starting to adopt.”  

READ: California’s transgender ‘sanctuary’ law takes effect for kids seeking chemical, genital mutilation

Wiener and the others who comprise the state’s LGBTQ legislative caucus have come up against parents who reject the law’s undermining of parent-child relationships.  


Scott Wiener (third from left) and friends, 2016. Credit: Scott Wiener/X

During a hearing last week, after Assemblyman Chris Ward introduced AB 1955, several testimonies highlighted the severe implications of this bill.   

Aurora Regino, a mother currently suing the Chico Unified School District, shared her harrowing experience:  

My daughter was influenced by her school to believe that her sadness was because she was really a boy. When she told a school counselor that she felt this way, the counselor did not tell me. Instead, without contacting me, the counselor and my daughter’s teacher arranged for the entire school to begin using a male name that my daughter had picked out and referred to her with the male pronouns. The school cemented and encouraged this male identity for my daughter behind my back.

Dr. Arthur de Lorimier, health sciences clinical professor, pediatric gastroenterology at UC Davis Health, said:  

Parents must be involved in their gender dysphoric children at the inception of the adoption of a new identity. Schools should not conduct psychological interventions without parental consent. Children’s parents play the most vital role in the physical and mental wellness of their children. Gender dysphoric youth are at greater risk of suicide than their peers from the distress of the dysphoria, not from being unaffirmed.  



READ: California reduces penalties for knowingly infecting someone with HIV

Attorney Erin Friday also emphasized the risks, noting, “Parents are the only ones able to keep their children safe.” She added that it “erodes trust and safety within the family unit” for schools to encourage children to deceive to parents about their gender issues. 

“Mothers and fathers should never be excluded from their vital role of directing the care and education of their children,” said Jonathan Keller, president of California Family Council. “AB 1955 marginalizes parents and prevents them from being informed partners in addressing issues of gender identity, which is essential for the well-being of their sons and daughters.” 

End of article...

Satan, at this time in history, has the upper hand in this vale of tears!  

If it weren't for our Lord's promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His true Church, despair would overtake the Elect and the battle for souls lost!

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