Monday, February 28, 2022

Putin Declares War On The Left's Anti-Family Agenda...

  The Left is well-versed in beating the war drums, and they include the neo-liberals as well as the neo-cons (both are traitors to God and country!).   Their echo chambers are adept at noisemaking in order to hide or cover the real agenda of their evil and wicked alliance with the prince of this world; the father of lies, Satan...

And now, America and other nations may have some very sleepless nights with the threat of a nuclear holocaust looming over our heads like the Sword of Damocles ready to fall and decapitate our way of life and life itself...

The current war in the Ukraine is a prime example of the interventionist mind-set and their incessant drive to "spread democracy" and "Western values," as well as to protect the borders of distant countries.   While, at the same time, ignoring the security of our own borders allowing un-vetted criminal aliens to infiltrate and scatter throughout our nation, encouraged and fueled by the anti-American Marxists in control of the Oval Office with a demented, incoherent, war-mongering lunatic at the helm of the ship-of-state: the marionette, Biden.

The U.S. and NATO have pushed the Russian Bear into a corner -- and the Bear struck back.

Who in their right mind thought that would not happen???

The arrogance of the West!!!

Make no mistake, Russia -- and the NATO nations, and that includes the U.S., would continue to spread their errors as warned by our Lady of Fatima (see my article here: Traitors And War -- And Fatima...), if Russia was not consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart...

All the popes of the Catholic Church have ignored that demand of the Mother of God (that is, Christ our Lord), from 1917 to the present!


I can't answer that question, but I can see the results of that refusal, continued wars and rumors of wars, including the newest debacle, Ukraine...
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, was a former KGB agent; some say he still is.  Yet, sometimes, when I see and hear him, he sounds more Christian than many of the clergy, including the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church.

He refuses to let the anti-Natural Law miscreants push their evil agenda in his country; he has encouraged larger families and detests the alphabet soup ideology that corrupts the minds, hearts and souls of impressionable children.  

What did our Lord say about scandalizing the little ones???

Please watch this video, you may see another side of this "brutal dictator" -- as the Western media like to portray Putin...

Please watch the video all the way through, and you'll also see and hear Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat Congresswoman, rightfully criticize the whacky and dangerous foreign policy madness of the U.S...  
Remember, when it comes to war, and the so-called reporters on the ground, you will see some not-so-good actors doing their dead-level best to trick or confuse the American populace -- you know, those who get their "news" from the likes of CNN or any of the other establishment networks, then the gullible, the brainwashed Joe Sixpack parrots what he hears and takes it as gospel, right?

Here is a take on what is actually happening -- or not happening... From Jon Rappoport's article:  

When the traitor-in-charge gives his state of the union, scripted lies this Tuesday, please don't stand up and cheer at every attempt to rally-round-the-flag but get down on your knees and pray for mercy and strength from our real Leader, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! 

Pray for strength and honor, too!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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