Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How Many Catholics Practice Their Faith? If These Statistics Are Accurate, It Is Devastating For The (Novus Ordo) Church!

  I think by now, most have heard or read about the low number of (novus ordo) Catholics who actually attend Mass on Sundays and all holy days of obligation, but more recent findings indicate percentages that, frankly, are incredibly revealing -- and devastating!

In fact, I have personal knowledge that many former Catholics now attend some type of Protestant service, or have completely stopped going to any church, and have abandoned the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by our Lord and built upon the rock of St. Peter.

Why is that?

The reasons for this apostacy are legion...

Poor catechesis for one. (By the way, "vincible ignorance" will not save those folks, in fact it can very well condemn them!); a clergy that has also abandoned the actual teachings of the Church that are required to be believed and practiced, and because of this we have "trickle-down" unbelief; the destruction of traditional orders and the ongoing attack on the Traditional Latin Mass; the acceptance of the zeitgeist (the spirit of the world) as well as outright rejection of dogma.  Another major reason: disrespect shown to the Holy Eucharist or outright rejection of the Real Presence!

The list is almost endless... 

Remember too, when He walked the earth, He asked: when the Son of Man returns, think He will find faith on earth?

Yes, as we know, there will be an Elect, a Remnant when our Lord returns...

The question begs: when will that momentous event occur?

And when will the world come to an end?   We don't know, but what we do know that when we die, that will be the end of the world for us, individually... 

Remember, Our Lord tells us in the Bible, that only His Father knows when the end of time will come upon us!

What I'm not going to say, is "don't worry, be happy," but on the other hand, be as joyous as we can and stay in a state of grace, so if that day comes during our lifetime, we'll be ready to face our Particular Judgment with some measure of confidence!

The following video (about 24 minutes in length) is from Dr. Anthony Stine from It's Actually Worse Than We Thought: Proof That Almost No Christians Go To Church (


Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Saint Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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