Monday, February 28, 2022

Putin Declares War On The Left's Anti-Family Agenda...

  The Left is well-versed in beating the war drums, and they include the neo-liberals as well as the neo-cons (both are traitors to God and country!).   Their echo chambers are adept at noisemaking in order to hide or cover the real agenda of their evil and wicked alliance with the prince of this world; the father of lies, Satan...

And now, America and other nations may have some very sleepless nights with the threat of a nuclear holocaust looming over our heads like the Sword of Damocles ready to fall and decapitate our way of life and life itself...

The current war in the Ukraine is a prime example of the interventionist mind-set and their incessant drive to "spread democracy" and "Western values," as well as to protect the borders of distant countries.   While, at the same time, ignoring the security of our own borders allowing un-vetted criminal aliens to infiltrate and scatter throughout our nation, encouraged and fueled by the anti-American Marxists in control of the Oval Office with a demented, incoherent, war-mongering lunatic at the helm of the ship-of-state: the marionette, Biden.

The U.S. and NATO have pushed the Russian Bear into a corner -- and the Bear struck back.

Who in their right mind thought that would not happen???

The arrogance of the West!!!

Make no mistake, Russia -- and the NATO nations, and that includes the U.S., would continue to spread their errors as warned by our Lady of Fatima (see my article here: Traitors And War -- And Fatima...), if Russia was not consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart...

All the popes of the Catholic Church have ignored that demand of the Mother of God (that is, Christ our Lord), from 1917 to the present!


I can't answer that question, but I can see the results of that refusal, continued wars and rumors of wars, including the newest debacle, Ukraine...
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, was a former KGB agent; some say he still is.  Yet, sometimes, when I see and hear him, he sounds more Christian than many of the clergy, including the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church.

He refuses to let the anti-Natural Law miscreants push their evil agenda in his country; he has encouraged larger families and detests the alphabet soup ideology that corrupts the minds, hearts and souls of impressionable children.  

What did our Lord say about scandalizing the little ones???

Please watch this video, you may see another side of this "brutal dictator" -- as the Western media like to portray Putin...

Please watch the video all the way through, and you'll also see and hear Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat Congresswoman, rightfully criticize the whacky and dangerous foreign policy madness of the U.S...  
Remember, when it comes to war, and the so-called reporters on the ground, you will see some not-so-good actors doing their dead-level best to trick or confuse the American populace -- you know, those who get their "news" from the likes of CNN or any of the other establishment networks, then the gullible, the brainwashed Joe Sixpack parrots what he hears and takes it as gospel, right?

Here is a take on what is actually happening -- or not happening... From Jon Rappoport's article:  

When the traitor-in-charge gives his state of the union, scripted lies this Tuesday, please don't stand up and cheer at every attempt to rally-round-the-flag but get down on your knees and pray for mercy and strength from our real Leader, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! 

Pray for strength and honor, too!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Friday, February 25, 2022

Traitors And War -- And Fatima...

  Treason can lead to war.

Well, it finally happened: the design of the warmongering traitors has been put in motion and the neo-libs and the neo-cons are jumping for joy...

So, what country is being sacrificed this time?  Ukraine.

Where it will end no one knows, but Putin has strongly indicated that if NATO and or the U.S. dares to enter the war and come to Ukraine's defense, there just might be a nuclear exchange.  If that happens, the domino effect could very well spell the end of mankind as we know it.

That is not hyperbole, but a shot of reality that a dumbed down American populace just can't seem to grasp, or don't want to grasp, so long as they have a full tank of gas and twelve-pack of Bud, they're all set for the weekend, and that's what really matters, right?

The problem is, it might turn out that the living will envy the dead, that is, once the nukes start flying...

Can such a conflagration actually happen -- to us?  


You see, when it comes to nuclear weapons, once a missile is launched, it cannot be called back.  It is set in stone to aim for a specific target, and barring any interception, it will most likely reach that target...


Over one-hundred-years ago, 1917 to be exact, the Mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, appeared to three peasant children and nearly 60,000 believers and non-believers alike in Fatima, Portugal.

Her message was "simple" -- she demanded that Russia be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, otherwise, Russia would continue to spread her errors.  (I put the word simple in air quotes, because that consecration -- specifically naming Russia, was never done by any of the succeeding popes from that day to this.)

