Thursday, March 3, 2022

It's Lent! Focus On Personal Sanctification, Sure, But We Can't Ignore What Is Occupying The White House: A Marxist Pervert!

 As a lifelong member of the globalist elite, Biden is bound and determined to get us into another world war, but this time, if the missiles start to fly between the U.S. and Russia, and or other members of the so-called NATO alliance, it will be the end of humankind as we know it.  It is called mutually assured destruction, known by the acronym MAD.  As both the U.S. and Russia, as well as other NATO members, have enough nuclear missiles to destroy the world 100 times over!  The living would surely envy the dead if such a scenario were to take place... And that scenario is closer to happening more than ever before since the splitting of the atom...

Make no mistake, Russia invading Ukraine is a major first step in that direction and if a quick solution is not found, and if the nations of NATO, that is, the U.S., don't stop poking the great Russian Bear, the results can and will be catastrophic.

There are those analysts who believe that the actions taken by the puppet in the White House (and his handlers) was planned as a major distraction from the woes he has inflicted on the American populace during the first year of his fraudulent "presidency."   

I agree...

Have you filled up your gas tank recently??

Have you shopped at your local grocery store lately??

Have you turned on your furnace to heat your home recently??

Have you been scared to death about having to get the filthy, gene-altering jab mandated by the de-population control freaks bound and determined to reduce the seven+ billion people who inhabit the earth to a billion or less??

Are you sick and tired of listening to the likes of Biden and Pelosi claiming they are "devout Catholics" while, at the same time, are radical supporters of abortion -- the killing of the preborn -- all the way up to birth, and call it "health care"??   They also call it "choice," but not for the baby they are so dead set intent on killing...

Are you sick and tired of seeing literally millions of illegal aliens entering our country through our porous southern border, un-vetted and dispersed throughout the lower forty-eight with the possibility of some of those criminals eventually forming terror cells and wreaking havoc on our nation??

Of course, this is only a tiny list of what the treasonous rats holding our beloved country hostage are doing, and will do, for the next three years.  (Personally, I can't believe that this will continue for too much longer!)

On top of all this and more, we have a half-conscious, incoherent sexual pervert sitting in the Oval Office.  This is not a rant against this poor excuse of a "Catholic" politician, quite the contrary, it is a matter of justice, and without justice there can be no true charity!  It is incumbent on practicing Catholics and all people of good will, to fulfill the second great Commandment to love our neighbor, while, at the same time, we cannot ignore the moral and spiritual corruption of the Biden crime family.  If we do, then we are part of the problem of the moral decay eating away at the soul of our country...

As proof of Biden's inability to control his concupiscence -- namely, keeping his filthy hands off the bodies of females -- I would urge you to see this video: Infowars Shuts Down To Air Biden Grope Footage 24/7 (

It may be difficult to watch, but the perversion of this miscreant is well-known, even among his former fellow senators -- and Secret Service agents whose job it is to protect the "president"...  

We must pray for the conversion of the likes of Biden and Pelosi, but also recognize that they have sold their immortal souls to the father of lies, Satan, and we must do all we can to defeat their diabolical agenda...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun, and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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