Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Foxes Are Guarding The Hen House: "Democracy" Is At Stake! Live Free Or Die!!

  "...Give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry...

Here are the two previous sentences that ended with the famous quote above: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God!  I know not what cause others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"  (My emphasis.)

(I wonder how many folks realize that the motto: Live Free Or Die is on the license plates of New Hampshire residents...  There has been a move afoot by the Demonrat party to remove that motto and replace it with -- what, exactly???   Heaven only knows!)  

And another of the Founders, Ben Franklin, quipped (paraphrasing): Those who give up liberty and freedom for "security", deserve neither...

The political witch-hunt concerning the events of January 6, 2021, continues to this very day.  Also, to this very day, there are American citizens being held in the Gulag, Soviet style, many in solitary confinement -- against their will; denied habeas corpus; denied due process -- and information has surfaced to indicate that mistreatment of the incarcerated is the norm! 

Is this really America?  Why aren't our elected congressmen and senators raising holy hell to get relief and justice to our fellow citizens suffering at the hands of the vengeful Bidan "administration" and "correctional officers"? 

Who are the real insurrectionists?  Who are the real traitors to our beloved country?  Those rotting behind bars in D.C., or is it those who set up the false-flag event with direct involvement of imbedded FBI agents to foment and incite discord among those -- mostly, but not all, patriots, on that infamous day, to be milked for all its worth?  And who, by the way, is the real target of this phony -- but real attack -- on our First Amendment right to speak freely and assemble without the threat of retribution from the bemouth monstrosity that is the central, federal government?  

None other than President Donald Trump!

The very bad actors -- read: traitors, are the foxes guarding the hen house, failing twice to convict President Trump after trumped-up, groundless impeachments in the Congress...

But these miscreants never cease their attempt to trample and destroy our Republic, (not a pure "democracy," which, in essence, is mob rule by majority) all with the help of so-called Republicans who, for the most part, are afraid of their own shadows.  It's as if someone in high places has the dirt on these RINOs and will reveal to the public the names of those who have sacrificed their integrity -- and their marriages? -- for debauchery, including hard drugs and the sin of Sodom being played out behind closed doors, right smack in the nation's Capital!

Once these characters sell their souls for power, position, money and influence, most never turn back or turn their lives around.  God will not abandon a contrite heart, but most use their free will to reject their loving Creator, by choosing evil over good, and fail to respond to the merciful graces available to all -- of good will...

The current communist cabal holding the White House hostage, is about to open the floodgates at the southern border -- as if it hasn't already! -- by ending "Title 42," which, will, in effect, allow another invasion of somewhere between one-half and one million illegal aliens to storm and overwhelm our Border Patrol agents as well as local law enforcement, especially those towns unable to cope with another massive influx of unvetted illegals... 

When this happens, it will be another wholesale sellout, a treasonous act instigated by the evil and wicked Biden regime against the American way of life, with the stated intention of spearheading a new world order -- that is right from the lips of that apostate "Catholic"... Is it any wonder why the most aggressive enemies of Christ are those who have apostatized from the faith??

This is all by design...  

Do you miss President Trump yet??

I keep reading articles about the upcoming mid-term election and how there will be a "red" tsunami wiping out the commies in the congress.  We'll see... But!  Make no mistake, if the bad guys keep control of the voting apparatus, those anti-American cheaters will stay in power and continue to wreak havoc on our country...

In the end, we cannot count on any one politician, or on any one political party or movement to rescue us from the demonic powers killing the soul of America... There is only one, sure bet, one sure entity that can save us: Christ, our Lord!   

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battel...

Gene DeLalla


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