I think it is important to recognize that it is not only Russia spreading her errors, but also the European nations as well as our own beloved country...

It is important to note that She appeared at the tail end of World War I; she warned that if the consecration of Russia was not done, there would be an even greater conflagration -- World War II.  She said that many good men would die, and many nations would be annihilated.  That was before the widespread development of nuclear weapons...

Wars and rumors of wars continue to this very day, as Russia has now invaded the Ukraine, whether justified or not.


In addition to the real possibility of a nuclear holocaust, the fraud in the White House, Biden, cares little for the economic hardships he has fostered on the working class, especially when one has to fill up his gas tank...

The traitors who are holding our country hostage, are Marxist/socialist; they have nearly destroyed our economy and our future, especially the future of our children and grandchildren and saddled us and them with debt; a debt that will be almost impossible to pay down.

And guess who holds much of our debt?  Communist Red China headed by that brutal dictator, Xi.  How can we threaten the Reds, when all they have to do is to call in our treasury bonds?  As it is, we pay hundreds of billions of dollars in interest alone!  

One more question: who do you think holds the majority of our debt?  Would anyone believe me if I told you it was the Federal Reserve?


They create a fiat currency out of thin air -- no gold or silver to back it! --, then we -- you and I -- have to pay them massive interest on money borrowed... What a con game!  But this has been going on since 1913... By the way, the "fed" is not an agency of the federal government; it is a private organization controlling every aspect of our economy through the manipulation of interest rates and the printing of greenbacks, non-stop, twenty-four-hours a day!


 Our "elected" representatives are anti-American rogues doing their dead-level best to enrich their wallets and their buddies in the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about way back in 1961.  The rest is history; a history we are doomed to repeat if we don't return to the good God that made us -- and, if we don't fulfill the second great Commandment: to love our neighbor, whether we like him or not...

Our Lady of Fatima, please pray for us!

Pray for strength and honor, too!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun, and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Wednesday, February 23, 2022

His Brother Murdered By The Medical Industrial Complex...

 Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of death — respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year.

This figure from Johns Hopkins, was a study published in 2016 -- pre-"covid"...

Some studies put the figure as high as 450,000 deaths per year, the third highest cause of death in the U.S.!

As far as "covid" is concerned, the CDC data base states that as of 2/19/22, there have been 931,257 deaths in the U.S.  (As an aside, please read the footnotes for each column on the CDC's website when looking at these figures.  It is very apparent that even the CDC doesn't know the actual cause of death in many of the categories listed.  In fact, there is massive presumption as to who died from what!  This is not science; this is guesswork!  But the American populace, for the most part, have been so brainwashed, that they simply cannot bring themselves to question what an obvious distortion of fact is, and search for that inconvenient little element we call truth.) 

By now, we have heard of the inhumane horror stories of relatives and friends of loved ones who were tested "positive" for "covid," admitted to hospitals, then were practically held hostage and unable to have their family and even their priests or ministers visit them for aid and emotional and spiritual comfort, left to die alone after given the deadly drug, remdesivir, then put on a ventilator -- a sure death sentence!

Think about this wicked and evil witch's brew of death: testing "positive" for "covid," given remdesivir, then dying alone in the hospital...

(In 2020, my brother-in-law became a victim of this heinous barbarism and left this earth dying alone, not even aware that many folks were praying for him.)

Out of those supposed 931,257 deaths attributed to "covid," how many would still be alive if the so-called doctors administered proven protocols that actually work to bring those -- with many co-morbidities -- back from the brink?

We know, for the vast majority, the recovery rate from "covid" is somewhere between 95 and 99 percent for all age categories!

We also know that "covid" is listed as the cause of death, when, in fact, folks died from other causes, but were pressured to list "covid" as the cause, this has been sworn to by whistleblowers over and over again...

What if we conservatively take a third of the 931,257 deaths from "covid," and show that those 300,000 or so folks were denied the "right to try" drugs that have been shown to work, but were given remdesivir then put on a ventilator, and add that figure (they are human beings, not just numbers!) we would have death by medical "error" of over a half-a-million each year!   

That, by the way, is the low-end figure. It could be as high as three-quarters-of-a-million!

