Saturday, April 13, 2024

If The Devil Can Get The Children, He's Won The Battle For Souls! Joe Biden Outraged Sexually Explicit Books And Pornographic Literature Banned From Elementary Schools!

  Satan never sleeps, and apostate Joseph Biden proves that beyond question!

I'm going to post an article from and written by Christina Laila.

Warning, the information contained in this article can -- and should! -- be offensive to any rightly formed Catholic/Christian conscience!

Note: I will not post the drawing of what is in some of these filthy books, and I urge anyone reading this missive: please, do not to go to the website!  

"Joe Biden once again attacked Republican lawmakers for banning sexually explicit books in schools.

Of course, Biden is upset sexually explicit books are banned from schools and libraries.

This is the same guy who took showers with his daughter and openly molests children.

“This is 2024! Banning books! Attempting to erase history!” Biden said during virtual remarks at the National Action Network Convention in the South Court Auditorium.

No one is trying to ban reading books.

Republican lawmakers removed sexually explicit books from schools so minor children are not exposed to pornographic material.

Why do Democrats insist on pushing porn books on kids?

One book that was found in several libraries is titled, Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe.

The book is a graphic novel with drawings that explains in lurid detail the sexual interactions between two underage school boys, has been inserted into high school libraries across America, despite it violating guidelines against pornography or sexually explicit materials being provided to minors and paid for with our tax dollars.

Gender Queer includes countless images of male-on-male sexual encounters, accompanied by words that one would expect to find inside adult porn shops or gay sex clubs. Even so, this book was purchased and pushed by school officials around the country, despite it clearly violating county guidelines."

End of article... 

The devil can take many forms! 

Plus, he can trick those weak-willed, lukewarm Catholics into believing that even he has rights!

But what about God's rights??

Are parishioners who practice the novus ordo religion taught that the devil never sleeps, and wants to drag poor souls down into his abyss of eternal despair and hate? 

Do they ever hear about mortal sin? 

Are they ever told -- from the pulpit -- that receiving the Holy Eucharist unworthily and what the dire consequences of that sacrilegious act entails?  (See St. Paul's warning to his congregation in 1 Corinthians, chapt. 11; 27-29.)

Those who have been elected (or installed?) into the highest offices in the land, should set a good moral and spiritual example to the electorate, but instead we have just the opposite in the morally corrupt, apostate Biden and his wicked crime family.

Pray for the deafeat and conversion of these modernist monsters, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapuan and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...


Gene DeLalla 

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