Monday, June 10, 2024

With Each Passing Day, The Errors, Heresies, Scandal And Confusion Continues To Emanate From The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio: Francis AGAIN Welcomes Group Of ‘Transgender’ Males, Homosexuals At Vatican Audience

  The contents of this article are horrendous, but corroborates the terrible errors, heresies, scandal and confusion emanating from apostate Rome...

I could understand if Francis calls these delusional folks to his table to explain to them that they must repent, convert, and make a firm purpose of amendment to go and sin no more.

But sadly, that is not the case... Just the opposite is true!

He consistently encourages these confused males and females to continue on their journey -- to where exactly?

To hell?

How can a real pope of the true Catholic Church encourage -- and bless! -- sin and evil??

Doesn't that directly offend Christ -- his Lord??

Of course it does...

Here is that article from and written by LifeSiteNews staff

Pope Francis again welcomes group of ‘transgender’ males, homosexuals at Vatican audience - LifeSite (

"VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Just days after reportedly complaining about too much “f–ggotry” in Catholic seminaries, Pope Francis welcomed gender-confused persons led by an LGBT activist nun at his weekly audience at the Vatican this week.

Vatican News reports that on Wednesday, June 5, pro-LGBT Sr. Geneviève Jeanningros led a contingent of self-professed homosexuals, “transsexuals,” and others from Torvaianica, a seaside town south-west of Rome infamous for its prostitution and drug trade.

 READ: Pope Francis reportedly tells homosexual man thrown out of seminary: ‘Go forward with your vocation’

Francis met with the group “for a few minutes” and gave a rosary to a person identified as “Ada,” which he said was “a gift from the Pope,” before giving a blessing, the outlet related.

LifeSite’s Michael Haynes has reported that members of the group make monthly trips to Francis’ weekly general audiences, at which they are given seats of honor in the front row. 

Wednesday’s meeting was not the first time Francis has welcomed the Torvaianica cohort, which counts the Blessed Immaculate Virgin Church as its home base.  

In 2021 on Holy Saturday, Francis invited nearly 50 “transgender” members of the group to receive the COVID shot at the Vatican. Francis directed Vatican employees not to question them about their sex.  

“Ask for their names, ask for anything they need, but do not ask them about their sex,” said the pope, according to Juan Carlos Cruz, an openly homosexual man and friend of Francis appointed by the pope to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. 

In November 2023, Francis welcomed the group and their parish priest, Father Andrea Conocchia, to a Vatican-hosted lunch for the poor and sat opposite a “transgender” former prostitute.  

The 50-strong group included three men living as “women”: “Carla” Segovia and “Claudia” Vittoria Salas from Argentina, along with “Andrea” Paola Torres Lopez from Colombia. Salas was given a place directly opposite Pope Francis during the lunch.  

According to a 2022 report on the transgender group in Torvaianica, Salas “transitioned” to appear like a 11-year-old girl. He is now 55.  

Jeanningros, 81, was praised by Vatican News as being an “icon” among those who minister to so-called “LGBTQ+ communities.” 

“We are all human people, you can’t have a closed judgment,” Jeanningros told the website, which related that she plans on bringing seven homosexuals to next week’s general audience.  

Pro-LGBT Jesuit priest James Martin’s heterodox Outreach website published an article in January 2023 heaping praise on Jeanningros, who is French, as well. An article titled, “Pope Francis has met regularly with transgender Catholics [sic] at general audiences,” quoted her as saying “the Pope wants to meet everyone.” 

READ: Pope Francis writes preface to pro-LGBT Fr. James Martin’s latest book

In contrast to Francis’ affirmation of the gender-confused group’s lifestyle, Catholic teaching on sexual and gender issues remains unchangeable. The Catechism states: “Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity. Physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life.” (CCC 2333)

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s 1975 documentPersona Humana, likewise states: “There can be no true promotion of man’s dignity unless the essential order of his nature is respected.” 

More recently, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, together with several other bishops, wrote in their 2019 “Declaration of Truths” that “gender reassignment” surgery is a “grave sin” and a “rebellion” against divine and natural law."

End of article...


Vatican issues statement apologizing for Pope Francis using ‘homophobic’ term

Kentucky parish tells homosexual ‘couples’ to contact priest for a ‘blessing’

Pray for the conversion of Bergoglio and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

St. Joseph pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 


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