Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Who Am I To Judge -- Evil, Wickedness, Homosexuality, Alphabet Soup People, Apostacy, Treason, The Bishops, Cardinals, Popes Of The "Catholic" Church??

  To Catholic parents: if you intend to send your child/children to "Catholic" universities, don't!

The overwhelming majority of "Catholic" universities are no longer Catholic and haven't been for decades! 

They no longer teach what the authentic Catholic Church has taught for 2,000 years, instead, most institutions of "Catholic" higher education, teach just the opposite.  They no longer teach "catechism 101": the Ten Commandments, the precepts of the Church, sexual morals, fidelity, love thy neighbor, mortal sin, death, judgment, Heaven, hell, and on and on...

In fact, many Catholic children who enter the corrupted "Catholic" universities, lose their precious faith after the first semester!

Why the silence of the bishops in whose diocese these universities are located?  Why haven't the bishops disavowed such treason and demanded that the august handle -- Catholic -- be removed from the name of the college or university?  

I have an answer: they -- the bishops, cardinals, popes -- are the traitors, homosexuals, apostates themselves!  They tolerate -- and invite -- dissident "Catholics" to spew their deadly anti-Catholic venom upon the still-young impressionable minds in their charge, while, at the same time preventing Catholics loyal to church teaching from speaking on their campuses...

Admonish the sinner?  No way, that's being too judgmental; too intolerant... 

Those in positions of leadership; the bishops, cardinals and the popes, have failed miserably in guiding their flocks to the beatific vision: their first and primary job.  What we are talking about here, is the novus ordo concoction crafted by traitors, e.g., Bugnini, the architect of the new "mass" that has led literally millions of Catholics astray -- I know, I was one of them...

Here is a video from the Remnant Newspaper that encompasses many of the present ills infecting the (novus ordo) church...

The Remnant Newspaper - WOKE CATHOLICS: Cancelling the 10 Commandments.

When will this end, Lord, when will this end???

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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