If this is a true estimate, then deaths from medical error would not be the third leading cause of death in the U.S., but the second or perhaps the first!   

I would urge all to read the following article: Losing My Brother to the Medical Industrial Complex - LewRockwell and written by Donald Jeffries...

You will be beyond sick to your stomach, as I was when my brother-in-law died, alone in the money-hungry institution that is supposed to first do no harm, but in reality, the bottom line is what really counts, not the health and welfare of their patients...

Stay out of the hospital at all costs!!!

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, February 20, 2022

...Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Ust...

  We deserve our current chastisement because of sin (the wages of sin is death), both from those who have been entrusted to lead our country (even if attaining office by fraud) and by those who have been entrusted to lead us to the heavenly beatitude -- the successors of the Apostles.  (Do folks realize that it is also the duty of any legitimate government to guide its citizens to Heaven as well?) 

We deserve our current chastisement because we have squandered those merits gained for us by the supreme sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross.  He forgave his tormentors, yet we find it difficult, or even refuse, to forgive those who have harmed us.

Still, we beg forgiveness for the evils we have done to our neighbors, whether in word or action -- or inaction.

I label that hypocrisy... Or is it just the weakness of our fallen human nature?  Whatever it is, we cannot hold grudges; we cannot wish evil on someone who has hurt us, morally, spiritually, emotionally or physically.  To do so would not be Christian, in fact, it would be the direct opposite of the command of Christ to love our enemies...

I admit that it is not easy to fulfill that command.  I speak from experience.

As an example, it took me a full 50 years -- half-a-century! -- to forgive Jane Fonda, the traitor who helped the North Vietnamese with hard-core Communist propaganda against our military fighting in Vietnam.  

It should be noted that I still don't like Fonda, but in order for me to be forgiven, I had to forgive her.  It's as simple as that.  Pretty straightforward...

True charity for one's neighbor, does not mean you or I have to like him, but we have to love him...

The same holds true for our mortal enemies...  

Yet, there are some crimes against humanity that seem almost impossible to forgive -- and forget?  History provides many examples of this, just crack open a history book or see what has happened in the past, and what is going on in the world on a daily basis... 

I will give one example of man's inhumanity to man... (See the following video from  You will get angry; you will want instant justice for this miscreant of a human being.)

VIDEO: Uber Driver Mom Begged for Her Life Before Fatal Shooting (

It is a sad commentary on our society, but, as horrendous a crime this is, take a look at what happens every weekend in the once-great city of Chicago.  Last year alone there were over 850 homicides and over 4,500 citizens shot.  

Does this sound like a war zone, or what?

I cannot imagine the trauma, the destruction of the family unit and the heartache they must feel for the loss of their loved ones...    

How can they forgive the perpetrators of those heinous crimes?

Again, our Lord forgave his torturers and killers from the Cross, so, can we do any less??

What we can do is to pray for justice, that in itself, is a crucial element of charity... 

The fact is you cannot have one without the other, similar to love and marriage...

Let's face it, in many cases of inhuman treatment by a criminal, we want instant revenge, not reform or conversion.  This too, is human; a normal reaction to a crime, especially perpetrated against us or one of our family members or friends...

There are many aspects to the command to love thy neighbor, but suffice to say, that command given to us by Christ, our Lord, cannot be ignored; it must be fulfilled...

..."Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

"Separation Of Church And State" -- The Big Lie -- Condemned By REAL Popes!

  Whenever I hear someone saying or writing about the "separation of church and state," supporting it, that is, I want to scream at the top of my lungs: "that's nonsense; it doesn't exist; re-read the Constitution and show me where it is written that the church -- religion (and morality, for that matter) -- should somehow be separated from the secular affairs of the state!"

Show me!  I dare you to find it!  You can't, because it doesn't exist!

Yet the phrase in the First Amendment to our Constitution (in the Bill of Rights) has been twisted using verbal gymnastics by those intent on kicking God out of the public sphere.  Unfortunately, they have been enormously successful, and the results are there for all who have eyes to see, see.

The devastation that has been wrought by such anti-God sentiments and actions, is heart- and soul-breaking to witness...

