Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Traitors Everywhere!

 With a title of my article, Traitors Everywhere, it would be quite easy to despair and just give up, end of story...

But, as practicing Catholics, we know that despair is one of the two grievous sins against the virtue of Hope, the other being presumption.

We know that, so what's the point of the title of my article?

The point is, is that we actually do have traitors all around us, in the societal realm as well as in the ecclesiastical realm.  

Evidence abounds for treasonous activities in both entities...

Literally, books have been written about such matters, so I'll keep this short with just a few observations...

First, we can take a look at what has happened, and continues to happen within the borders of our country.  Or, should I say, what is happening at our borders!

Complete chaos!  But this is not by happenstance, or even by slipshod enforcement, but by design.

Some may say that is a serious charge; it is, but all we have to do is to recognize who is in the White House, and their -- the apostate Biden and his puppet masters -- plans for our country.

All we have to do is to compare how our country was doing under President Trump and how we are now quickly sinking on the sea of the world stage. 

Under Mr. Trump, Title 42 was being enforced, keeping hundreds of thousands -- if not millions! -- of illegal aliens within the borders of Mexico where they had to wait for legal entry to the U.S.  But Title 42 is scheduled to end in May, this will lead to a tsunami of somewhere between 500,000 to over 1,000,000 illegal aliens rushing and crushing our southern borders along California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas...

And that's only the beginning! 

This is outright treason, with the "buck" stopping at the demented, incoherent Biden and his handlers -- including Obama!  

Obama?  Yep, Obama.  Let's face it, what we are witnessing is the third term of that failed, Muslim president...

Do you miss President Trump yet?

How about inflation?

The official government indicators tell us that inflation is around 8-percent.  Add food and energy -- those two most important factors are left out of the equation; did you know that? -- and you have an inflation rate of at least 15-20 percent!

Do you miss President Trump yet?

Number two... 

We are inching closer and closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia.  In fact, we -- and our NATO "allies" -- are already fighting a proxy war with Putin, and the "evil one" is losing patience with the neo-liberal and neo-con warmongers knocking at his door by sending arms and ammunition to the Ukrainian military (that includes some Nazi battalions as well!).

The military-industrial complex is jumping for joy!

Do you miss President Trump yet?

We cannot overlook or forget the most heinous and barbaric of crimes against humanity: the slaughter of the pre-born!  One of the horrendous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

Our former, imperfect President, Trump, I can say with confidence, was a defender of our tiny brothers and sisters.  If for no other reason, we should all miss President Trump for that...

Three... The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, supposedly consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on March 25.  If you read the actual prayer of the "consecration," to me it seems diluted, to say the least.  But okay, let's say that the consecration was done correctly, shouldn't we be seeing something good happening in that tinderbox?  I think so, but what we are seeing is just the opposite.  As I wrote above, we are already fighting a proxy war with the Russian Bear...

But there's something else... Bergoglio is in the middle of tearing apart what is left of the traditional Catholic Church in favor of some sort of bastardized version made in the image and likeness of man by attacking Tradition and the teachings of the real Catholic Church. The havoc he has successfully wrought is nothing short of astounding, or, should I say, demonic!

Who is Bergoglio, really?   How did he become "pope"?  Has the Church been infiltrated to such an extent that it is almost unrecognizable to the Catholic and non-Catholic world alike?  The answer is obvious... 

We have to use a little common sense here, and fight for real church unity, not the false "unity" that Bergoglio espouses by marginalizing the former Ecclesia Dei communities and those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass: the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!

As the Church goes, so goes society...

So, yes, we do have traitors -- everywhere...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla   

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