Thursday, April 7, 2022

Do You Know What You Are: Man, Woman, Child, Animal, Vegetable, Or Mineral?

 Well, here we go again... The insanity keeps rolling along...

It looks as though the radical pro-death "judge" Katanji Jackson, will most likely receive a majority vote in favor of seating her on the Supreme Court, with the help of turncoat "Republicans"... It should be noted that this poor excuse of a judge, will probably be sitting on the court for more than a few decades, crippling even further, the struggle for pre-born babies' right to breathe air.  Not only that, but this miscreant has a proven track record of giving very lenient sentences to some of the most egregious and heinous crimes against innocent children and young adults, especially in the realm of sexual "misconduct" and pornography. 

Please watch this short video and get a glance of what the U.S. Senate has wrought upon our nation:  Pedophile Gatekeeper Appointed to the Supreme Court (

It seems that "judge" Jackson is right out of the same mold as "justice" Kagan, who, when she was questioned before the senate judiciary committee was asked what her views were on natural rights, her reply was that "I have no views on natural rights."  

And just the other day, the radical Jackson was asked the same question and parroted the Kagan response: "I have no views on natural rights."  

But the insanity doesn't end there... Senator Blackburn (a woman) asked "judge" Jackson if she could tell her what a woman is.  Her response was scary, she said she couldn't; because she's not a biologist.  

Did you get that?

Jackson -- a woman! -- couldn't define what a woman is!!  Because she is not a biologist!!

This is really not surprising since she has no views on natural rights.  And apparently can't figure out if she's a man, woman, child, animal, vegetable or mineral!

Jackson is obviously a woman, but if she can't determine if she, herself, is a woman, then what is she????

And this creature will sit on the Supreme Court?  Are you ready for this?  

Recently, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, supposedly consecrated Russia (and Ukraine?) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... I have said it before, and I'll say it again: the U.S. should also be consecrated to stop spreading her errors.  You see, it's not only Russia, but most of the Western, "civilized" nations that spread their errors in the form of at least two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: willful murder -- the killing of the pre-born, and the sin of Sodom... And while he's at it, how about throwing communist Red China in that witch's brew of debauched nations...

I encourage all to pray for strength and honor, because we're not getting any help from the hierarchy; not one bit...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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