Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Facade Of Freedom -- In America...

 Are we really a free people?

On the surface, perhaps; maybe, and even that is open to interpretation.

If someone needed to be reminded about our "freedoms"; our "liberties," just take a look at what has transpired in our nation over the last couple of years or so.  In fact, we have to go back to about the time of "9/11" and see what was planned for us -- before that tragic day.

Events were already set in motion before the first airliner hit the towers: the NDAA was already on paper, so to speak; military operations had been undergoing "war games" with a scenario of planes hitting the Twin Towers in New York -- I said war games about planes hitting the Twin Towers in New York!

Yeah, war games... But war games involving who?  Who or what was or are the enemy?

The great unstoppable element of time showed us just who the real enemy was, at least according to the federal bureaucracy and those who allow it to function with our tax dollars...

It was and is: We the people!

No, I'm not quoting the from the preamble of the U.S. Constitution...

We -- you and me!  Because we are the real enemy of those who hate America; those who hate our God-given rights as enshrined in the Natural Law and enumerated in the Bill of Rights.  We stand in the way of the demonic plans to establish a new world order as stated by the now-deceased President George H.W. Bush, the younger's father.  

That's why the globalists hate us.  And that's why we -- the roadblock to their agenda -- must be eliminated...

The present office-holder maniacs are so emboldened, they now proclaim their plans up close and personal on nationwide TV and the Internet; they have no shame; there is no remorse; there is only the planned destruction of our country by sacrificing the middle class and the family unit -- the building block of society...

If anyone needs any corroboration of what I just wrote, simply look for recent videos of the fraud, Biden, telling us about the U.S. leading the charge for the new world order.  This miscreant is also on video bragging about blackmailing the corrupt government of Ukraine, demanding that the prosecutor (investigating his morally corrupt son, Robert "Hunter,") be fired.  And, if that wasn't done within six hours, Ukraine would not get $1,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION! -- of our tax dollars.  

Guess what?  

In Biden's own words to his buddies at the Council on Foreign Relations: "I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch.  He got fired. And they put in place someone who was ["]solid["] at the time."

Biden and his evil and wicked cabal of anti-Christs have nearly destroyed our economy, as well as the physical and mental well-being of our citizens with the continuing push to get the deadly "vaccine" to combat the "pandemic."  Keep those filthy face diapers on at all costs, especially to cover the faces of the most impressionable: our children...

Biden's so-called Department of Justice, headed by an angry, vengeance-filled nut-job, M. Garland, (can you imagine, this guy was nominated to sit on the Supreme Court during the Obama years!) now considers parents who attend school board meetings to be "domestic terrorists," all the while letting over 1.5 million illegal aliens (real potential terrorists) enter through our porous southern border and run roughshod throughout our country, with little or no accountability or vetting to see just who they are, friend or foe, and this all happening during the first year+ of Biden stealing the presidency!

In my previous article (see here): Madness! Absolute Madness!! The Lunatic In The White House Wants To Kill Us All!!

I asked: "Do you miss President Trump yet?"

No, President Trump was not, nor is he now "perfect," far from it, but what we now have in this "administration" is nothing short of a complete national and international disaster... 

I'm not sure how we, as a country, can survive another two-and-three-quarter-years of someone who is bought and paid for, who cannot put one single coherent sentence together if he's not reading it from a teleprompter. 

Remember, this character has his shaky finger on the nuclear codes that would be given to our bomber and missile forces to launch and start the final, wholesale destruction of mankind, as he came close to doing the other day, basically calling for the assassination of Putin, as that other nutcase, Sen. Lindsey Graham recently did.  Like two peas in a pod, I guess...

When you come right down to it, what is the cause for the likes of the current "administration" and the drive to replace what is left of our freedoms and transform our debt-ridden nation into a third-world vassal of communism, more specifically, Red China?

Simple: there is no God to answer to for our actions, at least in the twisted thinking of the radical, hard Left.  Society, governments, cannot function for the duration of their existence without morality; without acknowledging our good God and His mercy -- and justice!  Without acknowledging our dependence on God, without acknowledging that we will be held accountable for our actions, inactions or our omissions, we open ourselves up to the myth that we can do what we want, when we want without consequence.  Hence, the satanic inspired barbarism of the slaughter of the pre-born as well as the sin of Sodom.  

Sure, I know that anyone who reads my articles may be sick and tired of me mentioning those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, but it is nonetheless a fact that the blood of the innocent will be avenged by the Lord Almighty, whether we recognize that or not -- to our eternal detriment if we don't!

On March 25, 2022, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, read a prayer for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of Christ, our Lord...  This was demanded over 100 years ago, but only now, was this accomplished, or so it seems, and I hope it will be accepted by the divine powers of Heaven!

Our Lady said that this consecration to Her Immaculate Heart was necessary to stop Russia from spreading her errors.  But if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that it was, or is not now, only Russia that has spread her errors, but also all nations of the earth, especially, our own beloved country. 

The litany of offenses are legion and they must be ended before we are ended by the justified wrath of God...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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