Friday, April 29, 2022

The Lunatics Providing Weapons To Ukraine And "Pope" Francis' Nutty Take On The Lie Of "Climate Change"...

 If you wonder why the human race is in such a catastrophic mess, look no further than the toothless, novus ordo "Catholic" Church headed by "Pope" Francis, and its departure from its goal of the salvation of souls, couple that with the military-industrial-complex supplying billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine, and you have a deadly witch's brew of war, mayhem and death -- and the loss of souls...

There are two articles that I would like you to read, one is from (Pope Francis Tackles Climate Change with Council of Cardinals (

And the other is from the Dossier substack written by Jordan Schachtel ($4 billion and counting: the D.C. war machine feasts on Ukraine (

(---Update!  The fraud in the White House now wants to up that figure to $33,000,000,000 BILLION of our taxpayer monies!---)

It should be relatively easy to see that as the church goes, so goes society...

We have on the one hand, a Godless apostate running and ruining our country, and, on the other hand, a "pope" that is more concerned (because he is brainwashed, or does he know exactly what he is doing and is one of the architects of the (Marxist) new world order?) with supposed melting icecaps and planting trees than with the destiny of the souls entrusted to him.

In the second article, we have documented treason by the so-called "president" and his lackeys in the military-industrial-complex fanning the flames of potential outright war -- read, nuclear! -- with the Russian Bear...

The main avenue for this approaching conflagration is supplying money and weapons to the Ukraine's corrupt actor-dancer-pervert-president, Zelensky, as well as to our NATO "allies" so they can replenish the stocks of weapons they sold to Ukraine.

A really vicious and deadly circle if there ever was one!  

But God allows the operation of error to infect the intellects of those who reject Him, so when they use their free wills, they can no longer differentiate between what is evil and what is good.  The choices they make, therefore, are mostly diabolical to the extreme, hence the threat of wars and the rumors of wars -- not to mention the killing of the pre-born now codified in "law" in many Western, "civilized" nations -- hangs over a dumbed-down American populace accustomed to wearing face diapers and getting injected with what has proven to be debilitating at least, and deadly at worst, "vaccine," because the government bureaucratic "experts" say you have to get the jab...

So why should anyone care about what is going on in our country or in the tinderbox of Eastern Europe/Russia/Ukraine just so long as they have enough gas in their tank and a 12-pack of Bud for the weekend?  That is, if the weekend ever arrives...

If anyone thinks that what is happening between Russia, Ukraine, the U.S. and its NATO "allies," and what the world recognizes as the Catholic Church, is unconnected, think again.  Because of the denial of perennial Church teachings by the infiltrators -- that are now so emboldened by a leftist "pope"-- the secular world no longer looks to what passes for the Catholic Church as the moral and spiritual beacon that it once was.  

But that's all they see...

The world rarely sees the small pockets of traditional and orthodox practicing the true faith in nearly every corner of the world, faithful to Christ and His teachings.  Yet, Bergoglio continues to attack what is left of the traditional orders of priests, religious and lay faithful who attend the TLM assisting at Mass performed by the former Ecclesia Dei Communities.

And those communities continue to flourish with many young and growing families providing increased vocations to the priesthood and other vocations of brothers and sisters, as opposed to the ever dwindling novus ordo churchgoers, with most (somewhere between 70-80 percent!) no longer believing in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.

To be frank, that sad statistic could ultimately lead to atheism... 

Is that why world "leaders" are toying with nuclear war???  Do they think they will survive and thrive after such a conflagration???  Do they think that they will have no One to answer to for their destruction of the human race when they go to their Particular Judgment?  They are, in reality, useful idiots and tools of the father of lies, Satan...

On March 25 past, Bergoglio supposedly consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... To date, however, I see little results of that "consecration," do you?  Instead, we see increased tensions and the continued possibility of the spreading of a major conflict that could wipe out humanity as we know it... 

One more thing...  For the most part, I haven't heard a peep from the "Catholic" bishops, either in this country or overseas, condemning the apostate, Biden, or some of the other "Catholic" politicians in the U.S. clamoring for war, nor any other so-called Catholics in NATO.   Why is that?  Are most of them aligned with the "great reset" as is "pope" Bergoglio?  

Let's face the fact, that, right now, Satan is winning in so many ways...  And yet, we know -- and he knows -- that his miserable, rotten, damned head will be crushed by Our Lady's heel!  What a wonderful thought to ponder!!!  

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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