Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Enemies Of Tradition, Enemies Of Christ: Novus Ordo "Hierarchy" Continue To Attack The Mass Of The Ages! ALL TLM Masses In Baltimore To Be Suppressed!

 Liturgical scholar Dr. Peter Kwasniewski: ‘The traditional Mass belongs to the most intimate part of the common good in the Church. Restricting it, pushing it into ghettos, and ultimately planning its demise, can have no legitimacy. This law is not a law of the Church, because, as St. Thomas says, a law against the common good is no valid law,’” he said in a speech during the 2021 Catholic Identity Conference."

Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies, so wrote Pope SAINT Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907).

(My Emphasis.)

I repeat the title of my article:  Enemies Of Tradition, Enemies Of Christ: Novus Ordo "Hierarchy" Continue To Attack The Mass Of The Ages!  ALL TLM Masses In Baltimore To Be Suppressed!

It is becoming more and more difficult for me to remain charitable in my reporting on the modernists, communists, infiltrators and perverts, who have one goal in mind when it comes to the real Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ on the rock of St. Peter: destroy her from within and make a new "church" in the image and likeness of man, devoid of the Holy Ghost and Supernatural Grace...

The current pontiff, and his henchmen, continue to viciously attack the TLM and Tradition.  The horror stories of these attacks occur almost on a daily basis, in an attempt, I'm sure, to create despair among those faithful to the real Magisterium and Apostolic Tradition, and force eventual submission and acceptance of the novus ordo "religion."

To date, these modernists have been enormously successful. 

However, these bad actors might be able to stomp out the TLM and Tradition, but you cannot corrupt our souls because we belong to God, not to the hellish prince of this world, Satan!

But I have a message for these monsters: in the end, you will be defeated crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, Our Lord!

The following article is from lifesitenews.com and written by 


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