Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Situation "Ethics" And The Death Of Objective Truth And Replaced By Subjective "Truth"...

 Here is a perfect example of the loss of the sense of the Natural Law and God-given common sense.  Plus, add to that disaster, the denial that objective truth exists, and replace it with subjective "truth"...

After all, you have your beliefs and version of the truth, and I have my beliefs and version of the truth!


Does the mantra: my body, my choice ring a bell??

So here is what that stupidity can and usually does lead to; from and written by IAN HANCHETTBiden Co-Chair Whitmer: 'Who Cares' if I think Unborn Are People? It's How Individuals 'Define It' (

That headline is what the female, demon, pro-killer of the pre-born, governor of Michigan, actually said!  

Before I post the entire article, I wanted to mention that the fraud, Whitmer, was installed for another term as governor after massive voter fraud with votes switched in her favor.  (Soung familiar?)  She also "survived" a recall vote -- again, because of voting "irregularities," add to that, about four years ago she "survived" a kidnapping "plot"!  

Guess who was behind the "plot"?  

One of the government agencies that is enemy number one of the American people: The FBI!  

Those anti-American thugs set up several stooges to "kidnap" Whitmer and blame it on whom?   The "extreme right wing," of course... 

Here is a snippet from a Washington Post article regarding the "plot"...  "Federal prosecutors had described Fox [one of those charged] as an extremist-minded rebel who felt violent action was not only justified but necessary in overthrowing an oppressive government, while defense lawyers gave a sharply different portrayal: a lonely, down-on-his luck man who was pushed to extreme action by the influence of federal undercover informants."

(My emphasis.) 

I believe the latter scenario...

Remember, it was -- and is! -- the FBI that classifies moms and dads at school board meetings and traditional Catholics of being the possible breeding ground for "domestic terrorism"!  

Sorry, I digressed a wee bit...

Here is the article in full: "On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) responded to a question on if she considers frozen embryos to be people by stating that it doesn’t matter what her view is, “What matters is what the parents and their doctor agree is whatever is right for them, how they define it.” And “I’m not a doctor and I’m not in anyone’s individual situation.”

Host Kaitlan Collins asked, “Well, you just mentioned the concerns about what happened in Alabama with the Supreme Court there and the IVF ruling and really what that could mean for other reproductive rights, on that ruling in Alabama, you have not said whether or not you agree that frozen embryos are considered people. What is your position on that?”

Whitmer responded, “Who cares what my position is, Kaitlan? What matters is what the parents and their doctor agree is whatever is right for them, how they define it. That’s the only one whose opinions should matter, not a judge, not a politician, not a governor from a different state. [Not God Almighty, either?] That’s what the fundamental question is here, are we going to empower Americans to make their own healthcare decisions[?] and make decisions about how they go about starting their family and whether or not they go about starting a family? And that’s what I’m fighting for here in Michigan.”

Collins then followed up, “You have been out on the forefront on this issue, though. I think people would care what you think of that.”

Whitmer responded, “Yeah, but I’m not a doctor and I’m not in anyone’s individual situation. When we did this surrogacy bill yesterday, we heard from parents who went through IVF, couldn’t carry a baby to term, so had a surrogate do that, when they saw all of the laws that were changing, they were worried that they would lose the ability to make a decision about those embryos. And a couple of the parents at our event testified that they decided to have the embryos destroyed. That was their decision. They were their embryos. I don’t think that the government or any politician should get in the middle of that choice.”

(My emphasis.)

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Pray for the defeat of these diabolical monsters and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...


Gene DeLalla 


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