The Supreme Court ruling killing prayer in the public-school system is taken from Engel v. Vitale in 1962...  Here is an excerpt of that ruling from "What the justices did was a good bit more limited. Their holding in Engel v. Vitale, as officially summarized, was that “state officials may not compose an official state prayer and require that it be recited in the public schools of the state at the beginning of each school day—even if the prayer is denominationally neutral and pupils who wish to do so may remain silent or be excused from the room.”

Okay, but the secular humanists, anti-Christ miscreants used that ruling as a diabolical tool to silence Christians in the school system across the nation and this still exists to this day.  In fact, the liberal (and Marxist) teachers and administrators in the schools act like Gestapo thought police spreading their terror tactics to the point of real bullying anyone who dares to mention God on school property...

Dare a student in a public-school talk or discuss God or religion with a fellow student, and, if overheard, is automatically subject to sanctions and undeserved disciplinary actions.  This sort of thing happens almost on a daily basis in our country.  And lawsuits abound, and rightly so, because of the denial of our First Amendment rights...

Here is why the Supreme Court was wrong in their short-sided ruling... The First Amendment reads as follows: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  

That's it; that's the entire Frist Amendment. 

It is important to note, that those overzealous bureaucrats seem to have forgotten the second part of that sentence: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.   I can assure my readers that is not happenstance, but by design...

Let's look at that pertinent part of their 1962 ruling: state officials may not compose an official state prayer and require..."

And this excerpt from the same article: "Specified school prayers were not uncommon in 1962; in fact, 13 states required daily prayer or Bible reading in public schools. Three days after lawyers argued Engel at the Supreme Court, Maryland’s highest court upheld a Baltimore rule that each school day in that city begin with a Bible passage and The Lord’s Prayer."

Did state officials compose an official state prayer?  Did the 13 states compose a prayer?   Did the respective state legislatures make a law establishing a particular religion?  No, but by their actions, they did acknowledge that every breath we take, every day we are alive, is because God wills it, and we must thank Him for His generosity and mercy; the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away... 

The separation of church and state myth is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and a letter he wrote responding to an inquiry concerning that subject.  It is nowhere in the Constitution, plain and simple...

Here is what real Catholic popes wrote about the "separation of church and state"...

Some might be surprised to learn that the “separation of Church and State” was doctrinally condemned by Pope Pius IX in 1852 and again by Pope Saint Pius X in 1907.

Please watch the following -- short -- video by Dr. Taylor Marshall for a clarification of the relationship of the (Catholic) Church and the state...

[Catholic Video] Do Catholics Reject Separation of Church and State? Yes - Taylor Marshall.

In conclusion. the separation of church and state is a myth, but the havoc it has wrought is undeniable:  No nation can eliminate God -- the Creator of nations -- and still profess to be a moral nation; it is a moral and spiritual impossibility...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, February 14, 2022

This Is What Happened When I Boarded A Jet Airliner On December 16, 1968 -- From Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam...

  Have you ever had to wait at an airport because your flight was late, or cancelled? 

Was your wait two hours, three hours or more?

My, or, should I say, our flight was nearly 12 hours late! 

It was frustrating.  Aggravating.  I, and my G.I. buddies, were tired and angry.

But we weren't waiting to fly from, let's say, L.A. to J.F.K. in New York.  No, the flight we were waiting for was supposed to leave from Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, on the 16th of December 1968, to the West Coast of the U.S. (known as "the world").

My brothers and I had just finished our tour of duty in Vietnam.

My tour lasted for one year.  Some had tours that were shorter in duration, and some were longer (some extended their tours, as I was thinking of doing -- for six months -- but changed my mind after thinking about the deleterious affect it would have on my dear mother). 

It was time to leave Vietnam and return to some semblance of normalcy, at least that's what we were told to do or supposed to do... 

Yeah, right, sure thing, ipso facto (because of the "fact" that we were supposed to return to normal?).  We'll do that pronto, no problem, just like nothing had happened...

Sorry, I digressed just a bit...

Our commercial -- not military -- jet airliner finally arrived at the sprawling air base... 

Getting back to the title of my article... 

This Is What Happened When I Boarded A Jet Airliner On December 16, 1968 -- From Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam...

We climbed the steps to board the jet, lugging some of our belongings... 

As we filed in, it was apparent that the jet was going to be jammed with G.I.s from all branches of the military... 

