Monday, April 29, 2024

Update To My Article: German "Catholic" "Bishop" Creates Deaconetts! That's Female "Deacons"! Now, Apostate German Bishop Celebrates: "Day Of The Deaconess +Plus"!!!!!

  Can ordination to the "priestess-hood" be far behind??

As we know, apostate "Catholics" are the worst enemies of Christ our Lord, bar none.

And the "Catholic Church" in Germany just can't seem to help themselves and imbibe the heresies and errors of the Protestant Revolt -- not reformation! -- under the arch-heretic, Luther.

Remember, it was Luther's primary goal to destroy the sacrifice of the Mass as well as the Catholic priesthood!  His devilish plan was outrageously successful and culminated when the new "mass" -- created by the Freemason heretic, Bugnini, and promulgated under the weak-willed Pope Paul VI -- was foisted on the Catholic world in 1969/70... (In reality, those demons responsible for the experimental, diabolical new "mass" had already started tinkering with the sacred liturgy for many years previous to Paul VI!)

Here is more proof of this extreme rejection of dogma -- that must be believed in order to be in the Catholic Church! 

From Germany comes this: Central event for the "Day of the Deaconess" in Speyer -


Central event for the "Day of the Deaconess" in Speyer

PUBLISHED ON 28.04.2024 
SPEYER ‐ Since 1998, the "Day of the Deaconess" has been
 celebrated in Germany on 29 April – although there are
 currently no female deacons in the Catholic Church, only
 deacons. But that could change. There are prominent

"Catholic women in Germany want to raise their demands for reforms in the Church on Monday. Representatives of several Catholic women's associations and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) will give speeches in Speyer at the central event for the nationwide "Day of the Deaconess". The appeal to church leaders for an opening of all ministries and offices in the Catholic Church to women is likely to be at the center. Until now, the offices of deacon or priest conferred by ordination have been reserved for men.

This year, for the first time, the central event is called "Day of the Deaconess +plus" and is held under the motto "Allow the abundance!". The event will kick off with a service at 4:00 p.m. in Speyer Cathedral. Around 300 participants are expected. The special feature: According to the organizers, the Liturgy of the Word is "led exclusively by women". The event was hosted by the Catholic Women's Community of Germany (kfd), the Catholic German Women's Federation (KDFB), the ZdK and the Women's Diaconate Network.

Day of action since 1998

The nationwide "Day of the Deaconess" has existed since 1998. It is always held on 29 April, the feast day of Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), who was elevated to the rank of Doctor of the Church.

It is not only women's associations that advocate the opening of the diaconate to women. The chairman of the Catholic German Bishops' Conference, Georg Bätzing, said at the end of March that he would find it "wonderful" if he could ordain women as deacons. "I am of the opinion that it does not falsify the essence of the Church if women perceive leadership, responsibility and decisions in it on an equal footing with men," Bätzing said at the time in the "Bild am Sonntag".

The Catholic office of deacon, conferred by ordination, is one of the oldest in the Church. Deacons are allowed to baptize, marry, bury and preach, but they are not allowed to preside over Mass or hear confessions. (KNA)"

End of article...

Notice that this abomination has been going on for 26 years!!!!

But in reality, for much, much longer!

Pray for an end of this lunacy -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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