Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Why Does The "Conservative" Media Insist On Perpetuating The Myth Of The -- Unnatural -- "Trans" Movement?

 Wait!  Whose doing that???

Nearly every time I see an article written on a "conservative" website dealing with the mythical "trans" movement, the writer falls prey to using the lexicon that has been forced-fed by the hard core Left.  In other words, the writer uses the female version of the name of the male that decided to mutilate himself, grow some hair, swallow some estrogen, and voila: breasts appear, making the former him a her!

Why don't they call a spade a spade?  Deep down, are they afraid of being lambasted as sexist, homophobe, misogynist, or whatever adjectives are in vogue these days?

For instance, the former Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete, Bruce Jenner, is now supposed to be someone called "Caitlyn" Jenner, having "transitioned" into a "woman" back in the late 20teens... 

In another sad example, the "former" Will Thomas, now known as "Lia" Thomas, fell into the same ridiculous, unnatural trap and "became" a "woman."  

Mr. Thomas has since run roughshod over real female swimmers, stealing medal after medal simply because actual women swimmers can't be expected to keep up with a big, powerful male, and they don't. 

Where's the fairness, where's the equity?   Who are the real sexists, the real misogynists here? 

But!  There have been some "funny" developments, at least with Bruce Jenner... It seems that the great Governor DeSantis of Florida, signed a bill into law protecting real female athletes from males who think they are females, or, one day, decide that they feel like a female and want to compete with female athletes.  

Of course, the alphabet soup folks went ballistic!  It was almost funny to see some of the lunatics protesting Florida's new law; many came from that bastion of Americana, Disney World!  Yep, you know where children are supposed to have clean, decent fun without being subjected to debauchery in the form of indoctrination of the homosexual or "trans" life-choice, or "pride parades," etc.  Well, it turns out that even Bruce "Catilyn" Jenner is all for the new law, and has indicated that some of those confused folks are far too "woke" for their own good, and supports Governor DeSantis in this battle for God-given common horse sense to keep these males from competing with the "weaker sex"...

Maybe there is some hope for Bruce after all?   Perhaps he will be converted back to, at least, the Natural Law??

One thing I can hope for, is that the "conservative" media will come to their senses and use the male name of the real male these people truly are instead of cowering in fear because someone decided to mutilate themselves into something they are not, and never could be!

In conclusion, I call, again, for the consecration of America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to end the egregious sins of Sodom as well as the slaughter of the pre-born baby (over 61,000,000 now!).

No, it's not just Russia spreading her errors...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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