As it turned out, there wasn't one, single seat left vacant...

There was something I noticed right off the bat: it was eerily quiet...  Who would have thought that soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen would be quiet when they were about to leave Vietnam?

But we were... 

The stewardesses were pleasant and helpful -- and good looking, but there was something else I noticed; there was no "hitting" on those good ladies; we were respectful of their office, chivalrous you could say, as they gently explained it was time to buckle-up -- and no smoking, not just yet, anyway... 

But the atmosphere was a "little" tense, in addition to being quiet...

We G.I.s knew what tense was all about, that is, at least those who experienced being rocketed or mortared or had to beat off a ground attack or have a firefight in the jungle with the VC, now that's tense!

We got strapped in... 

Still quiet; still tense...

Then we could feel the power of the big engines as the pilot hit the "gas"...

The jet lifted off; it seemed like a million years had gone by, but it was only a minute, maybe two...

It was still very quiet...

Those who had a window seat, glanced out to see Vietnam fade in the distance as the airliner steadily climbed in elevation...

But this was also the time of real concern... In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a little praying now and then, hoping that the jet wouldn't be knocked out of the sky by some NVA surface to air missiles...

Then came the news we were waiting to hear: the pilot made the announcement that we were officially out of missile range...

That's when it got crazy loud in there!  Quiet was a distant memory...

We were out of missile range and heading home!! 

The long flight ahead was nothing compared to what we had just left behind and soon we would be embraced by our loved ones back in "the world"... 

This short article was about what happened on December 16, 1968, but I have to report one more thing that I did when our plane landed at SEATAC (Seattle/Tacoma) airfield... 

When the door opened for us to disembark, we were hit with 34-degree temperatures, plus we could see snow in the foothills of the mountains... 

I began to shiver and shake as if I had a high fever, as if I had malaria (in fact, I was given malaria pills to take over a six-week period after I got home; I threw mine in the garbage), as my blood was razor thin after the heat and humidity of Vietnam... To make matters worse, I was wearing my light summer dress uniform, not meant for the winter cold and snow.  But it didn't matter, as I stepped off the last step, I got down on my hands and knees and kissed the ground.  I was back home...

(After I got home -- New Jersey --, I had to fight -- and lost -- many new battles in another "war" that lasted for over ten years, tearing me apart, morally, psychologically, spiritually and physically... A period of my life that will not be discussed here, not now, maybe never...).

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Friday, February 11, 2022

The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown Down! We Must Recognize And Call Out Heresy When We See And Hear It. We Have No Choice!

  The time for silence and being "nice" is over.

Are we the Church militant, or are we slothful sheep following the Judas goat over the cliff into the abyss of hell? 

If anyone dares to deny the in-your-face heresies being preached "from the housetops" by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and his heretical henchmen, then you are part of the monstrous apostacy that has taken over the new-world-order "Catholic" church.

In recent days, it has become painfully apparent that the hierarchy of the novus order church are radically opposed to the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church and want to establish a false church made in the image and likeness of the devil, not our good God!

If anyone needs proof of the diabolical infiltration of what passes for the Catholic church, then look no further... Francis (Bergoglio) has appointed one heretic after another to oversee the so-called synod on synodality, as well as other important positions that are tasked to enforce the Magisterium's teachings.

In reality, these hierarchs are emboldened to preach that those Magisterial teachings need to be changed; to be brought up to the spirit of the age, including, but not limited to sexual morality, or better stated, sexual immorality!

One of the key ramifications of heresy is the loss of souls, in addition to massive scandal and confusion that the heretic espouses, and, in many cases, is believed by the gullible, especially those poorly catechized in their faith...

Watch and listen closely to the following video by Dr. Taylor Marshall and judge for yourself the demonic that you will not be able to deny... Francis appoints a Heretic over Synod on Synodality: Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast - YouTube.

What we are dealing with are anti-Christs, pure and simple... They come in many forms to deceive, scatter and destroy the flock of Jesus...  Sure, it seems that they have the upper hand presently, but in the end our Lady's Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Thursday, February 10, 2022

Our Beloved Nation Is Truly Under Attack -- From The Occupiers Of Our Own Government!

