Thursday, April 25, 2024

More Blasphemy From The -- AUTOMATICALLY EX-COMMUNICATED -- "Devout Catholic," Biden, Mocking The Most Blessed Trinity At A Rally Pushing For Abortion (Up To Birth?)!

  The enemies of Christ, our Lord, are jumping with glee at seeing "devout Catholic," Biden, making the sign of the cross at a rally in Florida pushing for the slaughter of the pre-born...

In reality, the "rally" was to protest the Florida bill to prevent abortions after six weeks of gestation.  That bill is supported by Gov. DeSantis and is a step in the right direction.  But as Catholics -- and anyone who believes in the Natural Law -- know that a child is a child from the first moment of conception and should -- no, make that must! -- have their fundamental right to life protected until natural death!

The scene of the demonically possessed Biden, mocking the Blessed Trinity, has now been seen worldwide, and is fodder, no doubt, for the satanists and atheists around the world who hate the true Catholic Church!

The backlash from this blasphemous act has been quick, and condemned by numerous groups and organizations who's rightly formed consciences are "shocked" by the actions of this incoherent, Marxist, installed -- not elected! -- Biden.

Make no mistake, this recent act is nothing new for this evil and wicked male who lies on a daily basis and cites his "Catholic faith" in order to justify or ignore the most heinous of crimes against humanity!

I will now post one of the many articles that are available on-line that corroborates this despicable character's mocking the Blessed Trinity...

From and written by Doug Mainwaring:

‘Absolutely evil’: Joe Biden makes sign of the cross during pro-abortion rally in Florida - LifeSite (

"Joe Biden sparked outrage among Catholics for making the sign of the cross at a pro-abortion campaign event in Florida where he promoted the murder of unborn children.

(LifeSiteNews) — ["]President["] Joe Biden was caught on camera making the sign of the cross at a Florida pro-abortion rally, seemingly reacting against laws approved by Gov. Ron DeSantis to restrict abortions in the Sunshine State.   

[My air quotes and brackets around the word president.]

In the now-viral video, the 81-year-old Democrat and putative Catholic crosses himself as the speaker says that, for DeSantis, “15 weeks wasn’t good enough; we had to go to six weeks” as the legal cutoff for abortions in Florida. 

CatholicVote was the first to publish the appalling action by Biden, saying, “This. Is. Vile.” 

“You cannot be Catholic and support abortion!” continued the post on X. “You cannot invoke GOD and promote Death!” 

READ: PETITION: US bishops must excommunicate Biden after his shameful pro-abortion State of the Union address

While campaigning in Florida, Biden attacked the state’s six-week ban as “extreme” and again declared that killing the unborn should be “a constitutional right in the federal Constitution.”

The Catholic Church teaches, in accordance with the natural law, that abortion is always a grave sin and an “abominable crime,” which the Church punishes with excommunication.

The sign of the cross invokes the Most Blessed Trinity, “marks with the imprint of Christ,” and “signifies the grace of the redemption Christ won for us by His cross,” according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

“Absolutely vile, pray for the soul of our ["]president["], he is a feeble old man, he needs to prepare to meet his maker,” said Bishop Joseph Strickland, bishop emeritus of Tyler, Texas, in response.

[My air quotes and brackets around the word president.]

“His making the sign is absolutely evil, a symbolic rejection of the Catholic faith he purports to believe,” wrote Deacon Keith Fournier.  

“I wish, for the salvation of his soul, his Bishop would formally excommunicate him,” continued the deacon. “It was, from the earliest centuries, a remedy to return a sinner back to Jesus Christ.” 

“Mocking the Catholic faith and the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of human life represents a new low in a ["]presidency["] of moral lows,” said Fr. R. Vierling.  

[My air quotes and brackets around the word presidency.]

READ: Biden campaign says promoting abortion is ‘top priority’ for second term

“This is incredibly offensive,” wrote Heritage Foundation Vice President Roger Severino.    

“The sign of the cross is sacred, not a political prop, especially not in support of abortion,” added Severino.  

Others slammed Biden’s action as “demonic” and “sacrilegious” and said, “Now he adds blasphemy to his list of abominations.” 

READ: Rosary-wearing Jill Biden promotes contraception to Kenya’s young people

End of article...

Yes, I echo the sentiments of those folks who are praying for the conversion of this modernist monster!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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