Friday, April 12, 2024

Troubling Signals From President Trump And Others Such As Kari Lake Now Equivocating Their "Pro-Life" Stance...

  As I've written many times in the past, we cannot pin our hopes for a better world on any one political party or candidate.  

Sure, some may sound and act as though they would follow more closely the Natural Law -- and the Ten Commandments -- especially when it comes to the sanctity of pre-born life in the womb, but when it comes to running for elective office, things have a way of revealing their true stance on such life and death matters...

In recent days and weeks, after the Arizona Supreme Court allowed the enforcement of a near-total abortion ban dating back to 1864 and codified in 1913, the true intentions of "pro-life" Republican candidates has been made manifest to the nth degree.

Numerous articles and interviews of Mr. Trump and Kari Lake have clearly shown their equivocation of their "pro-life" position.  

Why?  What are they afraid of??  

Am I naive for asking that question?

I guess you can say that actions speak louder than words, and their recent actions -- in this case, their actual words are their actions! -- speaks volumes...

Both have indicated that the AZ Supreme Court "went too far" in defending the pre-born, and that if elected, both posited that they would not adhere to any such court ruling (even the U.S. Supreme Court?).  In fact, their statements seem to further indicate that they would veto any such "extreme" baby-protecting bill if it made it to their desks.


A simple search of or will show many articles that corroborate what I have written here... 

( - The Pro-Life News Source and LifeSite Home - U.S. Edition (

I also realize that the current Marxist regime, now holding the White House hostage, must change, and quickly, before the Hand of God almighty smites our nation for killing His precious gift of pre-born life to the tune of over 63,000,000 and counting!

The question then begs: if we can't trust Mr. Trump and the likes of Kari Lake on this vital life and death "issue," then what other matters of faith and morals might they compromise in order to gain the favor of post-Christian-nation voters?

I think at this point, we can only pray for the complete conversion of the hearts and souls of Mr. Trump and Kari Lake and others who would sacrifice their honor and integrity for power and position that high elective office brings.

Pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...


Gene DeLalla 



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