Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Here's The Latest On Murder, Inc.: The Marxist, Baby Killing Biden Regime Forked Over $699,000,000 In Taxpayer Monies To "Planned Parenthood" Last Year!

  In fact, Murder, Inc. killed 392,715 babies in abortions last year. That’s a 5% increase from the 2021-2022 figures!

But wait a minute!  How can this be??  I thought the Supreme Court shot down Roe v Wade last year and yet more babies have been slaughtered than in 2022??

I'll post an article from and written by Steven Ertelt: Joe Biden Gives Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz a Record $699 Million in Taxpayer Funding -

Here is the entire article: "The Planned Parenthood abortion business released its newest annual report that shows it killed more babies in abortions in 2022-2033 than ever before.

But the abortion giant also set another record – getting more of our tax dollars than ever. Thanks to Joe Biden, the Planned Parenthood abortion business raked in $699.3 million in taxpayer funding. That figure is itself an $81 million increase in revenue from when Biden took over the White House.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins condemned the new figures in a statement to LifeNews.

“The luxury given to an international abortion enterprise to self-report must be something other corporations are jealous of, but here we are again, reading a brag sheet on Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer haul – and it’s risen again, with 34% of their budget coming from us,” she said.

“Any politicians trying to argue that abortion is not federal isn’t paying attention. But to take that approach, Congress should pledge to defund and debar Planned Parenthood as well as denounce their attacks on state law, as well as other countries’ respect for life,” said Hawkins.

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In addition to the loss of tax resources in this terrible economy, the report indicates that Planned Parenthood is investing in national and international legal manipulation.

Although Planned Parenthood bills itself as a woman’s health organization, in reality, it is little more than an abortion business.

Planned Parenthood just published its annual report, its own figures from the previous year. And when it comes to abortions, the new report shows the abortion business killed 392,715 babies in abortions in the last year. That’s a 5% increase from the 2021-2022 figures.

That’s over 1,075 babies killed in abortions every single day of the year or 44 dead babies every single hour. That’s in insane figure for a company giant that claims its main focus is merely women’s health care.

It’s a horrific number that is almost difficult to comprehend and far surpasses any genocide in human history.

The figure is also higher than its previous annual report, where it indicated it killed 374,155 babies in abortions. In 2019 the abortion giant killed 354,871 babies in abortions, showing that Planned Parenthood continues to kill more and more babies even as it does less and less legitimate health care.

With the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute estimating 930,160 abortions, this means Planned Parenthood kills 42% of all babies killed in abortions in the United States.

A leading pro-life group called Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP) commented on other parts of the new annual report in an email to LifeNews:

In its 2022-2023 annual report, Planned Parenthood asserts that it goes “above and beyond.” Yet a close reading of the annual report reveals that Planned Parenthood appears to go above and beyond the law.

As STOPP has warned previously, Planned Parenthood brags about pursuing abortion near or across state lines. Planned Parenthood asserts that its lawyers are attempting to change laws in its favor through litigation and that the organization uses its nearly $3 billion in assets for influencing political activity.

This report should be the centerpiece of criminal investigations into misconduct by Planned Parenthood and its board. You cannot mix, mingle, and misuse nonprofit money for improper purposes, and Planned Parenthood continues to do so to the tune of nearly $1 billion in donations and another $700 million in taxpayer money.

 Abortions are up, with 392,715 babies killed in the last year. Meanwhile, the average American’s annual income is down. We can barely afford necessities, and what is our government’s answer? Funnel $700 million to the elite baby killers. STOPP’s latest CEO report showed that nearly $20 million of this income is dedicated solely to lining the pockets of its own affiliate CEOs.

In 2023, the baby killing machine sky rocketed donations to just under 1 billion dollars of donations, and another 700 million in our own tax dollars. The smoke and mirrors coming from PP still cling to their 4% number, while murdering a record 392,715 babies in 2023. They killed more people than the populations of New Orleans, or Tampa, or Cleveland and hundreds of other US cities."

The abortion giant is also now in the hormone selling business, exploiting children to push deadly and improper drugs on them.

End of article and post...

I wonder how long it will be before the wrath of almighty God will smite us for killing His precious gift of life to us??

Pray for the defeat of these monsters, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla 

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