Friday, March 11, 2022

Twelve People Died From The Flu For The Week Ending 3/5/22 -- According To The CDC! And How Many Millennials Have Died In One Year Since The Jab??

  In a country of over 330,000,000 -- MILLION! -- twelve people died from the flu?  

What?  Really?  Who believes this baloney?

But that's only part of the lie... A much worse phenomenon is that the death rate among millennials -- again, according to the CDC's own data -- equals the total deaths of our troops from the Vietnam War; over 58,000 have died in the last year alone!   

(Please watch the following video and see for yourself this horrific development among the younger generation: CDC Data: Excess Deaths of Millennials from Covid Jabs Rival Vietnam War US Death Count (

Let us take a look at each one of these devastating data... 

First, if one looks at the CDC's chart of deaths from various causes, especially those deaths supposedly from "covid," or the flu, or pneumonia, etc., you will notice that each category has a footnote that is supposed to explain how they came to their numbers, but in reality, it shows their incompetence in reporting about who died from what...

Translation: these supposed health professionals don't know what really caused the death of anyone!

There is a connection with the CDC, the WHO, the NIH, and other incompetent organizations, including our own federal bureaucracy, and the rise of fraud, corruption and payoffs from insidious, demonic forces -- that includes big pharma -- who were once in the background, a sort of shadow government, but now, are emboldened and in-your-face with their plan to reduce the number of humans on the earth to less than one billion people!  Some say, half-a-billion!

This would explain the "mandates" -- the madness! -- to get everyone -- especially the children, "vaccinated"...

I realize that I have digressed somewhat, so let's get back to the main theme of deaths from the flu, and now, the proven deaths from the "vaccine" itself among the young...

Again, please watch the video:  CDC Data: Excess Deaths of Millennials from Covid Jabs Rival Vietnam War US Death Count (

There are two categories involving the flu, and deaths involving the flu, pneumonia, or "covid"...  

The figures are meaningless, as they don't know what the actual cause of death was; they are guessing.  This is also true of the number of deaths due to "covid"...

The latest figure they give for the week ending 3/5/22, is 17,926, and since 1/4/20, 958,927 total deaths due to "covid"...

Take a look at footnote no. 1, it reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.  (My emphasis.) 

Here is breakdown of that code:  COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.  (My emphasis.) 

With or without laboratory confirmation!

Can you believe it??  Apparently, most gullible Americans do!

How can a doctor or some other official presume how someone died???   If such a one were to testify in court, that they presumed how death occurred, they would be laughed out of the courtroom.

So why does the average American believe this nonsense without question??  The only conclusion that I can rationally come up with, is that the brainwashing has been a near-complete success, nationwide and worldwide!  I have to give "credit" where "credit" is due, and the leftist media are adept at reporting the "news" right out of their coordinated, Marxist playbook...

In conclusion... If these murders are allowed to continue, there will be no future generations to carry on the family line; there will only be those injected -- contaminated -- with a gene-altering, death-dealing "vaccine" who will not be able to reproduce... In fact, it is also now being shown that women who have gotten the filthy jab are having miscarriages or can no longer conceive.  So, who will be left?  Robots?  Zombies?  Soulless animals??

Wake up!  Resist!  Read and re-read the Declaration of Independence!  And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

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