Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Horrible Proof Of The Massive Apostacy In "Catholic" Universities -- Including Notre Dame (Our Lady)!

 Yesterday, I wrote this: 

Who Am I To Judge -- Evil, Wickedness, Homosexuality, Alphabet Soup People, Apostacy, Treason, The Bishops, Cardinals, Popes Of The "Catholic" Church??

I urge all to read the following article from

The president of Notre Dame is a "Catholic" "priest": John I. Jenkins.

Past president, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., from 1952-1987, was a disaster for the once-Catholic college as well as for the Catholic faith of thousands of students who attended Notre Dame.  And these treasonous "priests" continue to spread error and filth unabated to this day!  See here an excerpt of an article: Death Claims Two at Notre Dame: Fr. Hesburgh and Charles Rice - The New American.

"In 1950, he participated in a Ford Foundation project, his first known contact with America’s leftist establishment. In 1961, his acceptance of appointment to the board of the Rockefeller Foundation (he was later named its chairman) raised more eyebrows because of its funding of pro-abortion and population-control organizations. He later arranged a private meeting with Pope Paul VI for John D. Rockefeller III to request that the Catholic Church relax its strict stand against contraception. In 1968, after the Pope condemned that practice in his Humanae Vitae encyclical, Hesburgh publicly supported an outspoken priest member of the Notre Dame faculty who defiantly opposed the Pope’s condemnation. In 1969, the Notre Dame leader added his name to an ad placed in the New York Times extolling the efforts of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to force instruction about sex to youngsters in school, even those in primary grades."

End of excerpt... Are you disgusted enough?  

This miscreant became the foundation of the apostacy from the Faith that has led to the abomination that we see today in the ecclesiastical as well as in the secular realm, practically destroying the societal norm of the natural bonds of man and woman in marriage.

(Why aren't these apostates ex-communicated?????)

Does the U.S. and most Western "civilized" nations deserve the wrath of God as did Sodom and Gomorrah?  I say, yes...

Keep your children out of "Catholic" universities and colleges!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle... 
Gene DeLalla

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