 I feel sick to my stomach in writing this, but I, and anyone worth his salt, must tell the truth, especially in an age of relativism and indifferentism, and worse; the betrayal of our country by the very ones that are supposed to direct the ship-of-state to the ultimate goal of any true government, guiding its citizens to the Beatific Vision of our good God...

But sadly, that ultimate goal is not the case at all...

I can prove this with an overabundance of evidence, but suffice to say, that the two articles I will use will make the point should, at least, give pause to reflect on the current state of affairs of those who are running and ruining our nation.

The first article: What the Next American Civil War May Look Like.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Three Government Entities Determined To Destroy Our Second Amendment Rights...

 Is this a conspiracy theory?

No, but it is a conspiracy!

Make no mistake, our Second Amendment rights are being viciously attacked on a daily basis.  And, if the Marxists are successful in destroying our ability to defend ourselves, we will all become slaves to the anti-Christ globalist elites... 

This is not an exaggeration or a "tin-foil-hat" statement, but rather a statement of facts that can be borne out by simply reading the history of those nations that disarmed their citizenry, then gradually, and, in some cases, immediately imposed their iron will on a once-free people.

What did that lead to?  

Take a look at the old Soviet Union, or Red China, Nazi Germany, and now, look at Australia, and some European nation-states, such as the UK, who exert enormous pressure denying the rights of their citizens by imposing draconian mandates, eliminating the peoples' choice to make their own medical decisions.  Is this done for the commonweal, or is this done because they can do it, regardless of the cries for redress of grievances and the denial of human rights, guaranteed by the Natural Law?   And once the populace is disarmed, then the skies the limit, in other words, there is no limit to unlawful dictates emanating from the tyrants-in-charge...

But wait!  You say that in those U.S. states still forcing their citizens -- including little children -- to wear face diapers, or getting the filthy, deadly jab, they still have the Second Amendment.  


So then why are they not defending themselves against these tyrants and their illegal, un-Constitutional acts?

Sadly, there are two elements to consider to the "simple" answer...

One, incessant brainwashing by the communist media, and two, manhood, or lack of it... 

So, I ask, when are the men going to rise up?  When are the heads of the families going to rise up?  Why have they let their local, state, and federal government entities push them around and get away with so many infractions of their human rights under the Natural Law?


I am astonished how easily men and women are submitting to these communist control freaks, it's downright scary... 

In the face of all of this, who are the culprits trying to squash our Second Amendment rights?

First and foremost, the White House and the installed puppet, Biden, and under his direction -- or those pulling his strings, then there is the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and, in an indirect way, the so-called Department of Homeland Security (DHS)... 

The ATF is an outdated, radical bureaucracy intent in doing the bidding of the current, fraudulent occupant of the Oval Office.  It seems that the "ground pounders" in the ATF are either powerless to stand up to their bosses and the illegal attacks on law abiding citizens, or are ideologically in tune with their masters and hate -- yes hate -- America and our hard-fought freedoms, freedoms bestowed upon us by our good God, especially our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness enshrined in our Constitution...

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS -- what a misnomer!) headed by another puppet, A. Mayorkas, unable or unwilling to fulfill his duties as stipulated in the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America... This criminal is allowing hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of illegal, (criminal) aliens to enter our southern border with little consequence to him or his agency, but grave consequences to the American public.... 

But he doesn't care, neither does the ATF, and neither does Biden, the thief-in-charge, care about the well-being of the good citizens of his own country but cares more about increasing his wealth by weakening and the selling out of our country to the communist regime in Red China.

They are all traitors!

However, no matter what they carry out against us, they will never succeed, in fact they will fail miserably because, in the long run, good will triumph over evil, and the Satan himself will have his demonic head crushed by the heel of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ, our Lord...  

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion of these miscreants -- and stand fast for the Second Amendment, without which, we will certainly lose whatever is left of our rights and freedoms.  We cannot let that happen...

And pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Greatest Medical Lie Since The "Spanish Flu" Of 1918 Continues Unabated...

 Get "Covid-19" out of your lexicon!!  Or is it too late??

From what I see and hear around me, it may be too late...  Most Americans have bought the lie of "covid-19" to such a degree, that intelligent people -- who should know better -- have swallowed that lie, that planned attack on humanity, hook, line and sinker...

