Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Has The Time Come To Label The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, A Formal HERETIC?

 First, let me say that as a layman, neither I, nor any other Catholic lay faithful man, woman or child, has the authority or the power to call out Bergoglio as a formal heretic and declare that he has lost his office, period.

Having said that, it is obvious to anyone who clings to the faith of our fathers, the Saints and Martyrs, and the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church, that something evil and wicked emanates from the mouth and writings of pope Francis practically every day of the week, focusing his wrath on traditional Catholics, traditional Catholic orders, and our adherence to the Mass of the ages, the Traditional Latin Mass.  

If his attacks were on the TLM and those who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, was the extent of his hate, that, in itself, would be bad enough, but it doesn't end there... Rather, he has intimated in his impromptu diatribes to reporters, mainly while globetrotting on jets, his disdain and revulsion of some of the core tenets of the Faith, in addition to twisting the Scriptures -- and reflected in his writings -- to suit his agenda of making what is left of the Catholic Church into something unrecognizable and destroying the moral and spiritual beacon that the Church once was to the world.  In fact, he wants the Church to adopt and submit to the spirit of the age -- including his support for the perversion of the roles of males and females as God intended -- instead of the other way around.

He despises the idea of proselytizing and converting non-Catholics to the one, true Church founded by the Blood of Christ and built on the martyrdom of the Apostles and those faithful that followed them.  (Their blood became the seed of the nascent Church that eventually built Western civilization!) 

I have included two videos by two PhDs: Dr. Taylor Marshall, and Dr. Anthony Stine, two faithful -- traditional -- Catholic commentators, who painfully reveal the true colors of the man currently occupying the Chair of St. Peter...

(5100) Francis Had Some Ugly Things To Say During Holy About Traditional Catholics - YouTube.

(5100) Cardinal Burke Refused Entry to Vatican - YouTube.

I could also throw in some videos of Michael Matt of the Remnant to prove the point of the near-complete grip that Satan has on the Vatican and the hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic" Church.  See for yourself here: The Remnant Newspaper - Home.

To be honest, I can't for the life of me figure out why the treason of Bergoglio, except to say that he must have decided to serve the father of lies, rather than the true God and His most Blessed and Divine Son, Our Lord, Jesus...

We must pray for Bergoglio's conversion, but not for his evil intentions!

Heaven help us! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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