Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Will Only Divine Intervention -- and the WRATH Of God -- Convert The Demonic Marxist Media -- And The World?

  On March 25, 2022, The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, read a long, "nice" prayer that, eventually, led to the mentioning of Russia and the Ukraine, for what, exactly?

Supposedly, it was to fulfill the long-awaited consecration of Russia so she would stop spreading her errors.  

Was that actually done?  


But what I do know is that the world in general has been totally brainwashed into thinking that evil is good and good is evil; that the killing of pre-born babies is a universal "right" and that the sin of Sodom -- homosexuality -- is also a "right" -- and must be taught to our children!

That wars and rumors of wars continue unabated -- including the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, is not a sign that gives us any measure of hope...   

Getting back to the supposed consecration of Russia... I hope that Bergoglio's act will be accepted by the Divine Hosts.  

And how about consecrating the U.S to stop the spreading of her errors (run by a maniac, apostate "Catholic" and his lackeys in the media)?  How about consecrating Canada (run by a maniac apostate "Catholic" and his lackeys in the media)?  How about consecrating the UK (run by apostates)?  Do you begin to see an evil pattern here??  

All these nations and more, are guilty of these monstrous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

These countries tolerate and foster hate instead of love; charity has been abandoned: we just can't seem to tell the truth; we have to pamper the perverted.  Instead of admonishing the sinner, the sinner is encouraged -- in their state of sin!   

Where are the Catholic hierarchy in all of this?  Why is the silence so deafening?   Sure, a bishop or two may throw a "Catholic crumb" our way once in a while, but overall, the complicity with the devilish powers is nothing short of a complete betrayal to their real Master, Christ our Lord...

Please watch the following video from RemnantTV... 

The Remnant Newspaper - GloBA’ALism: Is Pope Francis Dancing with the Devil?.

Mr. Matt covers many of the items I just listed above, and more... This is an important video to watch and digest, you cannot afford to ignore it...

Never stop praying for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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