Sunday, March 20, 2022

Did I "See" St. Joseph During High Mass On His Feast Day????

 No, not exactly...

But I did "see" him in my mind's eye, that I cannot deny!

It was during a beautiful, sung high Mass yesterday, March 19, 2022 -- his feast day.

There came a point in the high Mass that our dear Canon faced the congregation for a few seconds while uttering the usual prayers...  

Then, just before he turned back to face the altar, it was at that point that I sensed the presence of St. Joseph standing behind Canon, in front of the altar.  

I have to relate that St. Joseph was not the height or size of a normal man, but just the opposite; he was a giant -- a holy Goliath!  His raiment were the robes of old; neat, clean (not white as snow), of various colors, with his head and forehead covered... I noticed too, that as he stood, his right hand was grasping something just under his robes.  I sensed this to be a mighty sword, as St. Michael the Archangel is usually depicted...

Now I know that St. Joseph is usually portrayed as a quiet, humble man embracing the Little Child; a man of peace and tranquility, providing for, and protecting the Holy Family -- keeping Them safe from all harm.

We know too that St. Joseph is the guardian and protector -- the patron -- of the Universal (Catholic) Church of our Lord, Jesus, an honor recognized and bestowed by blessed Pope Pius IX 150 years ago...

If he is the protector of the Church, and he is, then he must be ready to do battle with those enemies from without, but also, and more insidiously, from those enemies within the walls of the Church itself.  And what better weapon is there for him to wield than the sword of justice to defeat and crush the demons (St. Joseph is known as the terror of demons!) trying to subvert and destroy the Church?  

No, I'm not a "seer," but I cannot and will not deny that I "saw" the great and powerful St. Joseph, ready to fight to save the Church -- and us!

As an aside, there may be some who think that when we pay homage and honor to St. Joseph, or the Blessed Mother, or any of the other great Saints, that somehow that detracts from the honor, homage -- and worship -- that is due to our Lord and Savior.  Nothing can be further from the truth...  

I like to use this military analogy... A general defeats his enemy and the battle produces several heroes... A private, a sergeant and a lieutenant all win medals for bravery and heroism... One is even awarded the Medal of Honor -- our highest military award... Do those awards detract in some way, the honor, glory and reputation of the general?  No, not at all, in fact those heroes add to his honor, glory and reputation.  The same can be said for our glorious Saints!  


St. Joseph, pray for us!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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