Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Correction, Correction, Correction To My Post: What Have These Apostates Been Drinking?? If You Can Stomach It, Here's The Newest Attack On Catholic Morals -- And Faith!

  In my last post, I incorrectly indicated "Cardinal" Fernandez of being the creator of blasphemous "art"... I was wrong for several reasons that need not be mentioned here, but the real culprit of the so-called "art" was none other than a pervert "priest" by the name of Rupnik. This monstrous scoundrel had targeted nuns -- brides of Christ! -- for sexual and spiritual abuse over several decades.

This demon was expelled from the Jesuits and ex-communicated only to be re-instated by none other than Bergoglio.  This creepy "artist" is still in good standing to this day.

Here is a good rundown on this monster masquerading as a "priest" from Dr. Taylor Marshall: Creepy Artist Priest invited 2 nuns to "Trinity Three Way" - Protected by Francis? (

Having corrected my error, the idea that Fernandez is as pure as the driven snow is false.  He may not have created blasphemous "art," but he has written filthy and erotic books that could easily be used by Hollywood to create pornographic films!

I am not exaggerating one iota!

I ask: who are these people?  Whom do they serve?  How can they be real, legitimate clergy?  

The only answer that makes any sense is that these wolves in sheep's clothing are the newest generation of the infiltrators that have wreaked havoc in the (novus ordo) church attempting to make their "church" into the image and likeness -- of themselves!

In many respects, they have been enormously successful...

And the beat goes on...

There will be a Remnant, an Elect that our dear Lord will take with Him when He returns... And the rest?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 


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