I will give examples from the CDC's own website, and if this doesn't convince any of my readers of the bold-face lies being perpetrated on our gullible citizens, then nothing will.  This is happening even taking into account the vast evidence being propagated by well-credentialed doctors, scientists, virologists, writers, authors and whistleblowers showing the big lie of "covid-19".  Yet, as each day goes by, the brainwashed populace of America and the world, continue to use the made-up term of "covid"...

This diabolical program created by the haters of life -- and Christ! -- have been so successful in perpetrating an atmosphere of fear and almost absolute mind-control, that it is beyond rational belief!

The idea of believing what folks see and hear on the "6-o'clock news" borders on the laughable, yet it is deadly.  Why?  Because it implants in the audience a steady stream of lies, made up misinformation and fearmongering to the point of believing that if someone doesn't get the filthy, (proven) debilitating, deadly "vaccine," they will get sick and die.  

In case anyone has forgotten, we will all die someday... What is really important is how we live our lives... Hopefully fulfilling the two great Commandments to love God and our neighbor...

Before I quote the statistics from the CDC, I just want to say that the motivating factor of "patient care," is not to make the patient well, but the bottom line of the medical bureaucracy: money.  

How many know that when a poor soul enters the hospital with some respiratory distress, they are almost always listed as having "covid"?  Worse yet, once a person is held captive in the medical facility, and is put on a ventilator, that facility racks in additional monies!  And of course, when that person most likely dies, their death is listed as having died from "covid."  This is true even if someone enters a facility with a heart attack, car accident, severe flu symptoms or any of the many ailments that can afflict a person... Whistleblowers have testified to this damnable scheme over and over again...

First do no harm?

I will now list some of the categories from the CDC's website but know that neither you nor I will have any clarity as to who has died and from what.  I contest that this is done on purpose to confuse and befuddle the reader of those data, and to instill fear from the sheer numbers that are presented...

(For the week ending 1/29/22.) 

The first category: All deaths involving "covid-19", with footnote no. 1.  5,677 deaths from "covid"...

And what is footnote no. 1?  Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.

Here is the breakdown of that code...

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Read those words again: "probable," "presumed," with or without laboratory confirmation?!

Is this science or is it guesswork? 

In other words, the CDC hasn't got a clue as to why these folks died!  They are guessing.  But the idea here, as it always is, is create the atmosphere of fear, worry and control of our lives...

You must get that filthy jab in order to be "protected"... Of course, they don't dare mention all the athletes and others who are having severe adverse reactions and or death to the "vaccine," with some real horror stories being reported on a daily basis, to previously "healthy" individuals...

Another category: Deaths involving "covid-19" and pneumonia, with footnote 3.  2,684...

Counts of deaths involving pneumonia (J12.0-J18.9) include pneumonia deaths that also involve COVID-19 and exclude pneumonia deaths involving influenza.

(This is the same code listed under deaths from pneumonia only!?)


Another: All deaths from influenza and footnote no. 4. 26 deaths...

Footnote 4: Counts of deaths involving influenza (J09-J11) include deaths with pneumonia or COVID-19 also listed as a cause of death.

Again, they haven't got a clue as to the real cause why these folks died!  

Here is something else... in a population of over 330,000,000, that's MILLION!, only 26 died from the flu????


Do you think that the numbers are being fudged, and the real numbers of those who died from the flu were added to the "covid" column?  And, if so, why????  A rhetorical question if there ever was one...

The last category I will list are deaths involving pneumonia, influenza or "covid-19" with footnote no. 5. 6,474 deaths...

Footnote no. 5:  Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, pneumonia, or influenza, coded to ICD–10 codes U07.1 or J09–J18.9.

I'll repeat that code here... COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Conclusion... Unfortunately, these folks are presuming way too much, and without confirmation as to the real cause of death...

In other words, they are lying rats.  Their intention, as I see it, is to keep the fearmongering alive and well in the hearts, minds and souls of a gullible populace, not only here, in the U.S., but also world-wide...  

But!  We are beginning to see a fed-up humanity rising up to regain some measure of their human freedoms and rights, rights given to us, not by some government entity, but by God Himself and, for Americans, protected by our Constitution... 

Pray for strength and honor to defeat these liars and Christ-haters...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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