Monday, March 7, 2022

"Catholic" Universities Have Lost Their Minds -- And Souls...

  The august handle of "Catholic" that precedes the names of colleges and universities should indicate to the Catholic and non-Catholic world alike that at that college or university all things Catholic are taught, at least adhering to what the Church officially teaches along with knowledge of the sciences, the human condition, etc...

But in today's "woke" society that is not the case at most "Catholic" institutions of higher "learning."  (By the way, if you aren't quite sure what woke means, here is a brief definition: alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism.)

And that's what we hear day after day in the media, especially coming from those formerly Catholic institutions.

So, instead of teaching the tenets of the Catholic Faith -- and what is necessary to attain the heavenly beatitude when one leaves this earth -- we see and hear the nonsensical parroting of the secular humanists and their diabolical agenda to destabilize the most important building block of society: the family unit...

With the infiltration of the Church and "Catholic" schools by the hard Left Marxists, is it any wonder why when many supposedly properly brought up children by conscientious parents abandon their precious faith during the first year of attendance of the "Catholic" college of their choice??

I have seen and heard many horror stories of this over and over again... It's as if the God that made them never existed, and they have swallowed the evolutionary lie that we initially were no more than pond scum and that somehow that pond scum "evolved" into a horse, or a man, or a woman, or an ostrich or a mosquito...

But another devastating and deadly consequence of the loss of faith, is a corrupted intellect and the loss of the sense of right and wrong, good and evil, and the poor choices made when giving in to the concupiscence that we all struggle with.  

It is said that most souls are damned because of sins of the flesh.  And many of those lost souls are baptized "Catholics".

Satan loves nothing better than to get a soul baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Ghost, cast into hell and be tortured by his demons for all eternity... 

Who bears responsibility for the "wokeness" at these "Catholic" schools??

Why, the administrators, mostly run by "Catholic" priests, namely, the Jesuits...

Pope John Paul II once quipped that there is a silent apostacy in the Church; I agree, and that apostacy has only gotten worse since his time at the helm of the Catholic world, much worse...

And that apostacy seems to be relished and promoted by those "Catholic" administrators -- but why?

There are many answers to that question, but one answer is that those who were ordained to the priesthood, were never Catholic in the first place!  Too harsh a judgement?  Perhaps, but our country learned many years ago -- according to congressional testimony by the likes of Bella Dodd (a former communist) that she, and others, were assigned to recruit fellow communists and perverts to enter the Catholic seminaries, to become priests, climb the hierarchical ladder and attain the office of bishop, etc...  This is where they could do the most damage by eviscerating and contorting the Church teaching on faith and morals -- especially morals.

The idea of defined dogmas and the perennial teachings of the legitimate Magisterium had to be watered down to a meaningless formula (Pope Pius XII), thereby open to wacky interpretation by those very same infiltrators!

And the key dogma upon which the Church of Christ is built and anchored: that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation for any human creature, is the main target of the modernists...  This dogma was defined, not once, not twice, but three times to reinforce the truth of Christ and His Immaculate Spouse, the Church, from attacks from without, but also from within -- the most hideous of enemies!

This weakening, this denial of the core dogma of the Church, has led to the abandonment of even of God-given common sense as well as the Natural Law, written on the hearts of all humans that come into the world (St. Paul).

Hence, we see so-called "devout Catholics" such as the bought and paid for, Biden, that bastion of heterodoxy, N. Pelosi, and their ilk, spreading the culture of death far and wide -- even outside our own shores to those nations under the control of the radical population control globalists...

Of course, those shrewd "Catholic" pols attempt to make the legislation supporting the killing of the pre-born sound warm and fuzzy, calling it "women's health care," or "choice," when, in reality, there is no choice for the baby about to be torn apart or chemically dissolved by the "doctor" with the consent, whether freely given or forced or tricked, by the "mother" and "father"...  

Those "Catholics" who were poorly educated in their faith, are not only the ones who have  abandoned the faith, but also are the most ardent enemies of Christ, attacking the Catholic faith as a rabid dog turns on his master...

What's the answer to combat this monstrosity of apostacy?

As we are all praying for peace and tranquility in the Ukraine and elsewhere, we should also be praying for the consecration of Russia -- as well as Europe and America -- to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and an eventual return to the Traditions we have learned either by word or our epistle (St. Paul).  

I don't know if that is going to happen, but one thing I do know, if a "Catholic" college or university refuses to live up to the teachings of the Magisterium, they should no longer be labeled as Catholic, and that fact should be made known to prospective students and their parents.  But does anyone really care???  And that is part of the "great" silent apostacy... Satan, the father of lies, is having a field day at the present, but even he knows that in the end, his miserable head will be crushed by the heel of the Mother of our Lord, Mary the Immaculate...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla





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