Thursday, April 14, 2022

Inching -- No, Make That Giant-Stepping -- Closer To War With Russia...

  With each passing day, it seems the dysfunctional, war mongering U.S. government composed mostly of Marxist, neo-liberals -- with the help of the "immortal" neo-cons -- are inching closer to war with Russia.  But, as in the title of my article, we are taking giant steps in that disastrous direction!

In fact, we are already at war with Russia -- by proxy!  We -- and our "allies" in NATO -- have been and continue to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine with the intention of kicking Russia out of their corrupt, Nazi-infested country.   

For the Western European nations that comprise NATO, the idea of continuing conflict -- or outright war -- with Russia is complete lunacy, and for various reasons... Prime among those reasons, is the fact that Germany and other states, get much of their gas energy from a pipeline, or pipelines, from where?  You guessed it: Russia!

The only reasonable thing I can figure out, is there is some backdoor, covert agreement that has already been made between Russia and those countries who are largely dependent on keeping the flow of natural gas to Europe regardless of any conflict.  If I'm right, I can't imagine who will be selling out who in order to keep homes warm in winter, and the food cooking on the stoves of Western Europe.  In other words, at what price security and convenience? 

How does the U.S. figure in all of this???

For one thing, the madmen in the White House and in the Demonrat-controlled Congress, are determined to put Russia -- and, more specifically, President Putin -- in his place.  Those Godless Demonrats are getting lots of help from the neo-con, treasonous rats in the Republican party, the "war party"...

Who benefits from wars and rumors of wars?  The military-industrial complex, of course.  The dollar numbers are increasing every day in the form of "aid," read: weapons and ammunition, missiles and vehicles being allocated to Ukraine and that nutcase actor-dancer-President, Zelensky. 

The outlook for peace in that part of the universe is not good.  

If things get "hot" between the U.S. and Russia, it will not be a localized battlefield scenario, but rather the prospect of sending nuclear missiles across the skies will become a very real possibility.  It may start out with tactical nukes being fired from Howitzer cannons, but if that does happen, things will escalate quicker than a New York minute!

Are we ready for that???

I'm not...

What this all boils down to, is that the current situation is a lot more serious than paying more for gas or seeing food prices soar at the grocery store.  It could very well be the beginning of the end-times for a fallen mankind that has kicked God Almighty out of the public sphere -- and out of their hearts...

This past March 25, we were witness to the supposed consecration of Russia (and Ukraine) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our most Blessed Mother, by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... I do hope that "consecration" was or will be accepted by Our Lord and Our Lady...  But I have to say, to date, it doesn't look very hopeful at all, in fact things are beginning to spiral out of control in the direction of war, instead of peace...

We get what we deserve...

Pray for peace and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla    

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